Mister B. Gone, based on the novel by Clive Barker, is a new musical about the life of Jakabok Botch, a young demon. With his companion, Quitoon, Jakabok witnesses the full range of human capability, from its most joyful highs to its most violent lows.
More than anything, Mister B. Gone is about humanity. This story is about the compassion it takes to love another being. It is a tale of self-discovery.
Terra Warman and Rachel Chung both grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, but they met in 2017 in New York City. The writers have focused their work on the portrayal of universal stories told by individuals. At its heart, Mister B. Gone is a story of self-destruction. The missteps and relationships that color Jakabok's memoir are piercingly familiar.
Told through music with a folk-rock vibe, this story is both uplifting and terrifying. We hope to deliver an immersive, worthwhile experience to our audience through innovative storytelling.