Mister Burger, The Animated Series
Mister Burger, The Animated Series
Mister Burger, The Animated Series
Mister Burger, The Animated Series
Mister Burger, The Animated Series
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Mister Burger, The Animated Series
Mr. Burger is inspired by television shows like Married with Children, Family Guy and Rick & Morty with a strong leaning towards anti-woke, anti-SJW, non-politically correct humor. The first goal of Mr. Burger is entertainment without agendas.
You know why they call it “the left?” Because it’s not right, my dude.
Mister Burger is everything you’ve ever wanted in an honest, straightforward, hilariously on-point, non-politically correct superhero who is saying the things we’re all thinking...except, you know, he’s a hamburger. Support the creation of the first ever animated series that will make your heart swell with pride to be an American again.
Snowflakes? Melted.
Cancel- Culture? Cancelled.
Social Justice Warriors? OK...calm down. Get out from behind your little twitter page, go outside and grow a pair, would you?
Woke? Go back to sleep, Losers.
We need $15,000 to complete six episodes for distribution on Amazon prime, Filmhub, Pluto TV, Roku and Tubi.TV --- our goal is to get to 2 million to 5 million watched minutes per week on each one of these platforms.
It's hard to make a cartoon in central Texas on a zero-budget, so we need to employ at least 2 to 3 additional animators to complete each 23 minute episode. Next we need to increase profitability every episode will be dubbed into five different languages, once this process is complete the show will be exhibited at the American film market and then we will attempt to sell it in multiple regions outside the United States.
For the last five years Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry has told a certain section of the population to "go f--k" themselves. Producers of movies and television have said with the loudest voice,"if you don't agree with me politically or ideology you are a horrible person and I don't want your money". Celebrities and creative artists have collectively told half the population of the United States of America they don't want your business.
Mr. Burger is the countervailing reaction to cancel culture, woke twitter idiots and the mindless angry mobs of Social Justice Warriors, this cartoon is proudly Anti-woke, Anti-PC and Pro-American through and through. If Hollywood wants to alienate half the population, then Mr. Burger says,"come on over and let me entertain you"! This cartoon is designed to go after a specific niche audience, conservative, pro-American, pro-liberty and just people sick of cancel culture.
Is a hilarious nuclear bomb in the culture war!
By supporting Mister Burger, we can put this content out consistently online, we need pro-conservative, pro-patriot creative content like this. Without it, we’re not doing our fair share to help change the narrative of what really is going on in America.
Let’s not have those delicate little snowflakes and twitter warriors take over the ‘net.
We all have a hero who tells it like it is - we just need your help to bring him to life. So do your job as an American - reach those hard working hands into your pocket...and let’s make this thing happen, together
By planning our budget meticulously, creating and strictly keeping a tight and well-informed production schedule, by employing economic animation technique and by presenting ourselves professionally and reaching out to production companies during the episode's creation for help and extra funding, we can sidestep the problems that caused delay during the production.
This next episode we plan on realizing our potential even further, with improved attention to story structure, more jokes per minute, and deeper attention to the emotional states of our characters.
Thanks to the headway made by the Adult Swim subnetwork, Archer and Cartoon Network's Adventure Time, there is now a solid 18-35 animation audience.
The greatest weapon against tyranny is humor, in that regard you should consider Mr. Burger a nuclear bomb aimed directly at woke cancel culture! Join us --- America first, last and forever!
$3000 -Hard Copy of comic book with bonus 18 "secret" pages
$6000 -Hard copy of comic book, Metal Membership Card. One secret poster.
$9000 -Hard copy of comic book, Metal Membership Card. Three secret poster.