Tina Schelhorn is an international known personality in the world of photography and she has given so much to young aspiring photographers to build up their careers. With this campaign we (Birte – Photographer, Anne – Photo critic) want to give back some love to her, with the help of all of you.
She is very enthusiastic about photography curating exhibitions and doing portfolio reviews and now celebrating the 30th anniversary of Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne.
Sadly her energy is now consumed by the painful consequences of her knee surgeries which keeps her from being as agile as she has been.
In the last years her red crutches became her statement accessory.
An E-Bike could give her a new mobility. If we exceed our goal the money will go into medical treatments benefiting Tina. We hope you'll all help to make this wish come true.
Each Euro, Dollar or Yen will help to reach this goal.
We iniciated this campaign without her knowing.
Take part and make it a success!
Tina Schelhorn is the founding director of Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne, which is celebrating its 29th year as a non-profit organization for contemporary photography that has presented over 300 exhibitions together with Wolfgang Zurborn.
She organized the festival Internationale Fotoszene Köln (1990-1996), curated and organized the festival Internationale Fototage Herten (1995-2001) with International Prize for Young Photojournalism and in 2005, curated Internationale Fototage Mannheim/ Ludwigshafen with 140 exhibitions, among which 85 were on Contemporary American Photography.
From 1996 to 2006, she was on the Board of Directors of DGPH, the German Society of Photography, head of the Image Section and responsible for exhibitions of the Dr. Erich Salomon Prize, Otto-Steinert-Preis and Culture Award on photokina and symposia on photography like: Ist die Photographie am Ende? (Is photography dead?) in 2000. 2011 she transformed the KOLGA Photo Competition into the festival Kolga Tbilisi Photo in Georgia and since then curating each year and organizing its education program – www.kolga.ge
Tina also has been a freelance curator for Aufbruch – neue russische Fotografie; L. Fritz Gruber – homage to his 90th birthday; Tokyo Shock; Split View for Art Basel; ‘Mistigris – German Photography’ for University of Texas/ Dallas, ‘China Stories’ for Cambridge University/UK, Athens Photofestival, Timp/photokina and Museum of Modern Art/Tbilisi, Georgia and ‘Ladies Only’ for MOMA Tbilisi 2014.
She was the Featured Speaker at SPE conferences and a lecturer in various Universities in USA. For 9 years she was working in the international photography auction house Cornwall and works with international collectors.
Tina has been a portfolio reviewer and has exchanged exhibitions with international festivals, including: Arles/France, Braga/Portugal, Houston/USA, Madrid/Spain, Milano/Italy, Noorderlicht/Netherlands, Odense/Denmark, Perpignan/France, Plovdiv+Sofia/Bulgaria, Portland/USA, Sunsdvall/Norway, Birmingham/UK, Sao Paulo/Brazil, Tampere/Finland, Lodz/Poland, Seoul/South Korea, Budapest/Hungary, Athens/Greece, Vienna/Austria, Kaunas/Lithuania, Tbilisi/Georgia and Shanghai/China. Tina is a founding member of Festival of Light and European Festivalunion, Member of Oracle – International Photocurators, and Critical Mass – she has been a Pre- and Reviewer since its beginning.
Her websites and exhibition projects Images against War (since 2003) and Images against Walls (since 2009) feature more than 800 international photographers. Since 2011 Galerie Lichtblick also has a successfull workshop program – specially known for the ‘Making of Books’ in cooperation with Photobookmuseum Köln.
www.kolga.ge – www.lichtblicknet.com – www.lichtblick-school.com – www.imagesagainstwar.com – www.imagesagainstwalls.com
Camera and Video: Anna Ehrenstein.