Level 3 - General (Limited to 15)
Cover your table half with bunkers and corridors. Contains 350 pieces total:
- 10 pieces of L-shaped sections
- 15 pieces of T-shaped sections
Please do not forget to add the shipping cost to your contribution. Please see bottom of the page or the FAQ.
Level 4 - Warlord (Limited to 3)
Go crazy and build the ultimate attack breaker. Contains 700 pieces in total:
- 20 pieces of L-shaped sections
- 30 pieces of T-shaped sections
2. Sigma Star Systems walls
When arriving to the desert planet of Sigma IV, the first dropships immediately deployed pre-fabricated walls to block sand blows and possible hostile forces.
Walled compund - 76 pieces total
Forward base - 144 pieces total
You can use these pieces to build many types of wall systems. Here is just one example what you could do:
The sensor tower in the middle will be available in the add-on pack later.
3. GreyDark Industries research center
GreyDark Industries specializes in high-tech military hardware. Their research stations are protected with top-notch troops and heavy weaponry. Usually located in desolate places, rarely can you see one with your own eyes.
We are happy that the tests came out well, so from now on, you can also get these two new perks:
GreyDark Industires small research facility
- contains 44 pieces
GreyDark Industries research center
- contains 101 pieces ![]()
The pictures are just examples. Only your imagination is the limit what you build from the elements.
Stretch Goals
When we reached the 50% funding we started discussing the issue of the stretch goals.
We came to the conclusion, that we will abolish the stretch goals and make things available beforehand.
[As we turn into the last 40 days of the campaing, the Sigma Star Systems walled compound will become available this Wednesday. (see pictures in the gallery...) ]
It is now active!
In the last 30 days we activate the add-on packs, so you will have access to the command bunker, the sentry tower and all the other items that were planned as stretch goals. Not active yet!
[As a special surprise, we plan to add some more terrain as a perk. Here is the preview of the GreyDark Industries research station.] It is now active!
Add-On Packs
We are introducing 4 add-on packs. Each pack gives you certain number of points that you can spend on the below add-on items.
Add-on pack Nr. 1 --- 15 EUR = 20 points
Add-on pack Nr. 2 --- 25 EUR = 45 points
Add-on pack Nr. 3 --- 35 EUR = 75 points
Add-on pack Nr. 4 --- 50 EUR = 125 points
The add on packs have free postage included.
We are giving you free points to spend, based on the level we reach with out campaign. Calculate with the total amount you contributed, postage included.
Stretch goals
2000 EUR reached- you get 5% of your total pledge in points as bonus
(e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 5 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 1 point) - GOAL REACHED
3000 EUR reached - you get 10% of your total pledge in points as bonus
(e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 10 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 2 points) - LOCKED
4000 EUR reached - you get 15% of your total pledge in points as bonus
(e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 15 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 3 points) - LOCKED
Rounding: when calculating, follow this method e.g. 1.5 is 1 but 1.6 is 2
You will be asked at the end of the campaign to list your points spending, including bonuses. We will contact each of you individually.
CLICK HERE: You can also see everything in this Google document! Includes measurements of the items too!
Please check the Google document for the exact size, as the pictures below are correct in size relative to each other!