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Modular 6mm scale bunker system

6mm scale modular bunker system for tabletop wargames like Epic: Armageddon

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Modular 6mm scale bunker system

6mm scale modular bunker system for tabletop wargames like Epic: Armageddon

6mm scale modular bunker system for tabletop wargames like Epic: Armageddon

6mm scale modular bunker system for tabletop wargames like Epic: Armageddon

6mm scale modular bunker system for tabletop wargames like Epic: Armageddon

Greg Czuppon
Greg Czuppon
Greg Czuppon
Greg Czuppon
6 Campaigns |
Budapest, Hungary
$6,519 USD $6,519 USD 136 backers
415% of $1,570 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects

About us and the campaign

We are two guys from Hungary, Budapest who love creating things for our tabletop wargame hobby. 

My name is Gergely. I am running the Facebook page "Gregsters's Lab in 6mm" where you can already see some of my other creations

I did the bunker design and my friend, Daniel is doing the resin casting. 

I am an active Epic:Armageddon player, painter, scratch-builder who ventured recently into the world of digital creation. 

I started 3D not long ago as a fun side project, but after showing my first sketches I got positive feedback and decided to share this one with other gamers.

My friend Daniel has lot of experience in resin casting. On his Facebook page you can check all the things he has been commissioned to cast. Without him, this would stay in digital form only.

We decided to give Indiegogo a try to make the models available to gamers like us and to collect funds to be able to print and cast as many parts as possible. If you support us, we will be able to realize more and more designs and launch more campaigns in the future.

This bunker system could be a nice addition to any 6mm scale tabletop wargame. Scenery always adds a lot of atmosphere to any game and greatly contributes to the gaming experience.

What We Need & What You Get

With this campaign we wish to collect funds for printing the final models at Shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail quality. We tried this material before and it works fine for master models. 

We also need the funds to buy all the resin and the rubber for the molding and most likely to build more pressure chambers. 

As we reach stretch goals, we can print even more models and add bonus items for the contributors. If we have all the masters ready, we can cast them all in resin for you.

One campaign, two systems...wait a sec... THREE

When we reached the 50% funding, we activated two new perks. On the right you can spot the Sigma Star Systems walled compound and forward base.

So you have more options, depending on your needs.

As the tests were really good, we add now the GreyDark Industries research center to the available options.

Each square is 10mm X 10mm

See below all THREE systems in detail:


1. The Bunker System

We set up several levels of contribution, each level containing more and more elements. All elements will be resin!

For size comparison, please have a look at the following picture. Corridors are around 8mm high.

Level 0 - Private (Any number)

Enough parts to create a small outpost, or fortified base.
Contains 39 pieces total:

  • 10 straight corridors

  • 4 closing elements

  • 2 bunkers

  • 3 corridors with doors

  • 18 connectors that link the corridors and other features

  • 2 pieces of X-shaped sections

The image on the top of the page and on our video in the gallery shows a possible Private level bunker layout.
Please do not forget to add the shipping cost to your contribution. Please see bottom of the page or the FAQ.


    Level 1 - Sergeant (Limited to 100)

    A well defended military outopost. Contains 71 pieces total:

    • 16 straight corridors

    • 5 closing elements

    • 4 bunkers

    • 4 corridors with doors

    • 35 connectors that link the corridors and other features

    • 4 pieces of X-shaped sections


    • 2 pieces of L-shaped sections
    • 1 piece of T-shaped section
    Please do not forget to add the shipping cost to your contribution. Please see bottom of the page or the FAQ.

    Level 2 - Captain (Limited to 50)

    Enough parts to build a bunker system that would stop an attacking army. 
    Contains 115 pieces total:

    • 28 straight corridors

    • 5 closing elements

    • 7 bunkers

    • 8 corridors with doors

    • 55 connectors that link the corridors and other features

    • 6 pieces of X-shaped sections


    • 4 pieces of L-shaped sections
    • 2 pieces of T-shaped sections
    Please do not forget to add the shipping cost to your contribution. Please see bottom of the page or the FAQ.

    Level 3 - General (Limited to 15)

    Cover your table half with bunkers and corridors. Contains 350 pieces total:

    • 95 straight corridors

    • 15 closing elements

    • 20 bunkers

    • 15 corridors with doors

    • 170 connectors that link the corridors and other features

    • 10 pieces of X-shaped sections


    • 10 pieces of L-shaped sections
    • 15 pieces of T-shaped sections
    Please do not forget to add the shipping cost to your contribution. Please see bottom of the page or the FAQ.

    Level 4 - Warlord (Limited to 3)

    Go crazy and build the ultimate attack breaker. Contains 700 pieces in total:

    • 190 straight corridors

    • 30 closing elements

    • 40 bunkers

    • 30 corridors with doors

    • 340 connectors that link the corridors and other features

    • 20 pieces of X-shaped sections


    • 20 pieces of L-shaped sections
    • 30 pieces of T-shaped sections

    2. Sigma Star Systems walls

    When arriving to the desert planet of Sigma IV, the first dropships immediately deployed pre-fabricated walls to block sand blows and possible hostile forces.

    Walled compund - 76 pieces total

    Forward base - 144 pieces total

    You can use these pieces to build many types of wall systems. Here is just one example what you could do:

    The sensor tower in the middle will be available in the add-on pack later.

    3. GreyDark Industries research center

    GreyDark Industries specializes in high-tech military hardware. Their research stations are protected with top-notch troops and heavy weaponry. Usually located in desolate places, rarely can you see one with your own eyes.
    We are happy that the tests came out well, so from now on, you can also get these two new perks:
    GreyDark Industires small research facility
    - contains 44 pieces

    GreyDark Industries research center

    - contains 101 pieces

    The pictures are just examples. Only your imagination is the limit what you build from the elements.

    Stretch Goals

    When we reached the 50% funding we started discussing the issue of the stretch goals.

    We came to the conclusion, that we will abolish the stretch goals and make things available beforehand.

    [As we turn into the last 40 days of the campaing, the Sigma Star Systems walled compound will become available this Wednesday. (see pictures in the gallery...) ]

    It is now active!

    In the last 30 days we activate the add-on packs, so you will have access to the command bunker, the sentry tower and all the other items that were planned as stretch goals. Not active yet!

    [As a special surprise, we plan to add some more terrain as a perk. Here is the preview of the GreyDark Industries research station.] It is now active!

    Add-On Packs

    We are introducing 4 add-on packs. Each pack gives you certain number of points that you can spend on the below add-on items.

    Add-on pack Nr. 1 --- 15 EUR = 20 points

    Add-on pack Nr. 2 --- 25 EUR = 45 points

    Add-on pack Nr. 3 --- 35 EUR = 75 points

    Add-on pack Nr. 4 --- 50 EUR = 125 points

    The add on packs have free postage included.


    We are giving you free points to spend, based on the level we reach with out campaign. Calculate with the total amount you contributed, postage included. 

    Stretch goals

    2000 EUR reached- you get 5% of your total pledge in points as bonus

    (e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 5 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 1 point) - GOAL REACHED

    3000 EUR reached - you get 10% of your total pledge in points as bonus

    (e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 10 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 2 points) - LOCKED

    4000 EUR reached - you get 15% of your total pledge in points as bonus

    (e.g if you spent 100 EUR, then you get 15 extra points, if you spent 20 EUR, you get 3 points) - LOCKED

    Rounding: when calculating, follow this method e.g. 1.5 is 1 but 1.6 is 2

    You will be asked at the end of the campaign to list your points spending, including bonuses. We will contact each of you individually.

    CLICK HERE: You can also see everything in this Google document! Includes measurements of the items too!

    Please check the Google document for the exact size, as the pictures below are correct in size relative to each other!

    Risks & Challenges

    The delays we calculated with might come from the shortage of casting material, technical problems. To avoid most of these we try to have more than one source and will have multiple pressure chambers to be able to work even if one or two might fail. Even if there is an overwhelming interest, we think we can adjust the production by setting up even more pressure chambers.
    We already have some of the basic elements printed and casting these can start when the campaign starts.

    We will have help with the packing and posting, so if everything is done, we will pump out as many packages as possible per day. We will use registered shipping only to avoid untraceable, lost packages.

    Other Ways You Can Help

    If you do not need any bunkers for your tables, we appreciate if you share the page for others who might like it. 

    First test casts

    Have a look at the first test casts and a new terrain piece using the bunker elements.

    Do not forget to check the gallery tab on top!!

    How do I add the extra cost for shipping?

    When you select a perk, you will land on a new page where you can add additional gift to your original pledge. Here you can add the shipping described on the page.

    See example below. Select the Custom option. E.g. if you want to add 30 EUR for the sergeant level plus shipping, then select the additional gift (custom) and add the 7 EUR shipping there. The total would be then 37 EUR

    If you have not added the shipping when you selected the perk, you can also add the extra shipping by using the 1 EUR level (plus the CUSTOM) button to send the total shipping.


    We will collect all frequently asked questions in this document and answer them.

    You can also reach us at the Tactical Command forum:

    Forum topic over at Tactical Command

    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
    Need more information
    Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

    Choose your Perk

    Drops of resin...

    Currency Conversion $1 USD
    €1 EUR
    Every drop counts. Every contribution gets us closer to the target. We owe you a big "THANK YOU" for helping us develop this terrain feature for wargame enthusiasts.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    6 claimed

    Add-On Pack #1

    Currency Conversion $16 USD
    €15 EUR
    You can choose up to 20 POINTS worth of add-ons, as described on the left. Free shipping included!
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    2 claimed

    Level 0 - Private

    Currency Conversion $21 USD
    €20 EUR
    Please add 5 EUR for shipping within the EU and 7 EUR for the rest of the world. (see FAQ) You get everything described under the Private level. No stretch goal bonuses. CONTAINS 39 pieces total= 10 straight corridors, 4 closing elements, 2 bunkers, 3 corridors with doors, 18 connectors, 2 pieces of X-shaped sections.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    0 claimed

    GreyDark research facility

    Currency Conversion $21 USD
    €20 EUR
    Free EU shipping. Please add 2 EUR for outside EU. GreyDark Industires small research facility - contains 44 pieces
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    4 claimed

    Add-On Pack #2

    Currency Conversion $26 USD
    €25 EUR
    You can choose up to 45 POINTS worth of add-ons, as described on the left. Free shipping included!
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    5 claimed

    Level 1 - Sergeant

    Currency Conversion $31 USD
    €30 EUR
    You get everything described under the SERGEANT level entry PLUS all free bonuses if we reach stretch goals. CONTAINS 71 pieces = 16 straight corridors, 5 closing elements, 4 bunkers, 4 corridors with doors, 35 connectors, 4 pieces of X-shaped sections, 2 pieces of L-shaped sections, 1 piece of T-shaped section. Please add 7 EUR for EU shipping and 9 EUR to the rest of the world
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    15 out of 100 of claimed

    Add-On Pack #3

    Currency Conversion $37 USD
    €35 EUR
    You can choose up to 75 POINTS worth of add-ons, as described on the left. Free shipping included!
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    14 claimed

    Walled Compound

    Currency Conversion $42 USD
    €40 EUR
    Sigma Star Systems walled compound Free EU shipping. Please add 2 EUR for shipping outside EU. Contains 76 pieces: 10 straight pieces, 8 curves, 6 small straight pieces, 4 small 90 degree curves, 6 outer small curve, 10 inner small curve, 26 wings, 4 closing pieces, 2 gate pieces.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    6 claimed

    GreyDark Research station

    Currency Conversion $42 USD
    €40 EUR
    Free EU shipping. Please add 2 EUR for outside EU. GreyDark Industires small research facility - contains 101 pieces
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    52 claimed

    Level 2 - Captain

    Currency Conversion $47 USD
    €45 EUR
    You get everything described under the CAPTAIN level entry PLUS all free bonuses if we reach stretch goals. CONTAINS 115 pieces= 28 straight corridors, 5 closing elements, 7 bunkers, 8 corridors with doors, 55 connectors, 6 pieces of X-shaped sections, 4 L-shaped sections, 2 T-shaped sections. Please add 9 EUR for shipping within the EU and 11 EUR for the rest of the world.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    12 out of 50 of claimed

    Add-On Pack #4

    Currency Conversion $52 USD
    €50 EUR
    You can choose up to 125 POINTS worth of add-ons, as described on the left. Free shipping included!
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    11 claimed

    Forward Base

    Currency Conversion $62 USD
    €59 EUR
    Sigma Star Systems forward base Free EU shipping. Please add 2 EUR for shipping outside EU. Contains 144 pieces: 18 straight pieces, 14 curves, 14 small straight pieces, 8 small 90 degree curves, 12 outer small curve, 16 inner small curve, 50 wings, 8 closing pieces, 4 gate pieces.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    1 claimed

    Level 3 - General

    Currency Conversion $105 USD
    €100 EUR
    You get everything described under the GENERAL level entry PLUS all free bonuses if we reach stretch goals. CONTAINS 350 pieces= 95 straight corridors, 15 closing elements, 20 bunkers, 15 corridors with doors, 170 connectors, 10 pieces of X-shaped sections, 10 L-shaped sections, 15 T-shaped sections. Please add 14 EUR for shipping within the EU and 17 EUR for the rest of the world.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    6 out of 15 of claimed

    Level 4 - Warlord

    Currency Conversion $209 USD
    €200 EUR
    You get everything described under the WARLORD level entry PLUS all free bonuses if we reach stretch goals. CONTAINS 700 pieces= 190 straight corridors, 30 closing elements, 40 bunkers, 30 corridors with doors, 340 connectors, 20 pieces of X-shaped sections, 20 L-shaped sections, 30 T-shaped sections. FREE SHIPPING
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    2 out of 3 of claimed

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