Hi, my name is Bonnie and I am the proud "Nuke" Momma of my only son who is serving his country on a submarine currently stationed at Naval Base Guam. He and his wife are expecting their first child in 2013 and I will be a first-time grandmother!
Before you read any further about my cause and why I am asking for you to consider helping me, please take the time to read some of the other more in-need and worthy causes at
https://www.indiegogo.com before you decide if you want to help me. I am not dying, or currently at risk of dying. Although, my "silent" illness is very debilitating and less understood, and it does have severe effects on my quality of life, there are others who most certainly need and deserve your help more than I do. With that said, let me tell you about my situation...
I have several serious health issues which basically have left me home-bound. I suffer from agoraphobia, chronic clinical depression, panic disorder and a respiratory condition called Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome. If you consider all these health issues rolled up into one big clump you get a person who is afraid to step out their front door, attend family functions, go grocery shopping or any activity away from home, especially around strangers. I can't work and depend on SS disability to live.
So, why do I need you to help me? Well, I want to fly to Guam to be with my son who I haven't seen in a year since he was last home. I want to be there when his first child is born in March. I am currently in therapy to help me work through the daunting obstacles my illnesses present in making a 17 hour flight from Florida to Guam with two layovers for a total trip time of 20+ hours. That means I will be surrounded by strangers and in close quarters on Jets for hours and hours. I will need to be sedated and require special seating because of my disabilities. Being a widow living off of SS disability, I can't afford the cost of making a round trip to Guam and back. I want to be there with my son so fiercely when his first child is born that I am empowered with determination to over come my issues and demons.
So, that is my human condition. The constant darkness of depression and irrational fears of agoraphobia makes life a daily struggle. My respiratory illness is complex and any smoke or fumes can trigger a serious bronchial episode, but I am willing to risk the proverbial lion's den, spend hours heavily sedated in what to me are the most nightmarish conditions so I can witness the birth of my first grandchild and hug my son.
I need financial help to take this trip to Guam. Maybe you would like to help me. I hope so. This Mom would be so appreciative of any donation. xoxoxo