Uri and Ron, will make a personal investment, €2500 euro to take us to the €10,000 euro milestone.
This will allow us to edit an early release version of the film and produce 1000 DVDs to send to our supporters who chose for this perk and to offer for sale to help us raise the remaining €20,000 euro we need to fully realize our vision.
These funds will go to cover post-production costs including the commissioning of an original animated sequences and a musical score for Moments Of Truth.
Soon we’ll set up page on www.songlinesfilm.com other places so people can pre-order DVDs and so keep us on the road to fully fund our project!
Sing your song, dance your dance, tell your story,
live your dreams!
Uri & Ron
- 1000 euro milestone > pre-production expenses: travel and website hosting. Covered.
- 5000 euro milestone > what we need to shape and edit the basic story we want to tell and pitch for support from film festivals and industry professionals.
- 10,000 euro milestone > we can design, produce and print the limited edition DVD packages promised as perks and to put on sale to raise more money for the project.
- 20,000 euro milestone > engage professional video and audio studios for the sound design and color-grading, plus commission an original score for the film. 5% of the income from the sales of the movie would go to support future projects of memory keeping and connected to the regeneration of the Malèrargues/Roy Hart Theatre Dream!
- 30,000 euro milestone > realize beautiful animated sequences to tell parts of the story that are not on film in a strong poetic way and complete our movie about the dream of self-realization through voice and theatre as expressed in the Generation performance and the community in Malèrargues.
We are storytellers, theatre and film makers, Uri Noy Meir and Ron Bunzl. We are joining forces to create a documentary on a subject that inspires us both deeply.
In August 2017 we had the great opportunity to travel to Malèragues in southern France to the Roy Hart Centre for Artistic Research. We were following the call of a vision, a dream that still resonates and guides the lives of the people at Malèrargues.
We went there to begin working on a movie about the Roy Hart Theatre and the performance Generation. This was a very special occasion—Kaya Anderson, Ian Magilton, David Goldsworthy, Marianne Le Tron, Saule Ryan, Carol Mendelsohn, six members of the historic Roy Hart Theatre group, had decided to create their first perfomance together in more than 20 years. The young Slovanian composer Saso Vollmeier who had been exploring the creative possibilities with them individually, was the catalyst for this extraordinary regeneration.
Now, we invite you to share in this story, an extraordinary story full of magic and mystery, bravery and hardships, joy and tragedy, breakdowns and breakthroughs. Our aim is to pay homage to these brave and generous souls and let them tell their story, a story precious to our own.
The film will explore the journey from its origins in London to Malérargues and beyond into the world where the Roy Hart voice work has touched so many. To tell the tale, we will use footage from the Roy Hart Theatre Archives, from performances and the lives of Roy Hart members.
We believe that the sharing of this narrative of love, devotion, purpose and regeneration is important. It resonates with the mythical, the story of the Phoenix rising from its own ashes. It's a great human and artistic adventure and we feel strongly it has important lessons for us all. Especially at this time in which we and the world face such profound challenges and great opportunities.
Shooting + Camera & equipment- 5.000 euro
Travel Expenses - 1.000 euro
Archives digital recovery - 5.000 euro
Video Editing - 8.000 euro
Graphics and titles - 2.000 euro
Composition and Grading - 2.000 euro
Sound and Foley - 2.000 euro
Mastering- 2.000 euro
Communication - 3.000 euro
January 2018 - February 2018
Film editing process, recovery and digital enhancement of archive material
March 2018
entry application of film for Documentary Film Festival at LaSalle.
April 2018
Post production of the film
May 2018
Coming back to Malérargues during the Lasalle film festival
Screening the film to the protagonists and film industry professionals
Making the DVD Version and preparing the 2018-2019 screening tour
September 2018
starting the screening tour
Nous, Uri Noy Meir et Ron Bunzi, sommes deux facilitateurs de théâtre, réalisateurs et conteurs avec une mission. Vous êtes invités à vous joindre à nous dans notre aventure épique où nous racontons une histoire unique, notre histoire de rêve.
Nous voulons faire un film sur le Théâtre Roy Hart et le spectacle Génération.
Vous êtes invités à faire parti de cette histoire, une histoire extraordinaire, un mythe vivant aux dimensions intemporelles. Et à donner la parole à ceux qui, avec beaucoup de courage et de générosité, ont donné la voix à tant d’autres.
En août 2017 nous avons eu la grande chance de voyager au Centre Artistique International Roy Hart à Maléargues. Nous avons filmé les répétitions et le spectacle de « Génération » et nous avons fait des entrevues avec ses créateurs : Kaya Anderson, Ian Magilton, David Goldsworthy, Marianne Le Tron, Saule Ryan, Carol Mendelsohn et avec le compositeur Saso Vollmeier. Nous avons aussi pu faire des entrevues avec deux autres membres fondateurs Clara Silber-Harris et Paul Silber.
Nous avons depuis recueilli d’autres entrevues avec des fondateurs et des adeptes de ce travail important de la voix. À travers tout cela, l’inspiration initiale a grandi et nous nous sentons maintenant prêt à réaliser le film, un documentaire original sur le passé, présent et futur du Centre Roy Hart à Malérargues et sa regénération.
Le film explorera ce grand voyage depuis ses débuts jusqu’à la réalisation du rêve qui a guidé les vies à Maléargues. Il sera entrecoupé avec des séquences des archives du théâtre Roy Hart, des spectacles et des vies des membres du Roy Hart.
Nous croyons que le partage de cette histoire d’amour, de dévotion et de sens est important. C’est une grande histoire humaine et artistique dont nous pouvons tous tirer d’importantes leçons, tout particulièrement à notre époque où nous faisons face à de si profonds défis et à de grandes opportunités.
Les ressources que nous avons besoin pour réaliser le film :
Filmer + Caméra & équipement- 5.000 euro
Dépenses de voyages- 1.000 euro
Récupérer les archives digitales- 5.000 euro
Montage Vidéo- 10.000 euro
Graphiques et titres- 1.000 euro
Composition et Classement- 1.000 euro
Sons et bruitage- 2.000 euro
Mastering- 2.000 euro
Communication- 3.000 euro
Calendrier prévisionnel pour terminer le film :
Janvier 2018- Février 2018
Montage, récupération et amélioration du matériel d’archives
Mars 2018
Postuler pour le Festival du Film Documentaire à Lasalle.
Avril 2018
Post-production du film
Mai 2018
Revenir à Maléargues pendant le festival du film de Lasalle
Projection du film pour les protagonistes et les professionnels de l’industrie du film
Faire la version DVD et préparer la tournée de projection 2018-2019
Septembre 2018
Commencer la tournée de projection
Siamo Uri Noy Meir e Ron Bunzl, due facilitatori teatrali e film maker, storyteller con una missione. Ti invitiamo ad unirti a noi nella nostra nuova epica avventura: il racconto di una storia unica e incredibile.
Vogliamo fare un film sul Roy Hart Theatre e sulla rappresentazione teatrale “Generation”.
Sei invitato a far parte di questa storia straordinaria, un mito vivente e dalle dimensioni senza tempo, e a dare voce a tutti quelli che con coraggio e generosità han dato voce a così tanti altri.
Nell’agosto del 2017 abbiamo avuto l’opportunità unica di recarci al centro artistico internazionale Roy Hart Theatre di Malérargues. Abbiamo fatto le riprese delle prove e della rappresentazione “Generation” e abbiamo intervistato i loro creatori: Kaya Anderson, Ian Magilton, David Goldsworthy, Marianne Le Tron, Saule Ryan, Carol Mendelsohn e il compositore Saso Vollmeier. È stato anche possibile intervistare due degli altri membri fondatori, Clara Silber-Harris e Paul Silber
Da lì in poi abbiamo raccolto altre interviste dei fondatori e delle persone ispirate da questo profondo lavoro sulla voce. Grazie a tutto questo, l’ispirazione iniziale è cresciuta e ci sentiamo ora pronti a realizzare il film – un documentario originale sul passato, presente e futuro del centro artistico internazionale Roy Hart Theatre di Malérargues, e della sua evoluzione.
Il documentario esplorerà questa grande avventura dalla sua iniziale ispirazione, attraverso tutto ciò che ha guidato le vite a Malérargues nella realizzazione del sogno. Comprenderà molti filmati dagli archivi del Roy Hart Theatre, sulle produzioni teatrali e le vite dei suoi membri.
Crediamo sia importante condividere questo racconto di amore, dedizione e determinazione. È una grande storia umana e artistica: crediamo profondamente abbia molto da insegnare a tutti noi, in particolar modo in questo momento storico di sfide profonde e grandiose opportunità.
Riprese + cineprese & attrezzatura – 5.000 euro
Spostamenti – 1.000 euro
Restaurazione digitale del materiale d’archivio – 5.000 euro
Montaggio video – 10.000 euro
Grafica e titolazione – 1.000 euro
Composizione e Grafica – 1.000 euro
Musiche e tecnico audio – 2.000 euro
Mastering – 2.000 euro
Comunicazione – 3.000 euro
Gennaio 2018 – Febbraio 2018
Montaggio del film, restaurazione e miglioramento digitale del materiale d’archivio
Marzo 2018
Iscrizione del film al Festival del Film Documentario di LaSalle.
Aprile 2018
Post-produzione del film
Maggio 2018
Ritorno a Malérargues durante il Festival del Film di Lasalle
Proiezione del film ai protagonisti e al personale tecnico coinvolto
Giugno – Agosto 2018
Preparazione della versione DVD e del tour di proiezione del film 2018 – 2019
Settembre 2018
Inizio del tour di proiezione