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Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America is Launching a New Publishing Division and Our First Book is UNSTOPPABLE!

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Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America Publishing

Moms Across America is Launching a New Publishing Division and Our First Book is UNSTOPPABLE!

Moms Across America is Launching a New Publishing Division and Our First Book is UNSTOPPABLE!

Moms Across America is Launching a New Publishing Division and Our First Book is UNSTOPPABLE!

Moms Across America is Launching a New Publishing Division and Our First Book is UNSTOPPABLE!

Zen Honeycutt
Zen Honeycutt
Zen Honeycutt
Zen Honeycutt
4 Campaigns |
MISSION VIEJO, United States
$1,795 USD 56 backers
8% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk
Paperback copy of UNSTOPPABLE

Paperback copy of UNSTOPPABLE

$25 USD
29 claimed
Thank you! Virtual Hugs!

Thank you! Virtual Hugs!

$5 USD
0 claimed
Copy of the ebook UNSTOPPABLE

Copy of the ebook UNSTOPPABLE

$10 USD
8 claimed


$15 USD
4 claimed
Share the Love!

Share the Love!

$40 USD
11 claimed


$90 USD
0 claimed
Healthy Garden + Book

Healthy Garden + Book

$150 USD
1 out of 40 of claimed
Future Author Pack

Future Author Pack

$250 USD
1 out of 5 of claimed
Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment

$300 USD
0 claimed
Community Pack + Coaching

Community Pack + Coaching

$1,000 USD
0 out of 10 of claimed
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects
Moms Across America Publishing (MAAP) One of the most successful non-profit platforms for information sharing, education, and activism in the food movement today is creating a publishing division!




The problem is that our food has been changed, it has become toxic, and we are getting sick and mentally impaired.   

The problem is that the chemical companies genetically engineered food crops such as soy, sugar, corn, cottonseed oil and canola to resist toxic pesticides so that they could sell more chemicals.

The problem is that these chemical companies, their sister companies which make pharmaceuticals, and big food and oil companies are controlling our media, government and policy makers.

Our food, tap water, breast milk, cotton sanitary products, beer, wine, and even vaccines are proving to be contaminated with chemicals linked to various diseases, cancer, infertility and mental illnesses which are skyrocketing in America and around the world.

1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer in America today, 1 out of 5 have a mental illness, 1 out of 10 has liver disease...and we allow a carcinogen/neurotoxin/liver disease causing chemicals to be sprayed on our food??!!!




 In the process of publishing my own book, UNSTOPPABLE  -- Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community, I realized how difficult it can be. I learned that most publishing houses try to control the language, play it "safe," and keep valuable information from the public to protect themselves. This was upsetting. I could not tolerate having my book censored and not be able to be authentic and honest. I was also shocked by the low royalties authors received from a publishing house and how high the upfront costs are to self-publish a book, the line editing, copy editing, design and book can easily cost over $6000 for a book with no photos.

Then, with Facebook changing their algorithms and fewer and fewer people opening their emails, even people with 500 - 1000 friends on social media are likely to only sell perhaps 100 re-cooping my investment was a major concern. I was sure other authors were experiencing the same frustrations. Perhaps many don't even start writing a book, even though they have valuable information and experiences to share, because the publishing process can seem so daunting.

Then I met a great editor who previously ran a publishing house, very successfully, and is committed to working only with authentic, honest people who have information that will make a difference in the world. We worked so well together that we decided our moms and supporters should also be able to have this kind of support.

So, I am announcing that we are launching Moms Across America Publishing, a division of our nonprofit, so we can support moms and truth-tellers to get honest information to the world with a knowledgeable team. As a nonprofit that values our supporters, we are committed to giving our authors a much larger percentage of royalties as well -- 2 - 3 times more! With our own platform, which currently reaches 1.5 million a month, and our partnerships, we can bring important information to the public without the censoring, challenges and corporate profit-driven business model of the publishing industry.

If you support the work of Moms Across America or if you have never heard of us before, we invite you to support the launch of our publishing house and the launch of our first book: UNSTOPPABLE -- Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community.

If you are tired of seeing information censored, or the spreading of dishonest information, if you love a family member who is sick, if you are fed up with our current food or political system, or if you want to just support new authors share their voice, we welcome your support.

Our country is in a health crisis. Our families, towns and cities are struggling. It is time for us to take action to bring knowledge and power to our citizens.  It is time to amplify the voice of the mom and truth-tellers who stand for health and freedom.  It is time for community leaders to become global game changers. We can do this. Together. One mom, one child, one dad, one family at a time. Moms Across America Publishing...From our House to Yours.


You have important research, experiences and solutions to share!

Someone whose only objective is to help by providing unbiased information based on experience.  An expert without a hidden agenda.  That’s the definition of a Mom’s Across America Publishing (MAAP) author.  

The American food industry is broken.  It has been bought by companies concerned only with profit and government agencies concerned only with following their agendas and keeping their secrets.  It is up to us – you and me – to share our experiences with each other as we learn what is necessary to keep our families safe.  

Over the last five years Moms Across America has created an online community reaching hundreds of millions worldwide.  These are people who come together on social media, in chatrooms and in person to share information and experiences with the goal of keeping all our loved ones safe and ultimately transforming the food supply.  Now we are seeking to take our online activism to a new level by publishing books. Books that will take us beyond a 280-character tweet and allow us to hear each other’s stories, learn from each other’s struggles and successes, and make deeper inroads into reaching the masses still unaware of what is actually on their dinner plate.  We want to amplify the voice of the mom and truth tellers who have experiences that will make a difference to improve our world.




When mothers and caregivers are empowered with honest information, however, we do see triumphs over health issues and empowered communities.

“I went GMO free and after about a month, my Fibromyalgia symptoms went away.”  ~ Belinda

“Yay! for non-GMO diets and organic options! 64 pounds gone! Obesity that I am no longer living with!” ~ Amberle M.

“I had chronic digestive issues, but they soon went away when I switched to an organic whole foods diet. My daughter was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis but keeps it in check with a healthy diet.” ~ Cindy B.




Our first book, UNSTOPPABLE Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community kicks off our publishing house with a bang.

“When you know better you do better.  Information can save lives.”  So says Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, the non-profit whose motto is “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.”  Thousands of Moms Across America members, who together reach millions of people worldwide, agree.  

UNSTOPPABLE is the story of a mother who learns about the current state of our world food supply and how it affects your dinner table and the health of everyone you love.  In it Zen walks you through her realization of the chemicals we all feed our loved ones, their origin and effects according to top-notch scientists from around the world, and why none of this is necessary according to farmers who not only want to feed the world but nourish it and protect the environment at the same time.  Moms come forward to talk about the chronic and life-threatening health issues of their children, themselves and other family members that were greatly improved once they took matters into their own hands and acted on the truth.  Scientists back up the moms with independent studies and unbiased peer-reviewed papers. Respected journalists, experts, and other activists share their stories of corporate greed and government corruption, all at the expense of our health.  And Zen shows you step by step how to change things for your own family, and the world.

If you have a loved one that is sick, your family is struggling health issues, and you do not trust our current system to provide you the information you need, know that there is hope, you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to be empowered to create the health and freedom you desire.

The foreword for UNSTOPPABLE was written by Jill C. Carnahan, MD, ABFM, ABHM, a functional medicine expert, conventional farmers daughter and breast cancer and Crohn’s disease survivor.

“As a functional medicine doctor, I’ve seen firsthand the increase in chronic conditions in this country. Allergies, autism, autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are undeniably on the rise. So much of what’s causing this phenomenon is the sheer number of chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. In fact, I see environmental toxicity as the elephant in the room – the number one burden contributing to chronic disease.  Only through leveraging the accessibility of information can we fight against the onslaught of chemicals that are making us sick – and this is exactly what Zen Honeycutt’s book, UNSTOPPABLE, does."  ~ Dr. Jill



"Inspiring, poignant, educational, courageous...UNSTOPPABLE is a must read for anyone who is invested in the sustainability of the global food supply, as well as the health of future generations. Zen Honeycutt takes us on a journey of sickness and struggle to health and community empowerment. UNSTOPPABLE captures the undaunted reality that small ripples of change can truly change the tide of the health landscape." ~ Tami Canal, Founder of March Against Monsanto


UNSTOPPABLE is arguably the best book available today on the topic of toxic foods and their effects on human health.  It is written in highly accessible prose, and it unfolds with a story line of Zen's own journey of personal awakening. Entertaining, absorbing, and even gripping at times, it is the kind of book that you can't put down. Despite the ominous message she delivers, she maintains a sense of optimism throughout, and a belief that the American citizenry can solve the problem through grass roots bottom-up strategies in local communities across the country. Zen is fond of quoting Lily Tomlin who said, "Somebody ought to do something about that. Wait a minute, I am somebody!"  Zen is truly an embodiment of that message. We are all "somebody," and Zen's book will inspire anybody who reads it to find a way that their special talents can contribute to helping to solve this enormous crisis that our country currently faces.  If we don't all pitch in and do our part, the future of this country is in jeopardy.” ~ Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT


UNSTOPPABLE  is Zen's immensely informative manifesto, movingly sharing her passage from desperate mother to determined activist, boldly calling out some of the worst culprits behind America's growing health crisis, and passionately making a timely and encouraging call to action. For anyone concerned about the health of our families and future generations, it's our manifesto, too.” ~ Saifon Plewtong, “The Healing Chef”, owner of True Seasons Organic Kitchen- Voted one of OC's Top Ten Restaurants by Orange Coast Magazine and CBS twice, founder of JesusHarvest.Life, co-founder of The Free Pantry




Who are We?

A National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms

Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids

Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit started 5 years ago. We reach over 1.5 million a month on Facebook and hundreds of millions around the world each year through local grassroots activism, articles, reports, testing for toxins, campaigns, petitions, radio, news stories, and more. Our moms are passionate! They are moms whose children got sick and they took action to get them better...and then they shared what they learned with their local communities and are making a huge difference around the world.




MAA was built around the wisdom of the crowd.  When Zen needed help with the myriad of health issues of her sons, and her doctors couldn’t help, she turned to the internet and found the support and information she was looking for.  She found moms who had triumphed over experiences similar to hers.  She found health professionals, both mainstream and alternative, who saw things differently from their colleagues and offered guidance.  She found journalists and politicians, farmers and scientists, people from all walks of life, from around the world, ready to help.  As MAA has grown, it has done so with the support of that international online community.  Publishing the research, experiences, and solutions of our supporters and courageous authors will fulfill our mission to create healthy communities and expand health and freedom around the world.  

And we are eager to offer our love and appreciation back to you, our supporter.

Check out the great perks below, and thanks to our supporters for making this happen!



$5 – Thank you! Virtual Hugs!

$10 -- Copy of the e-book.

$15 - Audio book download.

$25 -  Featured Perk -- Paperback copy of the book UNSTOPPABLE.

$35 – 2 paperback copies of UNSTOPPABLE. Share the Empowerment. Get a copy of the book, donate a copy of the book to your library.

$150 -- Two copies of the paperback book UNSTOPPABLE. + Healthy Garden Gift Set: Baker Creek - seed set (limit 45)

$300 -- Community Empowerment - 15 paperback copies of UNSTOPPABLE to gift to your team, family or libraries.

$1,000 – 10 copies of the book UNSTOPPABLE. Empowerment Coaching or Discussion. One hour skype with Zen for you or your group.   



To Raise $20,000 for upfront publishing expenses, with a Pay-it-Forward Publishing model...a portion of the proceeds from the sale of our first book will go towards the costs of publishing our second, and so on and so on. A portion of proceeds will also go toward Moms Across America programs, which include expanding our outreach, empowering moms and supporters to have healthy kids and communities across the country and around the world.

Your investment in MAAP will reap you and our communities the return of improved health and empowerment for generations to come!




It’s difficult to put into words how grateful MAA is for the support of our members in launching MAAP.  Thank you.  And to those of you just finding out about MAA and our mission, we appreciate your time and attention to this problem we all share, and we thank you for becoming part of the solution.  MAAP will do everything we can to bring you information that will empower you and your family.  There is no donation that is too small, but if you are unable to donate, please share our information, this campaign, and the MAA website with your family and friends. Let’s make it possible for us all to get and stay healthy.  Let’s transform our food supply…together.



 1.  When will perks ship?

 Allow 6 weeks for delivery from the end of Indiegogo. Most items will arrive within 2 weeks.

2.  How will perks ship?

They will be shipped via U.S.P.S. from our warehouse in Colorado or directly from the US printer.

3.  Can I substitute items on my perk?

We ask that no substitutions are requested unless the request is for an audio book in lieu of a paperback book.

4.  What if I would rather not have my perk and have you give it to someone else?

If you wish to decline your perk, please decline during the donation process. We will not re-route and ship your perk to another address other than the one provided with the donation.

5.  Can I donate from outside the US mainland?

Yes, but please note that additional shipping costs will be requested if needed.


Additional questions? 


Moms Across America Publishing

24000 Alicia Parkway #17-234

Mission Viejo CA 92691

Contact: info@

Thank you for supporting health and freedom in the world!





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