Set in a near future where monsters appeared suddenly and without warning, bringing death and destruction. Ramon Alejandro Estévez-Guerrero roams the earth fighting these monsters in memory of his late wife and to make a better world for his daughter – he is the MONSTER MATADOR!
First, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to check out this project and considering helping to fund it. Given all that's going on in the world today, all of us on the team appreciate it.
I’ve always been drawn to the iconography of the Matador. One day I began to sketch out a character. A Matador. But I knew there needed to be more to it and suddenly it came to me in a flash. He would fight monsters… a Monster Matador.
Of course it needed something more. Fighting to save the world from monsters is great, but I wanted something more intimate and relatable. And that's where the idea for him to fight the monsters to make a better future for his daughter. I wasn't a parent when I started the book, but I am now and it's added a whole new layer to the storytelling. And with the current pandemic it couldn't hit closer to home. Whether you're a parent or not, our world is filled with "monsters" of all kinds - some so seemingly large that they feel unconquerable. Writing these adventures of a man with nothing more than a sword, cape, and the courage to face them has given me hope that these monsters, no matter what form they come in, are conquerable. I hope they'll make you feel the same.
MONSTER MATADOR: TANGO OF THE MATADORS #1 (of 3) is an action-packed thrill ride set in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. The monstrous VOLAGANTE and her children have terrorized the people of this colorful seaport for years. Now the Monster Matador has taken up the challenge of defeating them. Fighting alongside a rag-tag group of locals and joined by a familiar face from his past, will their combined forces be enough to end the TERROR OF THE VOLAGANTE?! The main story is 26 pages and the book will also include additional pin-ups and art.
In 2015 I digitally published my first early versions of Monster Matador. Now, with your help, I can finally produce the printed comic for the first issue of this new mini-series. This is the perfect starting point for new readers. TANGO, is the next phase of the story, but acts as a beginning. This is the story I always wanted to tell. And, to be honest, how I’ve always wanted it to look. Fabio Alves and Alex Zief are my creative dream team. You can see why in the preview below...
STEVEN PRINCE used to work in the toy industry where he managed and developed toy lines and animation projects for Puppy in My Pocket, Stink Blasters, and Power Buggz. He is the writer and occasional artist of MONSTER MATADOR, INTERGALACDICK, and unemployANT. He lives in Los Angeles.
FABIO ALVES is an independent comic artist based in Brazil. His most recent project was the critically acclaimed Action Lab: Danger Zone series, BANJAX.
ALEX ZIEF is a colorist based in Mexico City. She has colored for American Mythology Press, as well as comics including MS. VALKYRIE and RAMAS.
KATRINIA ROETS is our proofreader. She is also the author of children's stories and young adult fiction.
The book is 100% complete, our printer is still operating as an essential business,
All funds from this campaign will go to:
Printing rewards
Shipping them to you
Anything above our goal goes towards making more comics
Risks and challenges
While any project comes with some risk, given the challenging times we are living through we're doing everything we can to minimize it. The book is 100% finished and ready to go to print. With your backing, we are confident we can make Monster Matador: Tango of the Matadors a reality.