Cover image was drawn by the talented Yurina Shimoju!
MOULT is a short film about a retired old man, Caine, who lives together with his wife Claire in a suburb. They have been married for a very long time, however, Caine feels like his wife is gradually taking over their initially shared space and he wants to escape. Caine has a blue pet crayfish named Helmut that he likes to watch and who inspires him to "shed his own skin".
What we need & what you get
ALL the money that we raise will be used to make sure this film reaches the highest quality possible. By donating you would help us realise a great project as well as become part of the production yourself!
Below is a breakdown of how we will use the money:
Equipment for crayfish Helmut (100 £)
Art Department (150 £)
Actors expenses (150 £)
other production costs (100 £)
The Crew
Helmut the Crayfish
As this film does not only star human actors but also our little crustacean child Helmut.
We had to make sure that we could provide him a comfortable home. In order to do so we had to invest in all sort of equipment - from a right sized fish tank to a heater, water filter, driftwood and frozen bloodworms.
Other ways you can help us
If you are not able to support us financially, you can still help us out immensely by sharing this indiegogo page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc or just tell your friends.
We will be eternally grateful for any help we can get!
Thank you so much!