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Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

A girl broken, her dead parents, a lost & found journal, an old bike, Ireland & a little redemption

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Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

Murphy's Law: Who Says Everything Has to Go Wrong?

A girl broken, her dead parents, a lost & found journal, an old bike, Ireland & a little redemption

A girl broken, her dead parents, a lost & found journal, an old bike, Ireland & a little redemption

A girl broken, her dead parents, a lost & found journal, an old bike, Ireland & a little redemption

A girl broken, her dead parents, a lost & found journal, an old bike, Ireland & a little redemption

Kirk Lilwall
Kirk Lilwall
Kirk Lilwall
Kirk Lilwall
2 Campaigns |
Peterborough, Canada
$17,853 USD $17,853 USD 254 backers
102% of $17,383 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


On the eve of my 35th birthday, I found myself returning my engagement ring to my newly titled “Ex”-fiance, packing up my small car with all my worldly belongings and moving back to my parents home … back to the support and succour of family.  Except for one disconcerting fact – both my parents are dead.  At 35 I felt lost, broken and ready to surrender.  Until…I found the diary.

I had been my mom’s primary care giver during her battle with cancer until her death in September 2012. Eight years before, I stood by my father’s bed side when he succumbed to the same illness. I was clawing my way out of grief when my five year relationship imploded. The man I thought I’d spend my life with….wasn’t.  Suddenly I found, I could barely breathe.

As life pressed on, I was tasked with clearing out the family home to prepare it for the real estate market.  Tucked in a long ignored box was a diary we’d believed had been lost years before in a house fire.  This journal chronicled my father’s solo bicycle trip through southern Ireland in 1973.  I also found his 1973, 10 speed Peugeot hanging in the rafters of the garage.

The trip represented a coming of age for Dad, Marty. He was only 26 years old at the time. But, it was on this trip that he made his journey into manhood.  He took it all in – the beauty of the country that was his ancestral home, the sacredness of solitude, the sting of loneliness, the joy of laughter and the value of his fellow man. He stopped.  He took a moment to stand on the precipice and just breathe. And, in the end he learned some truths about love and about himself.  And he wrote it all down.  Like a gift. Or perhaps – a guide.

I became obsessed with the idea of re-creating my Dad’s trip.  Maybe if I go backwards and recreate this journey, I can find my own path forward. And as an artist, I hope to create something beautiful out of a tragic time.

So I’m taking the refurbished 40 year old bike, the journal and a film crew to Ireland.  I’m going on a quest to find my lost spark.  To find my whimsy again.  I’m going…because I have to. Murphy’s Law is a documentary about flaming that inner pilot light! 

Please follow my blog and watch me fall off a cliff in real time at


Megan Murphy has had an interesting and varied career in the performing arts for over two decades. Since graduating from York University’s Fine Arts program, she has worked as an actor in both the local and Toronto film, television and theatre scenes. She is currently a morning show co-host on 2 Peterborough radio stations, Star 93.3 and 107.9 The Breeze. In 1998 she was the recipient of the TD Canada Trust $50,000 Scholarship for Outstanding Community Leadership. She is a graduate from the Second City Conservatory Program and from the Documentary Filmmaking Institute at Seneca College. Her short film, Shelf Life, won an audience choice award at the ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival. 


I’ve created this campaign to build a community.  Having been through a very dark time in my life, all of you have buoyed me.  The Irish proverb says “some journey’s aren’t meant to be taken alone”.  So here we are, together.

At present I’m financing my film with my parents inheritance.  But I’m looking for help!  Your contributions will help me cover the costs of production in Ireland, including the hiring of an amazing cinematographer, Robin Lupita Bain, and sound recording artist, Susan Downey, and it will help offset some of the initial costs of post production when I get back to Canada. Our initial goal is to raise $25,000, who knew making movies cost so much!!!?!!?!!!

My story is a personal one, but the message is universal; “where’d my ‘happy’ go and who the heck am I now”? If you’ve lost your spark, I hope this inspires you to find the whimsy in your life again. I have an incredible group of people helping me reach my goal, and I’m hoping that you’ll be an integral part of this mission as well! 

These are the various perks available when you contribute to this film:

Just click on the one you want on the right side of the screen. 

chex tv

Crowd Cast Podcast


If you’re unable to contribute financially, fret not!!  You can still join our team by being a social media dynamo!  Share this indiegogo campaign on twitter, reddit, pinterest, smoke signals, messages in bottles, any way you can!  Spread the word, because as Brendan Behan writes “there is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary”!

Please use the Indiegogo tools to share this campaign with your friends!  Because we’re all Irish for at least one day a year!

Check out all the perks and come back regularly as we'll be listing more cool rewards as we go along!

Thanks for joining me and may the luck of the Irish be with you!!!

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Choose your Perk


Luck of the Irish

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
*thank you email *thank you in the film credits *link to short film Shelf Life *digital download of Murphy's Law *hard copy of the DVD
54 claimed

Top O' The Mornin'

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
A big thank you and some warm fuzzies for knowing you're helping make a dream and a film come true!
6 claimed

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
*thank you email *thank you in the film credits *link to Megan's award winning short film, Shelf Life *Digital download of Murphy's Law
64 claimed


Currency Conversion $24 USD
$35 CAD
Exclusive offer! For $35 receive a limited edition MURPHY'S LAW PINT GLASS! You'll also receive a digital download of the film and a nice warm fuzzy thank you! (this perk is exclusive and is not included in previous perk offers. Overseas shipping not included).
6 out of 50 of claimed

Full of the Blarney

Currency Conversion $59 USD
$85 CAD
*all of the above perks PLUS *luggage tag that says "steal my luggage, do my laundry. Murphy's Law" Perfect for your next big adventure!!
10 claimed

Lucky Shamrock

Currency Conversion $87 USD
$125 CAD
*all of the above PLUS 2 tickets to a screening of the film in Peterborough at Market Hall. (Transportation and accomodation not included) **this is a limited perk**
38 out of 125 of claimed

Kiss Me I'm Irish

Currency Conversion $122 USD
$175 CAD
*all of the above (except for the limited perk) PLUS a personal postcard sent from Ireland while Megan is on her cycling adventure! (if purchased before August 10)
4 claimed

May The Wind Be At Your Back

Currency Conversion $174 USD
$250 CAD
*all of the above (except limited perk) PLUS a bike ride on the Peterborough trails with Megan
2 claimed

The Oscar Wilde

Currency Conversion $348 USD
$500 CAD
*all of the above, (except limited perk) PLUS a bound copy of Marty's journal
2 claimed

Pot O' Gold

Currency Conversion $695 USD
$1,000 CAD
*all of the above (except for limited perk) PLUS receive an Associated Producer credit in the film
2 claimed

Erin Go Bragh!

Currency Conversion $3,477 USD
$5,000 CAD
*all of the abovie, (except limited perks) PLUS Receive an Executive Producer title in the credits
0 claimed
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