Museum of Mobile Art
Museum of Mobile Art
Museum of Mobile Art
Museum of Mobile Art
Museum of Mobile Art
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
This campaign is closed
Museum of Mobile Art
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
An outdoor art museum on wheels
The Museum of Mobile Art is Melissa E. Logan (musician and artist), Jakob S. Boeskov (filmmaker and artist) and K.O. Nnamdie (executive curator). We believe in the power of art to transform, to uplift - especially in time of crisis. Museums are closed, therefore we will practice a method of cultural appreciation in the open air, an interactive museum without walls. We want you to join us!
It's our pleasure to offer you a chance to take part in our joyous journey from New York to Tennessee. The late, great Andy Warhol famously called the American zones between Los Angeles and New York "Fly-Over Country" and that's exactly where we're going!
The mission is delightfully simple: To bring sculptures, banners and prints from world-renowned artists and newbies to areas beyond the main cultural capitals. We are escaping the mega city of New York, to come face to face - at a safe distance - in parks and public spaces, with art lovers and coincidental bystanders, in open air happenings. We aim for collaborations with local artists, building a dialogue with the artworks we bring from New York. Museum of Mobile Art celebrates big ideas in small formats, easy storage, mobility, instantaneous happenings, at breakneck speed. We print it, we post it, and we perform it. The world is moving at internet speed, and so are we. Every day is marked by a sunrise, and by sunset the performance is happening. Everything will be documented in 4K footage, to be posted on our YouTube channel. We will drive our art-van full speed into the present moment: It's 2020, an election year in a hurting and divided world, and we are here to help. Today aspects of the art world that used to make sense suddenly seem absurd, but that's no excuse to stop making art. We believe it's time to embrace this new absurdity, to journey into a wonderful and frightening world, head first, in a van filled with art, costumes and a portable sound system.
We are cheap, we are fast, we are ecstatic. But yes, we do in fact need funds for vehicle rental, for gas, water and art printing materials. In order to do so, we are humbly asking for your support. The minimum donation is $25. Should you have the ability to donate more, we are offering you special art prizes.
In the spirit of total democracy we want to foster and help seed new art communities, to meet individuals, to expand minds, especially our own. We offer possibilities for others to join us for the ride. As artists coming from cultural deserts/rural areas, we acknowledge how important it is to have strangers come and deliver divergent ways of art and life.
We are artist/producers with years of experience working with various institutions like Tate Britain, MoMA, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and The Centre Pompidou, just to name a few. On the ground projects include out-reach brunch programs to the homeless in our neighborhoods, building musical instruments for refugee kids in Munich, Germany. Our challenge now is urgency and speed. We are simply looking to rent a vehicle and purchase art materials /prints that will allow us to put on art shows in Tennessee. Should we raise too little funding our car will be of bad quality, and we will sleep on sofas with friends. Should we raise more, we will have funding for higher quality/larger prints, and also motels which will allow us to focus better on the art happenings.
If you don't have the means to contribute, please feel free to ask your friends to get the word out and make some noise about our mobile art happening.