Music Motivating Minds is an initiative created to meet an urgent demand: incorporating creativity in public schools, despite budgeting constraints, serving inner-city students grades K-12 and serving a larger mission to influence the way our society educates future generations.
The Music Motivating Minds initiative is the brainchild of WinslowDynasty, a music group comprised of two professionally trained musicians on a mission to change the world, whose approach, which incorporates art education to expose children to music history, cultural experience, and creativity, is proven to foster dramatic positive change in students as well as communities.
What Are We Going To Do?
We will tour various schools who have limited to no funding for the arts, at no charge to the school
- We will perform and teach children about music, history and how to create their own music
- We will take our band with us to introduce various instruments to the children
- We will give concerts that inspire
- We will give lectures that lead to achievement
- We will give master classes that motivate students to keep going
Why should you support us?
Due to budget constraints, the arts have been cut, reduced, and taken away from the children that need it the most. We have been educating children, through music, for 13 years and have had the honor of watching most of our students go to college and live productive lives. We are products of a time when public school education had music curricula, and we have been very successful because of its impact on our lives. We were both from single parent homes who could not afford music instruction. We benefited from music, in our school, during our most troubling times. Instead of gangs, drugs, or many of the trappings young people face, we had music. Music allows children to escape, be more creative, and foster confidence, which boosts achievement. Children benefit from music in many ways.
Cognitive Intelligence | Success in School | Spatial Intelligence
- Kinesthetic development
- Better Test Scores
- Build Imagination and Intellectual Curiosity
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Academic Achievement
- Relieves Stress
- Cooperative Learning
“When I was a middle school student, Montel Williams came to my school to speak and inspire us. This was the first time I fully understood that I could go to college and graduate. On that day, he told us about our worth and I believed him.I have always wanted to give that message back to someone else. I also had 3 teachers in my life to believe in my gift. These teachers told me that I could be successful. Hearing those encouraging words, at such a tragic time in my life, gave me the impetus to push forward in the face of adversity. My personal life experiences that I share will give children hope. Although Montel Williams wasn’t famous at the time, didn’t have a television show, and I’d never heard of him, his sincere words transformed my life. I learned that day that I could do music and be successful. I felt motivated.” - MaShica Winslow
What Can We Do With Your Help?
The $10,000 we need to raise is only half of what this program will need to be a success. With your contribution, we can go to various schools and give master classes about music and teach children how to create their own songs. With your help, we can inspire children by teaching them about historical figures and the obstacles they’ve overcome. With your financial contribution, we can motivate children to turn away from violence and turn to music and positive expression. With your gift, we can use music to motivate children to stop bullying-engaging in discussions of cultural sensitivity, tolerance, and diversity. With your help, we can introduce children to live instruments. With your generous contribution, we can use Music to Motivate Minds! Listen to this testimonial from one of our former students.
Who Are We?
Dontae Winslow is a Trumpeter/Composer/Educator/2012 Johns Hopkins Peabody Young Maestro Recipient and Touring Musician with Jill Scott and Queen Latifah. He is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University with a Masters Degree in classical trumpet. Additionally, He is a graduate of the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz at The University of Southern California. Dontae is also currently a consultant and teacher at The Thelonious Monk Institute Be-Bop to Hip-Hop program.
MaShica Winslow is an educator, a classically trained vocal major and graduate of The Morgan State University with graduate studies at the University of Maryland in Education. We are performers who teach and perform music in various arenas. We currently perform concerts, master classes and give lectures with students encouraging college, and teaching history while promoting achievement.
Things We Have Done Already!
We have written and produced a CD encouraging children to go to college called “Change A Life, Change The World.” We have won 1st Place in the John Lennon International Song Writing Contest for the song “I Love School.” We have received The Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Fellowship and the Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University Young Maestro Award. We have organized assemblies for students to learn from celebrity musicians, actors, and entertainers. We have traveled to schools to teach about Black History Month through music.
What other ways can you help?
Excited? Here’s how you can help! Get the word out! Just as much as your support, we want your tweets, Facebook posts, calls and messages to your friends and family members. We need to join forces to create a movement for positive change, and every voice helps add to the reach of the goal. If your business would like to donate services in lieu of cash sponsorship, we would graciously appreciate printing services, lodging and items for student giveaways.