Short Summary
Hi, my name is Beth Michaels. I am a professional pianist, studio composer and piano teacher in the Atlanta, GA area. I compose orchestral instrumental songs and scores in my recording studio for television, movies and film.
I also have 6 recorded instrumental CDs (2 original, 3 solo piano; 1 guided meditation).
And now, let me tell you about my "Music of the Heart" project...
My "Music of the Heart" project is all about funding a scholarship for 3 little girls who are sisters with big brown eyes and even bigger hugs and hearts.
I am currently teaching them weekly piano lessons (and have been “gifting” one of the children with weekly lessons). But now their single mother is unable to continue with lessons for any of the children because of the economy and hard times. These little girls are so excited and joyful about playing the piano: “Look Miss Beth, I’m playing with both hands! I’m so proud of myself and that means I get an extra sticker!”
If I could wave a magic wand (and your help and my music might be the wand we need), I would present scholarships of weekly lessons to all 3 of these sweet little girls.
So I’m in hopes that you will help me with this "Music of the Heart" project.
My Benefit
Seeing three little girls with big smiles performing at their next recital (and more hugs at their front door!)
Your Benefit
My beautiful music in your home and knowing you’ve helped an overwhelmed, struggling young mother.
Other Ways You Can Help
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Go ahead and use the Indiegogo share tools!
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