Most of us know a thing or two about music making, but
what makes a musician?
It’s no secret that in order to be mentally, physically, and emotionally well off, we need to take care of ourselves. As humans, we must place health as the number one priority in order to have a sustainable lifestyle.
As musicians, this is of utmost importance. Think about it: as a freelancer, there is no contract. There are no sick days. You need to feel 100% all of the time. How is that possible even most of the time if we continue to forgo paying attention to the things our bodies need most?
Imagine yourself at age 60. What will you look like? Eat like? Feel like? Sound like? If you continue down the path you are on right now, will you even be around to answer these questions?
Please check out this pitch focused upon creating a website to help your complete musical self, written from the experience of another musician doing the very same thing.
I'm Shauna, a musician from Nova Scotia. I've been ignoring my health and wellbeing for a long time, but over the past few weeks this has been changing for the better. I've been implementing small changes in my lifestyle including my diet, exercise, and practice habits to have a happier, healthier life and brighter musical future.
I'm creating a website fosuced upon helping others to do this, too. Specifically, it will focus on the musician's health and wellbeing concerning our minds, bodies, and souls, and will include topics such as the impact of diet, exercise, and sleep, yoga, meditation, and Alexander Technique and how these can be used to improve one's health and one's music making. It will also include pieces of knowledge about developing one's career, networking, creating and recognizing opportunities, preparing for auditions and recitals, practice tips, and more.
I need your help (because I'm not experienced in web design) to afford to have this website professionally developed so that the look and layout is visually pleasing and the site is easy to navigate. As you can imagine, having to organize such a wealth of resources would be a bit of a nightmare for someone unaccustomed to building websites!
What I Need
Breaking it down:
$4500 is the cost of 'branding' this project, as well as the additional fee for crowd-funding through indiegogo and PayPal.
The branding process will include: a website name and logo, colour scheme, fonts, layout, and more.
If I don’t reach my entire goal, the funds will still contribute to making as many of these features happen as possible. This idea is too important to do nothing about, and I will complete as much as possible to ensure that it gets going.
- A few of the 'website wish list' items I'm thinking of include resource pages linking to books, articles, and other useful sources, and a forum where musicians and others interested in these subjects can collaborate on ideas and help each other to get the most out of their lives.
The Impact
Your contribution will:
- Help to create an easy-to-navigate site for a wide variety of subjects concerning this highly important yet under-appreciated topic of musician wellness.
- Promote health and wellbeing and encourage musicians everywhere to take care of themselves for years to come.
- Make you feel good about positively influencing countless strangers.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
- Check out the current site, follow it, and share it.