As passionate filmmakers from Fitchburg State University, we hope to bring you a 15-minute student film set in Nazi-occupied France, which follows an American soldier who finds himself wounded in a mysterious hideout with a young German girl who speaks no English...
...but we need YOUR SUPPORT in order to make this film a success!
ALEX O'DONNELL -Director (left), SOPHIA CIAMPAGLIA -Producer / Writer / Director (middle), KAT DOYLE -Director (right)
Anything can happen in a day.
This is especially true to those risking their lives to serve their country. "My Friend The Collector" aims to show the story of unlikely friendship in a very rough and divided time. We feel that any act of humility & compassion can surpass generations, which is why it is important to share this concept to remind the world that, yes: anything can happen in a day.
Money (for Uncle Sam)
This film costs a hefty $3,200 US dollars! Keep in mind that we are mere college students.
From Script to Screen
We are proud to announce that we have a killer team of very talented filmmakers! With about 15 crew members (5 of us being women in lead roles!) we are confident that with our hard work and passion, we will make this film a success!
Anthony Denham (Cinematographer), Sam Casey (Chief Lighting Technician), Rob Leblanc (SFX & Makeup), Owen King (Production Designer), Alex Reader (Dramaturgy), Bella Berardi (Editor & Photographer), Ben Bradford (Editor & Sound), Connor Murphy (Sound), Nathanael Molnar (Assistant Director), Megan Ptak (Photographer), Evan Garrone (Script Supervisor), Nicholas Garica-Belong (Production Manager), Paul Ameller (Composer).
This film is scheduled to be completed this Spring, 2020! We really need YOUR SUPPORT in order to make this film a reality! Please consider donating to this passionate crew!