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My sisters stage 4 cancer

To accumulate funds for my sisters health. She has Stage 4 cancer and the chemo isn't working.

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My sisters stage 4 cancer

My sisters stage 4 cancer

My sisters stage 4 cancer

My sisters stage 4 cancer

My sisters stage 4 cancer

To accumulate funds for my sisters health. She has Stage 4 cancer and the chemo isn't working.

To accumulate funds for my sisters health. She has Stage 4 cancer and the chemo isn't working.

To accumulate funds for my sisters health. She has Stage 4 cancer and the chemo isn't working.

To accumulate funds for my sisters health. She has Stage 4 cancer and the chemo isn't working.

Francis Quinn
Francis Quinn
Francis Quinn
Francis Quinn
2 Campaigns |
Mount Holly, United States
$1,315 USD 23 backers
2% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Short Summary
Dagmar is an RN, 53 years old, mother of 5 boys and is dying from Stage 4 Cancer of her colon and liver. The prognosis is poor since the cancer is so advanced and chemotherapy hasn't been successful. The doctors give her 6 months or less. Two of her children are still in need of their mother, being only 10 and 12.

The Impact

Joshua 12 years and Jarod 10 are really the focus of this fundraiser. The goal of $50,000 is set to provide for Dagmar's final expenses but mostly to provide for her family. The family rents a small row home which is set for demolition very soon. Finding appropriate housing to keep the boys in their school district has been impossible as rentals are much higher than their current residence. The children will be facing a great loss very soon. Aware of their mothers illness, the family may actually be facing homelessness as well. Disability will never equal Dagmar's prior earnings and there are no funds for moving. Currently the boys are excelling in their studies, both on the school honor roll. Keeping them in their school would help them continue life with as much normalcy as possible. There is no safety net of funds....too many rainy days. There are no life insurance policies and it seems no new policy would pay out within the time Dagmar has. Most insurances, not for 2 years of initiating a policy. Dagmar, never known to be sickly, has been a dedicated nurse and mother, planned to work another 20 years... No one expects the first sign of a health problem to result in a terminal disease, much less with so little time left. Donations will keep Dagmar and her family from homelessness. If the goal is reached, it will be possible for the family to afford to stay locally, in their familiar home town where both her sons were born, have friends and the only change they will face is losing 'mom.' 


Risks & Challenges

 I'm Dagmar and I have been on chemotherapy since June 2014. Although the 'treatment' is not expected to cure the cancer, it was hoped to extend what time I  have. So many side effects, I am not always the same mom my boys have been used to. They have been so supportive, helpful and especially affectionate to me through good days and bad. They are my special guys. Their stay-at-home dad  can't get past the feeling this is something he can't put his hands on and fix, so he makes sure I eat well and rest enough. Everyday since this began I stress if I'm doing enough myself....should I try a new chemo drug in clinical trials, but I may not get the new drug if I'm in a group which does not get the drug, or placebo group. I search the internet for side effects of my drugs (most of which I have), new cancer treatments and other's experiences. Even if there is an alternate treatment available, financially it may not be available to me. My BBB or Big Brother Buzz, or Francis, is very supportive and though he lives at a distance, he brought me to tears when he confessed that HE needs me around another 10 years at least.

Other Ways You Can Help

I know some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about "My Sisters Stage 4 Cancer" campaign.
  • Remember to use the Indiegogo share tools!

And that's all there is to it.

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Hand painted art by Dagmar.

$40 USD
Handpainted wooden picture frames, refridgerator magnets or other craft items while supplies last.
0 claimed

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