Our dream is to give every athlete, team, and league a way to easily share their sporting lives and raise the funds they need to make their dreams come true.
The Problem?
It takes a lot of money to play sports. Amateur sports are having trouble funding school and recreational sports alike.
The amount people can participate in sports is directly correlated to how much money they have and the amount of access they have to sports equipment, communities, etc. Countless causes have been founded to address this problem, but charity is not enough.
Sports are one of the biggest revenue generating industries in the world. Individual athletes, amateur teams & leagues, semi-pro teams & leagues and professional sports outside of the U.S., are left out of the billion dollar business plan and are missing huge amounts of opportunity. Currently, most athletes, teams and leagues don't have a centralized network and effective, interactive approach to reaching their community. Individual athletes, amateur and semi-pro teams & leagues, and professional sports outside the U.S. are largely left out of the billion-dollar industry and are missing out on huge opportunities. Currently athletes, teams, and leagues lack a centralized network to reach their communities. They don't have one place to reach their fans, monetize their media, and raise funds. Amateur sports needs a better way to sustain itself.
The NCAA, MLB, NFL, NASCAR, NBA, and other televised sports leagues have been able to aggregate their markets. If individuals, teams, and leagues around the world could easily share their sports moments with their fans, family, and friends, then their value and money-making potential would expand exponentially. Millions of dollars are generated on YouTube using amateur and professional-athlete footage, but the athletes and amateur teams receive none of it. The NCAA, publications, professional leagues, and websites are generating billions off of these "small-time" athletes and local teams. It's time that this silent majority had the right tools to harness the revenue they generate.
So many athletes are left undiscovered because of lack of exposure and a simple inability to get noticed. Many athletes are good enough to play NCAA sports and are popular enough in their community to earn money through the sport they love; they just don't have the tools needed to raise funds, and most scholarships don't cover the full cost of tuition. You need exposure to get recruited, and scholarships do not provide enough funding on their own to keep you playing.
Our Solution
We want to change the world of sports by giving every individual, team and league a platform to display and share all of their sports accomplishments... and make money doing it. #FundYourSports
Using the power of technology, we want to provide everyone in the sports world with the same money-making tools that professional organizations have.
1. A huge community of sports fans: We bring together world wide athletes, teams, leagues onto one platform for all of their fans to follow and discover.
2. Share your sports media: We provide the features within this platform for athletes, teams and leagues to display their stats, events, photos, videos, news, and communicate with their community of fans.
3. Generate your own revenue: We want to give you the tools to create subscriptions and distribute their own merchandise, tickets, game streams, sponsorship and ad placement.
4. Get your share of what we make: Because you're generating the content, we are offering to share the revenue your website makes for us on our platform! What if you received a piece of the money you generate for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any app or site you're currently using?
- Revenue-share 50% of any advertising dollars on any individual, team or league page that is licensed and branded.
- Receive donations from anyone with an easy two-click donation process.
- Offer banner ads on your team or league page to sell to local or nationwide sponsor.
In the future you will be able to:
- Use subscription-based video services to post videos of games, practices, and lessons that will only be available to your subscribers.
- Sell tickets to your games.
- Get a % of the tickets you sell to your teams' games.
- Create custom team and league shops to sell goods to your fans.
- Create custom individual shops to sell your brand and likeness to your fans.
- Offer ads within videos.
What We Have:
MySportsShare.com is a way to start a website, track & share your sports activities and raise money to help fund your sports. It also gives athletes, teams, and leagues a platform to display their photos, videos, news, stats and sports history.
Do you want to share your sports career with your friends, family, and fans? Do you want to have a better chance of getting recruited?
An individual athlete can currently go on the site and add information, from the schools they attend to their favorite teams and sports highlights. You can add all of the sports you play in the MySports area and start sharing highlights and stats with fans, coaches, and recruiters. Find and communicate with any individual, team, or league on the site. Capture your whole sports career and then share it with everybody on Facebook and Twitter. This is the perfect tool to record your sports life as it happens and possibly get yourself recruited. You can keep a free page that isn't public, branded, or revenue generating, but which can be seen by anyone in our network as well as our affiliates. You can also buy a branded page that is public, includes revenue shares, receives donations, and can easily be shared with coaches or scouts without them having to log in to the website.
Licensed Team Page
Not generating any money from your current website? Do you have a fan base that is more interactive and larger than your sponsors think?
We provide you with a place to start a team website that not only lets you share and manage your team and schedule but also helps you raise funds!
Your website will keep your players and fans up to date while helping you easily manage the administrative aspects of coaching. Our team management features include: roster management, lineup creation, payment collection, event calendar for games and practices, box scores for all games, location listings, stat management, blog and news space, video and photo uploading for social media sharing. Coaches and league admins can create a free website to test the management software. Once they decide they like it, they can contact us to buy a licensed website that makes their page public and will be branded to reflect their team colors and logo. It makes your site revenue-sharing for ads and allows public donations to make it easy for you to raise funds.
Licensed League Page
Do you harness the money making power of your league on the internet the way the pros do? Does your league have one place to keep everyone up to date easily?
The league management features include: manage all teams rosters, manage all team and league admins, collect payments for players or full teams, event calendar for games and other events, box scores for all games, location listings, manage stats, create a blog, add news, communicate with players fans and coaches, upload photos and videos and share them with Facebook and Twitter. For leagues, administrators can create a league and get a free website to test the management software. Once they decide they like it, they can contact us to buy a licensed website that makes their page public, all their teams pages public, they will all be branded to reflect their league colors logo, and allows the league to easily begin raising funds publicly through our revenue sharing and donation platform.
Why are We Crowdfunding?
So that we can:
- add video/streaming and subscription features: $10,000
- add individual, team and league features plus better User Interface and Design: $5,000
- add more team sports and supporting stats: $2,000
- add more individual sports and supporting stats: $2,000
- custom team and league shop: $2,000
- create the full mobile application for the website: $13,000
- create mobile applications for scorekeeping, streaming games, finding teammates and more: $4,000 x 3= $12, 000
- create a widget to add to any existing websites that a team or league may have that connects them to their MySportsShare licensed page: $3,000
- add custom ticket purchasing: $2,000
The total amount we are looking to raise from the public is $50,000. Let's do this together, for our friends, our families, our communities, and ourselves!
From The Founder
Sports are central to building relationships in your community, learning life lessons, and creating good exercise and health habits. They also make lasting memories, not only for the athletes but for those watching them as well.
Born overseas to a military family, I've lived in Spain, Alaska, North Carolina, and now New York. Sports were always the way that I made friends, identified myself, identified with others, and hoped to create a career. I went to UNC-Chapel Hill and majored in Exercise and Sports Science, and afterward set out to become an entrepreneur.
My friends, family, and community were my biggest supporters growing up, but being in a military family that moved so frequently, it was nearly impossible for any of them to keep up with me. It was the part of my youth that I most remember, but also the part that I most wish could have been better documented. I had aspirations of getting recruited and playing pro, but being on military bases or in small towns my whole life limited my ability to get necessary exposure. I was not recruited heavily and no one helped me get recruited, and like most athletes I left college with tremendous debt. I moved to New York in 2006 to help my friend start a business. The business was extremely successful, and we sold our assets in 2012.
MySportsShare is a passion project, backed by my closest friends and the money I made from selling my previous business. The idea started as a way to make sure that anyone who plays sports can share each moment with their family and friends, anywhere and anytime. We've also added it to our mission to make sure they can raise the funds that are so desperately needed to play sports. We've gotten this far, and now we need your help. That's why we're here.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Contribute just 1$ or more and become one of our beta testers and test all of our future features as they come out. Let us know your feedback and we'll do our best to make sure to improve them or remove them based on what you say.
0 claimed
Official Donor Page
$10 USD
Your name will be added to our official donor page. You will also be eligible for a beta testing.
3 claimed
Bumper Sticker
$30 USD
Everyone loves a bumper sticker! Get the MySportsShare, "May the Sports Be With You", Donor bumper sticker. Your name will also be added to our donor wall and you become a prototype tester all for $30!!
0 claimed
Donor Banner + Bumper Sticker
$50 USD
Get a special header on your page to our website that states you are a IndieGoGo donor. Also receive your MySportsShare Donor bumper sticker, get added to our donor wall and become a prototype tester for the site.
0 claimed
Team Jersey or Lifetime Page
$100 USD
Along with our other perks, you will get your choice of a MySportsShare Jersey with your name and number on the back, or a licensed recruiting page for yourself or anyone you know. The page can immediately start being used to get more exposure, get recruited & receive donations from fans to keep playing sports forever.
This is a lifetime purchase only available for IndieGoGo donors. Meaning no $100 renewal fee yearly.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Lifetime Team Site
$200 USD
Get your team on MySportsShare with a licensed team website! Start capturing your teams moments and managing your teams roster, schedule and payments easily with a licensed team site. To go along with your custom header we will place a donor badge, and give your our first 3 prizes as well. Your team site will also allow you to take donations so you can afford to keep playing.
Exclusive to IndieGoGo Donors: This is a lifetime subscription, meaning no fees for your site ever again.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
ESPN Experience-League
$2,000 USD
Give your league (up to 20 teams) an ESPN like experience with your licensed league website. Get your own custom league header for all teams in your league. A league scoreboard and manage all your league's rosters, payments and schedules in one location. Easily share the league's highlights and raise money from your fans with our your licensed league website!
Exclusive to IndiGoGo Donors: This is a lifetime subscription, meaning no fees for your site ever again.
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Unlimited ESPN Experience
$5,000 USD
Large leagues need large support. Our Unlimited ESPN Experience perk will give an unlimited number of teams in your league a public page that revenue shares and helps them raise money to keep funding their sports. Share schedules, scores, highlights, manage rosters, and manage payments all in one place for every team in your league. Give all of your players a recruiting page and your fans the ultimate experience keeping up with your league.
Exclusive to IndiGoGo Donors: No more fees ever!
0 out of 10 of claimed
VIP Invite Office Party
$10,000 USD
Meet the minds, developers and pro players behind the scenes at MySportsShares offices. Get early email notices on all new plans and features behind MySportsShare and be eligible for unlimited number of individual, team and league pages to give to your friends and family.