Help Help Save Lives.
The Non-riders Awareness Group was conceived as a means to bridge the gap between riders and drivers, through education and awareness:
- Our founder is a rider, designer and web developer of 15+ years.
- With more and more riders on the road, motorcycle casualties are on the rise.
- Your help today, could save lives tomorrow.
What We Need & What You Get
Before the first website, flyer, poster or video is created, we need to complete the task of completing the steps to secure our non-profit status.
With your donation, NAG will provide you with monthly newsletters and a welcome packet.
If we do not reach our entire goal, we plan on continuing with the project in a limited capacity.
The Impact
While law enforcement run limited campaigns on a statewide basis, NAG will affect countless lives year round and worldwide.
A web developer by trade and a rider at heart, our founder has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies on multi-million projects over the past 15 years.
This project will create a unity between riders, drivers, law enforcement, motorcycle clubs and manufacturers alike to create an environment of mutual understanding, for safer roadways.
Risks & Challenges
With over 1 billion cars on the road worldwide in multiple countries, it is a monumental task to not only reach them logistically, but compassionately.
We, at NAG, completely understand the huge task at hand, but we also know that we need to take those first steps and reach that first driver.
If we reach one driver and save one life, then this project was a success in our eyes.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not every one has disposable income to help a non-profit group, no matter how genuine their intentions are and we completely understand, but you can help without even leaving your computer...
Use the tools Indiegogo has provided and help spread the word.
E-mail your local motorcycle dealerships and send them our info.
Reach out to your MC or your friend's MC.
NAG needs you!