Nakahili's Medical Procedure
Nakahili's Medical Procedure
Nakahili's Medical Procedure
Nakahili's Medical Procedure
Nakahili's Medical Procedure
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Nakahili's Medical Procedure
A few days ago, Nakahili discovered her right saline breast implant ruptured and will need to be removed to prevent future health issues and pain. A procedure needs to be done within the next week to avoid having a more complicated surgery.
Nakahili was quoted $6775 to remove, and replace both implants. We are asking for a little more to help offset the cost of prescriptions, childcare, and time off during recovery. We can shave about $1000 off the cost to just remove them, which we are leaning more towards, although the surgeon strongly advised against due to the trauma of this dramatic physical change.
We do not have insurance and from what the surgeon said, it is considered an elective procedure and insurance wouldn't cover this. We do not have credit due to the fact that we are in the process of trying to repair our credit from identity theft. All our assets are tied up in our fairly new business and we have no spare money to put toward surgery.
We asked the surgeon if we could only work on the one that needs to be removed and the surgeon explained since the remaining implant is way past the expiration of its lifespan, we should expect the other to rupture soon. This is also his explanation as to why he only operates on both sides and couldn't quote us for operating on just the one side. We would rather get the surgery done and over with now than have to go back for another surgery, as Nakahili has complications when under anesthesia.
Either way, she needs this painful collapsed implant removed soon so she can return to her clients quickly. The operation has been set for next week Wednesday but we need to have the full amount paid, by no later than Monday 1/23/17.
We thank you in advance for all your support!
Chris & Nakahili