Nasty is a twisted tale of makeup, murder, mayhem and... men in wigs. This short horror film from first time director/ life-long horror fan/ drag connoisseur Mathew S. Marron, is a psychological thriller black comedy set in the ominous yet colorful and glamorous world of the bizarre and homicidal Drag Queen called Nasty. Team Nasty is made up of local filmmakers, Drag performers and actors in Austin, Texas all donating their time and talent to this film. We have received a tremendous amount of local support and we are now reaching out to fans and freaks around the world to help us achieve our dreams and make this nightmare a reality by funding this sickening short that will surely go down as a cult classic.
We've assembled an enormously talented cast and crew that are all working without pay. We have some of the necessary equipment, but to fully bring Nasty's terrifying eleganza to life there are some parts missing. That is where you guys come in. We need to raise our goal of $5,500 in order to pay for extra filming equipment, gag-worthy costumes, catering, designers and artists, licensing for music and of course glorious, GOREgeous special effects – all practical, no CGI. Plus, part of the money we raise will go to producing and shipping some of the great perks we want to reward our backers with - such as high quality screen printed t-shirts, posters, stickers and other exclusive and limited Nasty memorabilia. If we can't reach our goal, we will still be able to reward our backers with their promised perks and we will put everything we have together to put out the most quality film we can with what we have. If we raise over our goal any money not used during production will go directly to festival cost and travel.
Concept art by Spike Arreaga (
With your help we will gain the tools to create a memorable, beautiful, horrifying and truly unique film that will push boundaries and leave you begging for more. Aside from telling this story, we want to also shine a bright spotlight on the diverse and talented Drag community of Austin, Texas. If you cannot help financially but the project interests you, please share this page on your social media! Nasty's audience is out there and with your help we can bring this beautiful monster to life! Let's get NASTY!
Poster designed by Cameron Miller ( Photo by Michael T. Carter.
Take a look at the Nasty Teaser Trailer below!
Exclusive screen printed shirt, designed by Miranda Petrosky