PROGENE is starting a new national study on testosterone levels in men. While men are becoming more aware of the effects of lower testosterone levels due to aging, most do not know their own levels of this vital hormone.
Guys, do you know your testosterone level? If not, be part of our national study and we'll help you find out! You'll be among thousands of men participating in this new, exciting research.
As a stretch goal, Progene hopes to make this the largest single study of its kind. Join us and together, we will set a world record!
Testosterone is an important, naturally occurring hormone that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. In other words, testosterone defines who we are as men.
After levels peak in our late teens/early twenties, testosterone amounts continue to decline 1-2% every year. By the time we're 45, we've already lost 25-50% of our production capabilities. Unfortunately, most men do not know how much they actually have left!
Declining Testosterone Levels By Age Group
Men do, however, feel the impact of lower levels of testosterone. We have less energy, more body/belly fat, and a loss of muscle mass, among other changes -- all resulting from the decline of this important sex hormone.
As guys, we measure and track the performance of things around us. And trurthbe told, many of us guys don't find their "engines" running as hot as they'd like. As important as testosterone levels are in the operation of our own engines, shouldn’t testertone levels be one of the stats we know? At Progene, we believe the answer is YES!
Progene Pros!
Mike Martin: Bengal Wide Receiver, Retired. Played in Super Bowl XXIII.
Roger Robins: Gulf War Veteran. Military Special Ops.
Scott Smith: Winner: Golf Long-Drive World Record of 539 yards.
Our ProgenePros agree! Monitoring and tracking stats determine a win or loss in sports, in war, and in life. Regardless of your age, knowledge is power and Progene can help restore your winning potential.
National retailers who carry Progene's natural testosterone supplement also agree! With our new At-Home Testosterone Test Kits, we're working to make it easier for men to find out their current testosterone levels. At the same time, we're increasing national awareness of the issues associated with lower testosterone levels.
In the next 3-6 months, our Test Kits will be on store shelves for $44.95.
Progene’s soon to be on store shelves: At-Home Testosterone Test Kits that will finally give men an accurate and easy way to measure and track their testosterone levels:
- From the convenience and privacy of home
- At a fraction of the $120-150 average cost to visit a doctor's office
- Pain-free. No needles. No blood samples.
ABOVE: Progene's Easy, Painless, At-home Testosterone Testing Steps
- No invasive procedures. No needles. No blood specimens.
- Simply spit and mail.
- Prepaid postage.
- Prepaid lab fees.
Testing completed at our CLIA certified lab, utilizing FDA approved processes to determine testosterone levels.
More specifically, our labs utilize the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) methodology. For more details go to:
And through your involvement in the Indiegogo Study, we can raise awareness of the issues associated with decreasing testosterone levels as men age. With your support and significant national participation, we can help advance this research on a national level... and maybe even break a couple records along the way!
For the research, choose your own level of data participation:
Level 1: Anonymous. I don't want to be part of the Indiegogo Study. I just want to know my own stats.
Level 2: I'm in! I want to contribute my results to the Indiegogo Study, but I'll remain anonymous.
Level 3: I’m okay with sharing my initials or first name, but nothing more.
Level 4: My location info is cool for me. I'll include a state or zip code.
Level 5: Interview me! You’re welcome to mention me by name or interview me for upcoming articles and/or publications.
Data we track in aggregate, with no personally identifying information, include:
- Participants' age groups
- Dates of participation
- Testosterone levels
- Any other self-reported and/or self-disclosed notes
Our 90 Day Goal is to:
Test at least 1000 participants. . . If we over subscribe, that only helps with the statistics, potentially making ours the Largest National study of this kind!
Develop a National Indiegogo Baseline showing where men are today.
Report on the national status of men's testosterone levels with a large and statistically significant number of men.
Plan beyond the 90 Days. We expect to report some interesting findings from this initial "baseline" study... So, we're already planning for another report at Day 120!
For those who participate with multiple tests, we look forward to releasing a second report that measures the difference from the initial baseline against any lifestyle or diet changes that may have contributed to testosterone level variations. So join us by:
- Doing additional tests.
- Experimenting with your lifestyle and recording any changes in exercise, sleep, nutrition, diet, and vitamin intake.
- Trying Progene, all-natural Testosterone Supplement.
- Sending your before/after snapshots for original baseline comparisons.
- Writing to us! We look forward to reading about what worked and didn't work for participants during the study and we will share, with permission, your information with others. Maybe all of us will discover something new!
Aggregate reporting to be posted on our website and published in a national announcement at each milestone listed below:
- Progene Lab Testing Facilities: Operational
- Progene Test Kits: In production
- Progene Reporting capabilities: Completed
- Indiegogo National Testosterone Study: In process now!
- Test Kit Delivery: At close of program
- Stage 1 Report: Day 90
- Stage 2 Report: Day 120
Progene Testosterone Test Kit
Not only will you be helping advance research and awareness of our normal aging processes, but you will:
*Receive a special preview of our Test Kits and special Indiegogo Discounted, Pre-launch Package Pricing before the Test Kit delivery to national retailers' shelves.
*Learn how much testosterone you actually have before all the other guys in the country!
*Discover what works for you to restore your levels!
*Be part of a landmark study and possibly help break a record or two in what we project to be the largest national study of testosterone levels.
Finally, if you're actively working out and wanting better results, ask yourself four questions:
- What are my current levels?
- How do changes in levels impact my workout results?
- Do I really know what supplements work?
- Because we're all different, how can I find out what works for me?
Progene® is a leading brand of products designed to help extend, improve and enhance men's lives. In addition to the new testosterone at-home test kits, Progene also distributes the leading line of all-natural testosterone supplements found nationwide at: GNC, Rite Aid, USADrug, Costco,,, and more than 150 other regional retailers.
With over 20 million tablets sold, Progene's dual action formula of rare herbal extracts & clinically proven testosterone precursors helps to provide men the ingredients we need to produce more testosterone… So that we can restore Power, Performance & Passion® with Progene®.
Don't believe it? Take the Progene® Challenge with a "before and after" test to see for yourself what Progene® can do for you.
Progene- National Print Ad
What does the test kit do?
- Technically, the test kit doesn’t do anything. The Kit contains 4 collection vials for you to spit in and sent back to our labs.
- Our labs then process your samples and measure your levels of free testosterone, the form of testosterone that’s active & bio-available.
I thought testosterone could only be measured by a blood sample? How is testosterone in my saliva?
- In the past, testosterone levels could only be measured by drawing blood samples. That’s changed!
- Free testosterone (bio-available & active hormone) now can also be measured by from simple, painless saliva samples.
- The testosterone molecule, in its active and bio-available state is actually small enough to pass across the blood barrier into saliva (no wonder why a good “kiss” is valued by women!).
- This is all good news when blood tests cost more, are painful,and require special handling when having to do multiple samples to establish baseline average. Multiple punctures for blood samples can be impractical.
- Is it painful?
- No… you only spit. No blood or other medical procedures are needed.
What’s in the test kit?
- The kit contains everything needed to quickly & simply collect non-invasive, saliva samples in 4 collection tubes.
- Prepaid shipping fees to return the samples to our labs.
- Prepaid lab fees for processing all the samples.
- Instructions & preprinted labels
How do I do the test?
- Instructions are inside the kit and can be found at
- In brief… through the course of 1 day, spit in each of the 4 tubes and mail the samples.
Why do I have to spit 4 times?
- Our normal hormone levels fluctuate through the course of a normal day… with the highest levels of testosterone in the early morning about 1-2 hrs before waking (thus the reason for “morning wood”)
- By doing multiple samples, you provide a more accurate reading for the average levels of that day.
When do I get results?
- Once shipped, samples are processed within 1 week and immediately posted online or via phone retrieval (see instructions).
How is this different than a test at the doctor’s office?
- Doctors actually can do similar tests, but charge 2x as much.
- Doctors provide an “interpretation” of the results to be used for clinical or diagnostic purposes.
- You cannot remain anonymous at a doctor's office.
- While our procedures are hospital-grade and clinical in nature, because we are doing an un-supervised, self-reported test, the test-kit is not considered a health or health care product and cannot be used to diagnose or treat any disease. This is entirely for informational purposes.
Is a prescription needed?
- No. As an at-home test used for personal informational purposes, no prescription is needed.
How is the test done?
- The test is conducted at our CLIA certified endocrinology lab utilizing FDA approved processes.
- Specifically, the test utilizes the ELISA methodology (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay).
Is it anonymous?
- Yes. Our confidential and anonymous processes utilize database driven, unique barcode IDs to track and manage your results. From this, only you (or those you choose to give access) to your results can retrieve your data.
- Only the data, notes or reference you want to share will be included in the national report.
Who needs this test?
- Anyone who wants to know his testosterone levels.
- Anyone trying different testosterone supplements or prescriptions.
- Anyone who wants continued and ongoing monitoring to track personal progress and changes in levels.
How should I use this with Progene?
- We recommend doing 1 test BEFORE taking Progene to establish your normal “baseline”. Then a second test several weeks AFTER taking Progene to see what Progene can do.
How often should I test?
- We lose 1-2% per year; therefore, we suggest an annual test if you’re not taking a supplement or a prescription.
- If you are on a natural TRT regimen test every 2-3 months.
- If you are on a synthetic prescription test every month.
Can I use / test other testosterone products besides Progene?
- Absolutely! It’s a great way to actually measure / see what works for you.
What is Progene?
- Progene’s one of the leading brands of testosterone supplements in the country.
- Progene is currently sold nationwide at GNC, Rite Aid, USADrug, Costco, and more than 150 other independent and regional retailers like Brookshire's Food & Pharmacy and Harris Teeter Grocers.
- Progene has sold over 20million tablets. Progene’s dual-action formula contains rare herbal extracts as well as clinically proven, natural testosterone precursors to provide your body the base ingredients it needs to produce more.
In terms of challenges to making this Indiegogo project a success...
Our first and primary challenge to developing a good report will be whether or not we are able to enroll a statistically significant number of participants.
Again, our goal is to at least have 1000 (good) participants. Ideally, A LOT more [articipants would make our Indiegogo project the single largest national testosterone study ever conducted!
The project funding target is based on the cost of 1 test kit multiplied by 1000 participants.
Our second challenge will be actually getting good test samples. 1. The tests are not physician supervised because the test-kit is not considered a health or medical product. 2. Results should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions (but one can definitely feel free to share results with a primary care physician if anything feels "off" or if more information is desired), and 3) Results may have a wider variance because of the self-reporting process.
Fortunately, our tests are amazingly simple: Just spit at the recommended intervals. Inaccuracies from mis-spitting (eg. contaminated samples) do happen and will easily throw off the results. Thus our reason for a minimum of 1000 samples is to decrease the impact of statistical anomalies.
As for operational delivery, we're the only supplement company in the country offering a test like this and have already scaled up operations to meet national retailer expectations.
We just look forward to you and your friends' participation in this landmark study, and thank you in advance for taking the time and effort to be part of this exciting, ground breaking research!
... And if we do break a couple records, we'll be looking forward to including you in the list of those who helped make it happen! So let's try to make history together!.