Save time, money and energy with NaturAll Club's fresh customized hair products delivered to your door with flexible membership plans.
- NOTE: This is a
flexible FIXED campaign. We measured the minimum amount of funding needed to launch NaturAll Club. We will not cut corners on the quality of our products so we need to reach our goal.
Stretch GoalsIf we surpass our initial goals and projections, additional funding will allow for the development of a new wave of personalized products to cater to more individualized hair needs.
If you want the best natural hair care service and products, contribute today. Need convincing?Keep reading below or leave a comment for us and we'll address your concerns.
1. Select the problem area you want to focus on
Natural deep conditioners are customized to treat your problem area.
Natural hair products that use everyday, household ingredients have been proven to help hair become healthier when used on a regular basis. And a rapidly growing community of people is looking for these natural hair care alternatives. But while many are enticed by the promise of natural and healthful products, the vast majority are easily discouraged.
NaturAll Club is the Solution!
We're making the switch to an all natural hair care regimen easy by taking away the three most common deterrents. Plus, we’re adding research that takes the popular do-it-yourself hair products to the next level.
2. Choose a Membership Plan. Get product delivered.
Why NatuAll Club?
Fresh Natur(All) Ingredients
What can you expect in your customized deep conditioner? A combination of natural ingredients proven to help the health of your hair. All made fresh.
Feedback from Early Users
You Need This Delivered.
We Need You.
We are passionate about our hair products and
we will ensure that you get the best out of your hair care. We've been able to use our funds to make test products to get this far. We are using fresh ingredients for our early products but we hope to have all certified organic ingredients soon. Your contribution will help get us thereIn order to
make our vision a reality, we need the funding provided by your perk
investments to scale our business.
The funds secured will go primarily towards securing the equipment
and ingredients needed to produce industry-quality products.
We will
need blenders, hand mixers, packaging materials, label makers, jars, and more to deliver a complete product. More importantly, we need to hire team
members with the same devotion to your hair’s health to serve in marketing,
business, and design roles. We’re so close to achieving something special, and
we truly appreciate your support.
Rewards & Perks!
FAQ: Do I really get my name listed on NaturAll Club’s website?
Absolutely! We will never forget the people who bought our first products. Without you, NaturAll Club could not exist... you’re almost a founder at this point! Therefore, why shouldn't your name be listed under the team section of our website? We’re happy to do it.
Delivery Schedule
FAQ: Why are there two production schedules?
Splitting our production runs allows us to order fresh ingredients as we prepare each deep conditioner one batch at time. Lucky for you, we don’t make our products in bulk so each product is filled with extra love.
Still need convincing? Well, keep on reading.![]()
Meet the Team: Lydia (left), Muhga (right)
Hi there, my name is Muhga (Meem) Eltigani (University of Pennsylvania '14, Venture For America Fellow) and I am teaming with Lydia Atangcho, Ph.D. Pre-Candidate in Chemical Engineering (University of Michigan) to bring you NaturAll Club, delivering all natural hair products for your best and healthiest hair.
I have been using my own hand made natural hair products for two years now. My natural hair product obsession started as a 6 month challenge (video below) to break away from my product obsession but then became a lifestyle when I saw that my own products gave me better results than any other store-bought products that I used.
I loved the results so much that I shared my natural hair care remedies on YouTube and found a growing audience of 28,000 subscribers interested in natural hair care. Through my YouTube channel, I found growing need to package the "do it yourself" benefit for people to get the best results. NaturAll is the result of that need.
Why IndieGoGo?
are many options to raise money. We could have raised money through investors,
venture capitalists, etc. While many businesses have seen much success raising money through those sources, we want ensure that we are in full control of this hair line,
and with that money you lose some control. With our track record, networks, and
feedback from you, we will create the best hair care line- together.
Our promise to our backers and future guests: we will do everything we can to make sure that we source the best product for you. We will educate you about why we chose our ingredients- transparency is education! You help us with this campaign. We help you with your hair for a lifetime.
Other Ways You Can Help
if you can't help out by selecting a perk at this time, you can still help us
by sharing this campaign. Share this project on your social media accounts and
personally reach out to family, friends, and colleagues.
knows at least one person who’s looking for more natural products for their
everyday needs — share our page and let them know that we're working on building a hair care system for them.