Our Story
We are the New Democratic Youth of Prince Edward Island. For the first time our numbers are really growing and we want to start building a viable third party here on PEI. We want to send 20 of our members to the Federal NDP Leadership Convention in Toronto on March 23-24 to show our fellow members on the national level that we are here and ready to work together for a better Canada.
The Impact
With a successful campaign we will be able to send a strong delegation of NDP of PEI youth members to a National Convention for the first time. We have the opportunity to start building from the ground up a talented group of young members interested in getting involved in the party on a provincial level. Our growth has already begun and this amount of interest in the party is a first for the Island. Please help us grow.
What We Need & What You Get
We are hoping to raise enough money for group transportation and accommodation to and from Toronto from PEI for 20 of our youth delegates. All money, raised regardless of if we reach our total goal, will go directly towards transportation and accommodation costs for this trip. Any additional money will be used to further build the youth wing on PEI at our Provincial Convention in April.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us in any way you can! The party on PEI is building and begin to shape a viable alternative to the 2 party system currently in place here. Please send this link to NDP members and supporters across the country through email, facebook, twitter, anything. Change will happen here, please help us and be a part of it!