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Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, an "attractive" and new way to charge your iPhone, iPad or Smart phone with the power of magnets.

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Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, discover a new way to charge your iPad, iPhone and Smart phone

Neo-Plug, an "attractive" and new way to charge your iPhone, iPad or Smart phone with the power of magnets.

Neo-Plug, an "attractive" and new way to charge your iPhone, iPad or Smart phone with the power of magnets.

Neo-Plug, an "attractive" and new way to charge your iPhone, iPad or Smart phone with the power of magnets.

Neo-Plug, an "attractive" and new way to charge your iPhone, iPad or Smart phone with the power of magnets.

Jacob Brozek
Jacob Brozek
Jacob Brozek
Jacob Brozek
1 Campaign |
Bensenville, United States
$322 USD 19 backers
0% of $167,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Why Indiegogo

A friend told me about Indiegogo after I launched my campaign on KS. I went through a month back and forth with KS editing my campaign, reshooting video footage and with each edit more and more of my content was disappearing, like my CAD drawings which they stated were not allowed. Frustrated, the campaign finally was approved and I decided to launch despite the fact most of my content was gone. I felt like there is a double standard on KS so I decided to try indiegogo. I’m looking forward to a successful campaign on Indiegogo. Thank you.

What Is Neo-Plug

Neo-Plug is a new and convenient adapter that consists of 2 parts. The first part, the “adapter” slips over your existing data cable or charger and has very strong rare earth magnets on the end, neodymium magnets. These magnets allow the data cable or charger to effortlessly snap into place with the second part, the “plug”, which resides inside your iPhone, iPad or Micro USB device.


Additional Videos

Click here to watch the extended video footage

Click here to watch Neo-Plug installed in iDevice

Click here to watch a video with our CAD designs

Click here to watch a prototype proof of concept video


The Story Behind the Idea:

I came up with the idea while driving my car and trying to plug the charger into the phone. I said to myself wouldn’t it be great if the charger could just snap into place by itself when it comes close to the port. When I returned home that night I couldn't sleep, because I immediately started thinking of how to design something like this, which parts to use, and how to build a working prototype.

1st working Neo-Plug prototype

1st working Neo-Plug prototype


I knew the working prototype wouldn’t be pretty, but at least it will help people visualize the concept. I knew I needed to show a better representation of the project, so I hired a 3D CAD designer and we closely worked together in order to make Neo-Plug come to life and produce a first rapid prototype.

Rapid prototype 3' Neo-Plug

Rapid prototype 3' Neo-Plug


Apple 30 pin connector Neo-Plug CAD design

Apple 30 pin connector Neo-Plug CAD design


Apple Lightning connector Neo-Plug CAD design

Apple Lightning connector Neo-Plug CAD design


Micro USB connector Neo-Plug CAD design

Micro USB connector Neo-Plug CAD design


Neo-Plug is intended to be used with your existing data cable or charger, yes it passes data as well so it can be used to SYNC your device or transfer data. Neo-Plug simply transforms your existing cable to a magnetic connector. Neo-Plug comes in 3 versions:

  • A flush adapter that goes over your existing cable just like in the above CAD drawings.
  • A 3’ foot extension, this version will extend you existing cable another 3’
  • A 6’ foot extension, this version will extend you existing cable another 6’

 Neo-Plug  makes connecting your device a “snap”, literally.


Examples of Neo-Plug in Your Device

Neo-Plug in Micro USB Port (side view)

Neo-Plug in Micro USB Port (side view)


Neo-Plug in Micro USB Port (bottom view)

Neo-Plug in Micro USB Port (bottom view)


Neo-Plug in iPad 30 Pin (side view)

Neo-Plug in iPad 30 Pin (side view)


Neo-Plug in iPad 30 Pin (bottom view)

Neo-Plug in iPad 30 Pin (bottom view)


Neo-Plug in iDevice 30 Pin (side view)

Neo-Plug in iDevice 30 Pin (side view)


Neo-Plug in iDevice 30 Pin (bottom view)

Neo-Plug in iDevice 30 Pin (bottom view)


Neo-Plug, a Fun Play on Words.

I’m sure many of you are wondering, Neo-Plug, the plug part makes sense, but neo? Well, it’s a fun play on words. What makes Neo-Plug work are tiny rare earth magnets which are extremely strong and are made of a material called neodymium. Unfortunately, neodymium itself is a poor conductor and therefore doesn’t pass electric current very well, which doesn’t make it a great candidate for electrical connectors. After doing research I found some great news! Neodymium can be plated with gold, since gold is an excellent electrical conductor; I incorporated gold plated neodymium magnets into the design to serve as contacts for not only charging the device, but also passing data to or from the device.

No More Poking Around.

Have you ever been frustrated by the process of plugging in your devices charger or data cable? You first twist it, look under it, aligned it properly, and finally plug it in. Neo-Plug will eliminate the frustration and tedious steps, since each Neo-Plug has uniquely placed magnets to make it impossible to plug the charger or data cable in the wrong way. It’s natural. The magnet won’t allow it.

Say Good-Bye to Smashed Cords, Broken Contacts, and Terminals.

Broken terminals inside a device are a thing of the past. So many devices need to be sent in for repair, because the charging port was damaged from too much pressure being applied to the charging connector. In some cases the terminal is beyond repair and a new phone must be purchased. Connectors themselves can become damaged from too many reinserts, but Neo-Plug eliminates the likelihood of damaged hardware by simply inserting the “plug” carefully into the devices port and it remains inside the terminal. That’s it!

Moving forward.

I know the idea is great. Also, I absolutely love the concept and application of the design. I have the technical knowledge and experience to make my idea a reality, which will ultimately, bring Neo-Plug to your device. Even though I love the idea and so does everyone else here at Lola Wireless, I don’t know if everyone else in the world will love it as well, which is why I’m glad Kickstarter is here to help me. Not only does Kickstarter allow me to share the idea with you, but also allows me to identify if people are interested in Neo-Plug. All the funds will be used to bring Neo-Plug to you. We are ready for a production run, only challenge at the moment is funding. Your support will allow this final step to be completed and bring Neo-Plug to your device and into the market for others to enjoy.

Why we need your help

Mass production and manufacturing is expensive and requires minimum commit levels. The $167,000.00 we are asking from the community is a carefully calculated number that will allow us to have the molds, parts, assembly, packaging and shipping accomplished. We even calculated the percentages that get taken out by the funding platform and worked it into the number. I have funded this project and idea up to this point with my company Lola Wireless Inc, and the next step unfortunately is way out of budget for me. This is the absolute minimum we need to bring Neo-Plug to you and to the market. We love the idea and so does everyone we show this too, but we can’t make this project a product without your help.

Meet the Team

Meet the Neo-Plug Team

The Neo-Plug Team

From left:

Brittney Harmon - Customer Service Representative

Briana Harmon - Sales Representative

Logan Nichols - Project Manager

Jacob Brozek - CEO / Developer


Project Timeline

We have spent countless hours and drank many pots of coffee in effort to produce the most accurate timeline for the project. We contacted all of our manufacturers and received commit dates from them, we asked for help with logistics from friends and family once the project is ready to ship. We have everything in place and are ready for a production run, all we need is funding. Please visit for up to date progress.

February 2013

  • Make technical drawings for Neo-Plugs
  • Make a rough working prototype for proof of concept

March 2013

  • Rapid prototyping
  • Shooting final video footage and editing

April 2013

  • Launch a campaign for the project

June 2013

  • Receive campaign funding
  • Contact pledgers and collect contact details
  • Update website with pledgers information
  • Order customized pens for pledgers
  • Legal and licensing
  • Sign contract with the manufacturer and have them produce samples

July 2013

  • Start the manufacturing process
  • Check quality and test samples

August 2013

  • Provide feedback to factory and make adjustments if needed
  • Check quality of second samples

September 2013

  • Start mass production of Neo-Plug

October 2013

  • Receive manufactured product.
  • Pick random Neo-Plugs and have our staff test them to assure quality

November 2013

  • Start shipping Neo-Plugs to pledgers


Rewards Explained

Individual pieces explained

Individual pieces explained


$2 - Your name, part of your name or nickname will be listed on under the "Pledgers" section. We will gather the information from you once the project is funded.

$10 - You will receive one of a kind pen that will be custom made upon the project funding acknowledging that with your support Neo-Plug came to life. You will also be acknowledged on our website.

$10 - ***ADDITIONAL PLUGS ONLY*** If you need additional plugs for your device pledge here. The plug is the part that goes inside your device. Please note you need an adapter in order to use the plug, each pledge is for one additional plug for your device.

$10 - ***ADDITIONAL STANDARD Neo-Plug Adapters ONLY*** If you need additional adapters for your device pledge here. The adapter is the part that goes over your existing cable and connects to the device plug. Please note you need a device plug in order to use the adapter, each pledge is for one additional adapter for your device. The Standard Neo-Plug does not have an extension, it will look just like our CAD design.

$15 - ***ADDITIONAL 3’ or 6’ Neo-Plug Adapters ONLY*** If you need additional adapters for your device pledge here. The adapter is the part that goes on your existing cable and connects to the plug. Please note you need a plug in order to use the adapter, each pledge is for one additional adapter for your device. Choices are;

  • Micro USB 3’ or 6’ extension cable ONLY
  • Apple Lightning 3’ or 6’ extension cable ONLY - white color
  • Apple Lightning 3’ or 6’ extension cable ONLY - black color
  • Apple 30 pin 3’ or 6’ extension cable ONLY - white color
  • Apple 30 pin  3’ or 6’ extension cable ONLY - black color


$15 -  ***Early Bird Special*** ONLY 100 Available! You will have an option upon successful funding of the project to select a Standard Neo-Plug of your choice for your device. We will also acknowledge your support on our website and send you the one of a kind pen with your Neo-Plug. The Standard Neo-Plug does not have an extension, it will look just like our CAD design.

$20 -  You will have an option upon successful funding of the project to select a Standard Neo-Plug of your choice for your device. We will also acknowledge your support on our website. The Standard Neo-Plug does not have an extension, it will look just like our CAD design.

$30 - You will have an option upon successful funding of the project to select a 3' Neo-Plug of your choice for your device. The 3' Neo-Plug will extend your existing cable another 3', how cool is that? We will also acknowledge your support on our website.

The 3' Neo-Plug choices are:

  • Micro USB - Black color only
  • Apple Lightning - white color
  • Apple Lightning - black color
  • Apple 30 pin - white color
  • Apple 30 pin  - black color

$35 - You will have an option upon successful funding of the project to select a 6' Neo-Plug of your choice for your device. The 6' Neo-Plug will extend your existing cable another 6', how cool is that? We will also acknowledge your support on our website.

The 6' Neo-Plug choices are:

  • Micro USB - Black color only
  • Apple Lightning - white color
  • Apple Lightning - black color
  • Apple 30 pin - white color
  • Apple 30 pin  - black color

Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.


 Risks and Challenges

Every project is expected to face obstacles at one point or another during the project completion journey. With my extensive knowledge in electronics, business, and time management I will be able to keep risks to a minimum and conquer any obstacles I face along the way. The biggest obstacle I will face is making sure the product will start shipping when promised. I will personally be involved in every step of the project; from mold development to the manufacturing process in order to ensure each backer receives a top quality neo-plug by the expected deadline. Project updates will be posted on our website and we welcome backers’ involvement and comments as the project progresses.




Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Just want to help

$2 USD
Pledge two bux if you like the idea and just want to help bring it to the market. Every backer will be recognized on our website
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 claimed

I Made Neo-Plug Possible

$10 USD
You will receive a "I Made Neo-Plug Possible" pen in the mail upon successful funding of the project, and be recognized on our website. Please add $3 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 claimed


$10 USD
Pledge this amount only if you want to receive additional Plug for your device.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

ADDITIONAL Neo-Plug Adapter

$10 USD
Pledge this amount if you want additional Standard adapter for your device only.Please add $5 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

ADD 3’ or 6’ Neo-Plug Adpt.

$15 USD
Pledge this amount if you want an additional 3' or 6' Extension Adapter only.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

***Early Bird Special***

$15 USD
Receive a Standard Neo-Plug set (adapter and plug included), our "I made Neo-Plug possible" pen and be listed on our website.Please add $10 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 100 of claimed

Standard Neo-Plug set

$20 USD
Receive a Standard Neo-Plug set (adapter and plug included) for a device of your choice.Please add $10 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Neo-Plug with 3' extension

$30 USD
Receive a 3' Neo-Plug set of your choice for your device. The 3' Neo-Plug will extend your existing cable another 3'. Please add $10 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Neo-Plug with 6' extension

$35 USD
Receive a 6' Neo-Plug set of your choice for your device. The 6' Neo-Plug will extend your existing cable another 6'. Please add $10 for shipping outside US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Its a Party!

$10,000 USD
You and a guest (continental US airfare included) will be flown in to Chicago for a 2 night 3 day stay at the Park Hyatt Chicago, for a dinner with the Neo-Plug crew and other backers at this level. Transportation to and from airport is included. You and a guest will also receive one of each Neo-Plugs and be recognized on our website as top backer.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

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