provides outstanding Jewish resources for singing, liturgy, eco-Torah, and Hasidic teachings. And at this time of year, thousands of people download and use one of our iPhone Omer counting apps. We hope if you like the Omer app you'll make a donation to support our work. Please make a donation even if you don't use the Omer app, of course. Any amount is welcome, and if you can give $13 (= one love אחד אהבה) or $18 (= life חי), that's wonderful.
When you donate to, you support the work collecting and sharing songs and Torah, engaging in spiritual activism for the Earth, expanding the liturgy and meaning of Judaism with ecological wisdom, developing the Torah of dance, updating and adding features to the Omer app, and creating curriculum, liturgy, translations and resources that you can use.
If that seems like a diverse list, it's all united by an embodied, centered, and grounded relationship to the Earth and to the tradition. Neohasid is one of the important sources fostering an all-streams Judaism, a Judaism that is more whole with each other, with all humanity, and with the Earth.
I'm happy to say we've raised our minimum of $500 -- this is our first-ever campaign. Please keep giving -- if we can get to $1000 or even up to 1800, that will enable us to give a makeover, and will also support app devlopment.
Everything we receive goes towards the time and work to develop neohasid, so it can offer more to you and your community. Neohasid offers more than resources--it offers a vision and practice of Judaism that is important for sustaining this world. A portion of the funds will also directly support further development of Omer Counter including an Android version. Your support, financial, spiritual and social, empowers us to do more. You can also support neohasid by joining our googlegroup list, by liking's page on facebook, and by sharing or tweeting pages that you like. Make sure you check out neohasid's resources for Pesach and the Omer. was founded in 2005 on the tenth anniversary of the first Hasidic egalitarian minyan in the year of the tenth Yahrzeit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach. is a member of the Green Hevra and a contributor to, and David Seidenberg was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) and by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and has a doctorate in ecology and Kabbalah from JTS. To find out more about Rabbi David Seidenberg's work and publications go to
Donations made through this page are NOT tax-deductible. To make a tax deductible donation, mail a check made out to neohasid c/o Shalom Center to The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119, USA.
Enjoy's Shavuot resources at and Omer resources at Get's Omer Counter app, engineered by David Cooper from the itunes store (scroll down the itunes page for a link to the free version, Omer Count).