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New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

A1200NET, creators of New A1200 cases & keycaps will now create MOLDS for compatible A500(+) cases.

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New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

New Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Plus

A1200NET, creators of New A1200 cases & keycaps will now create MOLDS for compatible A500(+) cases.

A1200NET, creators of New A1200 cases & keycaps will now create MOLDS for compatible A500(+) cases.

A1200NET, creators of New A1200 cases & keycaps will now create MOLDS for compatible A500(+) cases.

A1200NET, creators of New A1200 cases & keycaps will now create MOLDS for compatible A500(+) cases.

Philippe Lang
Philippe Lang
Philippe Lang
Philippe Lang
2 Campaigns |
Singapore, Singapore
$211,895 USD by 1,032 backers
$173,881 USD by 833 backers on May 31, 2018
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
► The New Compatible A500(+) case is perfect to replace your old & yellowed Amiga 500 case. High quality manufactured like the New Compatible A1200 case was, this new A500 case comes with extended support for Apollo boards with USB/HDMI/SD cards ports. New screws & metal inserts prevents plastic wear and Anti-UV plastic will never yellow over time.



Click HERE and Log In using your IndieGoGo email address.



See below in section "AVAILABLE COLOURS".
-> You can have a different color for EACH of your cases!


See below in section : "WHAT IF I WANT KEYCAPS?"


1.Pledge on the first reward you want.
2.Always pledge on Early Bird or SE First if you want one of these.
3.SEND A MESSAGE by clicking "Ask a question", below - PROJECT OWNER -. 





The New Compatible Case for Amiga 500(+) Campaign


A1200NET team is a group of 7 compadres in love with everything Commodore & Amiga.

In 2015 we've decided to launch our first KS campaign to create new & modern plastic injection molds, to manufacture Amiga 1200 compatible cases at the time.    

- The team is responsible for two new replacement parts :

► And now it's time to launch STEP 3:

- New Compatible cases for the Amiga 500(+) line -







1- At First,
The team decided to create New compatible cases for Amiga 1200.

To achieve this task it was necessary to make New Plastic Injection molds.
These molds weigh several tons each and at least 3 of them are necessary to produce qualitative cases which are near identical to the original design. The improvements over the original design resulted in an increased rigidity and unaffected by UV light.   

With the help of hundreds of Amigans, the team reached its objectives.

- From Concept to Production -



2- Secondly,   
It was time to think about new compatible keycaps.

For keyboards using Mitsumi switches, these keycaps are compatible with all Amiga models except the A1000 and some rare variations of A2000 & A500 having Cherry MX or Samsung switches.

For this it was also necessary to create Plastic Injection Molds.

Again, hundreds of backers helped the team to reach its objectives.

- Keycaps molds design & tooling process -


3- Third Step, 

It is now time to create modern Molds for the New compatible cases for the Amiga 500(+) line.

Amigans were reaching out to us and asked to do something for the A500 line, which is after all the best seller of the entire Amiga line and many of us had as this was the machine that made us enter the Amiga wonderland. Of course we could not ignore it and although we are still in the production process for the keycaps, our design team started to work on the 3rd wave!

 ►► So here it is.          






► Current Issues   

Since the Amiga 500 was produced 30 years ago, passage of time wasn't too kind to our computer's robe,


  • Many cases have yellowed quite a bit. With the retrobright movement finding a solution to reverse the yellowing, we noticed it is a temporary solution and needs to be repeated, but the case will never get back to its previous state.
  • The consequence of aging also causes the plastic in getting more rigid and fragile.
    Any bump and you get a dent or a crack at worst! - Retrobright make the plastic even more fragile and brittle as the chemicals have a negative effect on the aging plastic.
  • Next time you open your case, you may well tear one of these plastic screw-heads of or split them.
  • Let's face it! With the Vampire coming to the 500, we need proper expansion ports as well!



► New Solutions

The cases come with a couple new features and perks.


1 - No more yellowing

  • Plastics used for the case are treated Anti-UV.
    It will never yellow ever... unless you paint it.. or should we make yellow too? :-)



2 - Screw threads  

  • The new A500(+) case possess brass metal inserts (as seen with the A1200 Replacement cases). This allows multiple and countless openings without the fear to wear the original plastic threads.



3 - Apollo Boards & Raspberry Friendly Design

  • Ready for the Vampire V4 Standalone & Raspberry Pi 3

    A new trapdoor is available on the right side of the case, supplied with 2x doors :
    One plain door, and one which has mounts for HDMI, USB & Micro-SD.


  • A new right side trapdoor

    The door with extender ports is compatible with Apollo V500 V2+, the V4 Standalone and the Raspberry Pi 3. It facilitates the use of Vampire boards and Raspberry Pi ports & SD Card reader from outside the case. No need to open the case to change SD Card or plug USB or HDMI.

    An additional right side door is provided for users not interested with this options.
    The last door on the right of the photo, is your conventional left side expansion door.

- Prototype doors from LEFT: right side door with ports. MIDDLE: right side door plain . RIGHT:  standard left case door -


  • A new rear trapdoor

    This trapdoor is dedicated to RJ45.
    Its function facilitate RJ45 connection to either Apollo boards or Rapsberry Pi board.
    Two doors are delivered : One with RJ45 mounting and one plain, for users not willing to use this function.




4 - Amiga Legend Signatures. 

While A1200NET being @Amiga32 in Neuss (Germany), some of the great minds behind the design and success of the Amiga showed support to the team once more.

They all agreed to have their signature added to the NEW Compatible A500(+) cases. 




  •  1x New A500(+) compatible case 
    - Top & Bottom Shells
    Compatible with all Amiga 500(+) boards
    Anti-UV plastic
    - Threaded Metal Inserts
    - A set of screws
  •  1x High quality Metal case badge
  •  1x Floppy buttons
  •  4x Rubber Feet
  •  1x Expansion trapdoor (edge connector)
  •  1x Bottom trapdoor with vents (expansion bay)
  •  1x Right side plain trapdoor
  •  1x Right side trapdoor with extra ports (for Vampire / Raspberry Pi expanded ports)
    (Supports HDMI /  USBx2 / Micro SD extended cables)
  •  1x Rear plain trapdoor
  •  1x Rear trapdoor RJ45 port (for Raspberry Pi / Vampire)






  • 1- Below are all available Colors for the New Amiga 500 Cases
    • Original A500(+)
    • White      -  Black
    • Translucent
    • Grey          -      Light Grey
    • Purple      -      Red (New)
    • Pink          -      Dark Blue
    • Orange    -      Light Blue
    • Green (New)




Click HERE and HERE for extensive view of colors



How to chose colors


  • A couple months After Campaign end, you can Log In  RMI.v2
  • RMI stands for -  Reward Management Interface.
  • It is an online tool for all backers to select, manage and choose their rewards options.
  • Through RMI, backers can also follow their parcel dispatch at shipping time.
  • Please read the -FAQ- for more informations on RMI.
  • Watch this VIDEO about RMI.









  • Yes, keycaps will come too, for those who haven't supported the previous campaign!
  • Keycaps are compatible with Amiga 500 Keyboards using Mitsumi Switches.
  • A new run for compatible keycaps will be operated by end of the year to accommodate you.
  • This new run will be made through a crowdfunding campaign with very low goal, as molds already exists.
  • This will happen once keycaps for all previous backers have been shipped out as production is to start soon.






► Rewards splits in Categories

  • 1- Standard
  • 2- Special Editions



Both TOP & BOTTOM Shells + Parts

- New Design Metal case badge
- Screws for metal inserts
- Rubber Feet
- Apollo Vampire features (V4 Cradle & Top Right ports mounts)




► How to select Rewards options? (Mugs logo, T-Shirt sizes etc..) 

- Options need to be selected directly from from within the Reward Management Interface after the campaign ends.  (What is RMI?)   





Photos of  Bronze / Silver / Gold cases available HERE


*Quick Note:

  • Metal  SE cases are NOT meant for heavy day to day use.
  • Metal effect is obtained by adding a layer (or coating) of metal. (Electroplating)
  • Each Metal Serie case has a Serial Number Badge
  • Details on Electroplating - Wikipedia - Youtube.


* Mugs logo & Matte vs. Mirror options

  • Logos for mugs and case finish options  are chosen using the RMI tool after the campaign has ended.  (What is RMI?)   





For illustrations only - Art may vary


- SOTU Exclusive Trailer -
Scourge Of The Underkind - Collector's Edition


- SOTU Gameplay Footage -






The team is currently going forward with New A500 Case CnC Prototype hardware and fitting tests.

Delivery to backers: New ETA will be announced asap.

- Due to Coronavirus outbreak our partners and factories have extended their CNY leave.
- Once we get news from our partners we'll keep you updated.
- As a result ETA is postponed until further notice.

Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.








► How to pledge on Multiple Rewards?
Simply pledge on the first reward you want. Always start from Early Bird or SE if you want one.
Then SEND US a message by clicking on "Ask a question" link, just below PROJECT OWNER. 

► Why does the team run the Compatible A500+ campaign on Indiegogo?
After discussions on how we want to handle processes with backers, the Indiegogo platform offers additional options for project creators and thus we have decided to go with Indiegogo. .

See for yourself.


► What happens if we don't reach our goal?
All backers will receive a full refund after campaign has ended.
We truly hope that with your support we can get over the finish line and beyond, the same way we did with the New A1200 Case campaign and New Compatible Amiga Keycaps campaign.


► Can I claim multiple perks?
Another advantages of Indiegogo!
To claim multiple perks, just make a new contribution for each additional perk.


► What about shipping fees?
As you can imagine, properly protecting and shipping your New compatible cases is expensive. We are capping the maximum costs for secured shipping at €29 for Europe.

For the US it depends on the location, and although we will strive to keep it capped at $34 (USD) there may be a small surcharge but we will try to cover that ourselves as much as possible.


► What happens if the project gets pushed back past the delivery date?
With crowdfunding we are expected to deliver a product that can otherwise take years to deliver. While we always do our best to deliver within the  estimated time frame, but our main goal is to deliver a very high quality product. There may be certain setbacks beyond our control, which may delay the project. However, we will always be transparent and keep you all updated!
For instance, the A1200 case campaign had #45 campaign updates and Keycaps already #20!

Just to explain one more thing... companies like HP, Logitech or Samsung produce keycaps and cases as well, but they produce them by the ten-thousands and can demand timelines. We are a group of Amiga enthusiasts who are wanting a couple of thousand cases produced and we cannot demand 24/7 factory time. We are offered slots in which we can work with the manufacturers team to work on the milestones set forth. The goal will thus always be to get the the design right and make sure we deliver what we promise. This takes time and we are subject to the time window given by the production partners we work with.


► What about colors and perks options?
You'll be able to chose your colors, as well as your Mugs, T-shirts or any other perks options after the campaign has ended.

A couple of months after the end of the campaign, you'll be able to log in within our dedicated online tool - RMI -.

> RMI stands for "Reward Management Interface"

It is where you review your rewards, chose your colors and/or options, set and confirm your shipping address, and follow your shipping status with included tracking number.

You can view a quick video on how RMI works HERE.


► The New Green & the New Red?
By popular demand we have added a new red and a new green color.

> The New Red is a Deep Red color also referred to as the Real Red.
> The New Green also referred to as the Goblin Green, is a very vibrant green.

We are confident that you'll love these two new entries in our color range.


► I have more questions!
Since 2015 the team has published an extensive FAQ on our website.
This FAQ is updated constantly to reflect current activities and news.
Do not hesitate to consult it directly following this ► LINK.



Delays are always possible with molds tooling
The team included a couple extra months within current timeline.
It is however possible, considering factors outside our control that may cause extra delays can occur. Keep in mind that we are just a small fish wanting to get something wonderful produced whilst trying to swim with the big sharks!

Current backers having supported previous campaigns know this already.

A good point is that the team and our partners have learned from past experience about creating huge molds. And these experiences permit us to go slightly faster, yet assuring the same quality standard in mind. 

The team already delivered high quality New Amiga 1200 cases to backers, and Keycaps are following shortly as well.

We're highly confident that the New Compatible A500(+) cases will be of the same quality, or better.


- A Very Big Thank You for your support! 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Unique Solo (1x Case)

Unique Solo (1x Case)

$94 USD
The Case includes: - Case Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
475 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Double Trouble (2x Cases)

Double Trouble (2x Cases)

$183 USD
► The Case includes: - Case Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features ► Mug: - Design of the mug to be chosen from RMI ;)
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts (2)
  • Amiga Mugs
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
164 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Apollo Vampire Special Edition

Apollo Vampire Special Edition

$220 USD
► Vampire SE includes - Case Metal Badge (Apollo Vampire) - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features ► Vampire SE Accessories - USB Extender - RJ45 Extender - HDMI Extender - ENC28J60 Module - Arananet SDNET Adapter - Micro-SD Extender - Jump Wire cable
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
  • Vampire Mug
  • Vampire Mouse Pad
  • Vampire Accessories Kit
  • Vampire Serial Number Badge
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
23 claimed
Ships worldwide.
BRONZE Metal Serie A500 case

BRONZE Metal Serie A500 case

$245 USD
The Case includes: - BRONZE Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
  • Bronze Metal Coating
  • Optional Mirror Finish
  • Serial Number Badge
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Scourge O.T.U. - Collector

Scourge O.T.U. - Collector

$245 USD $270 USD (9% off)
► Scourge Of The Underkind Collector's Edition - Case Metal Badge (Sotu) - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features ► Collector's Edition Content - Big Box Game - Full game with extra levels - enemies - boss(es) - Game Double DVD Box - Game CD + Soundtrack CD - Mousepad + Mug - Poster + Postcards
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
  • SOTU Box Collector's Edition
  • SOTU Game CD + Soundtrack
  • SOTU Mousepad & Mug
  • SOTU Mug & Manual
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Triple The Fun (3x Cases)

Triple The Fun (3x Cases)

$265 USD
► The Cases includes: - Case Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features ► Mugs: - Design of the mugs to be chosen from RMI ;)
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts (3)
  • Amiga Mugs (2)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
27 claimed
Ships worldwide.
SILVER Metal Serie A500 case

SILVER Metal Serie A500 case

$318 USD
The Case includes: - SILVER Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
  • Amiga Mugs (2)
  • Silver Metal Coating
  • Optional Mirror Finish
  • Serial Number Badge
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Quad Damage (4x Cases)

Quad Damage (4x Cases)

$353 USD
► The Cases includes: - Case Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features ► Mugs: - Design of the mugs to be chosen from RMI ;)
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts (4)
  • Amiga Mugs (3)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
18 claimed
Ships worldwide.
GOLD Metal Serie A500 case

GOLD Metal Serie A500 case

$367 USD
The Case includes: - GOLD Metal Badge - Screws for metal inserts - Rubber Feets - Apollo Vampire features
Included Items
  • A500+ Compatible Case & Parts
  • Amiga Mugs (3)
  • Gold Metal Coating
  • Optional Mirror Finish
  • Serial Number Badge
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
6 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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