After nearly a year of touring fulltime together, a FULL-LENGTH album is long overdue!
We are Hilary and Kate, a couple of old souls and an acoustic roots duo from California who find our sound sandwiched somewhere between the richness of soulful spirituals, the whimsy of Celtic folk and the old time fiddlin’ of traditional bluegrass. One of us was classically trained from age 5, perfecting her skill and performing in various settings, while the other has a really nice guitar. But for both of us music is our passion, for its ability to bring joy and healing into peoples lives in unexplainable ways. We cherish the opportunities we’ve been given and work hard to always bring our best, both in the depths and truth in our lyrics, as well as the skill and creativeness in our playing. And this is why we are asking for your help. We have travelled the world this last year writing, performing and perfecting these songs and want them to be recorded with the same professional quality so you (our listeners) will have a product you are happy to listen to over and over.
The Beautiful Collaboration
We have a unique opportunity to record our first full-length album together with a couple incredible producers who share our vision of keeping the purity of our live shows on the recordings. To accomplish this we will be taking it old school and recording on tape rather than digitally (like we said, we’re old souls). Tape allows for the music to have it's truest most organic sound to come through. It's warmer, fuller, has more body and gives a certain 3-dimensionality to the sound that digital recording platforms can't yet reproduce. Tape works well with acoustic instruments and allows the record to be the truest and best possible expression without sacrificing anything for quality.
The Impact
Being independent artists allows us the freedom to go wherever we feel called to bring our music and ministry without the constraints of being indebted to a label. Your pledges will go directly to the quality and reach of our album allowing us the continued blessing of ministering freely to as many people as possible. Your pledges WILL allow us the means to book studio time and hire musicians (i.e. possible mandolin players and professional whistlers) but we will NOT be using your pledges for new shoes or to expand Hilary’s stamp collection. Your pledges WILL be used for the mixing and mastering of our CD by some of Los Angeles’ finest but they will NOT be used to buy Kate’s cat new sweaters. In short, your pledges will only go towards making an album that reflects our passion to make beautiful music that glorifies God and sheds His light into the hearts of the listeners.
Thank you. We can't say it enough.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support in whatever form that might take, we can not say that enough. If you would like to support us but have more questions or perhaps just want to send some encouragement, our email