Who we are
We are the Recreation and Leisure Studies Management 2 class here at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia. One of our projects this semester is to design and fund a new mascot for our school. The current design for our mascot was done by one of the management classes back in 2003. So now it’s our time to follow in their footsteps and continue to make the mascot design a student project.
Designing the new Bob
To help make Bob 2.0 the best that he can be, we have been working one-on-one with the mascot design company BAM!, who created numerous revisions until everyone found the one that was perfect. The new Bob has many new cosmetic features, such as bigger muscles, a brighter complexion, and interchangeable clothes. It also includes many new features that will make things a lot easier for the person wearing Bob such as: shorter beak and better fin placement, which will make him easier to move around in, and an improved ventilation system so whoever is wearing it won’t suffer a heat stroke if they are outside in 90 degree weather during orientation week.
How you can help
For this project we are going to need to raise $5,400. So we need as much financial and networking support as we can get. We have many plans for incentives for our donors which include hand-written thank you notes, a virtual thank you and an autographed picture of Bob, just to name a few. We know not everyone can donate, but it would mean the world to us if you spread the word by telling a friend or two or posting a link on your Facebook or twitter account!
What this means to us
Because we go to a small private school we have a very close-knit community of students, faculty, staff, and especially our alumni. Everyone here interacts with Bob on a regular basis, and as much as we love our current mascot, we realize that it's time for us to move on to the next generation. School spirit is really big here and having a mascot that we all know and love helps build support at all of our school events, whether it be at a basketball game or an orientation event. So please, we need your help to make this become a reality. Whatever you can do to help us will gain the appreciation of the entire Virginia Wesleyan Community.