New Shaving Innovation. Carbon Razor Blade Cleaner
New Shaving Innovation. Carbon Razor Blade Cleaner
New Shaving Innovation. Carbon Razor Blade Cleaner
New Shaving Innovation. Carbon Razor Blade Cleaner
New Shaving Innovation. Carbon Razor Blade Cleaner
Galline Pad: Dual cleansing to remove residue, minimizing cost and waste from disposable blades.
Galline Pad: Dual cleansing to remove residue, minimizing cost and waste from disposable blades.
Galline Pad: Dual cleansing to remove residue, minimizing cost and waste from disposable blades.
Galline Pad: Dual cleansing to remove residue, minimizing cost and waste from disposable blades.
Galline INC
Galline INC
Galline INC
Galline INC
1 Campaign
New York, United States
by 1,313 backers
$65,906 USD by 1,291 backers
on Jun 8, 2024 with another platform