Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
This campaign is closed
Nick & Sami's Honeymoon
We are so incredibly happy we get to share our wedding with our wonderful family and friends and want to make it an awesome day full of food, fun and fantastic sunshine for all *crosses fingers and toes*. Our incredibly lovely parents have very kindly helped us to put this wedding together and we would like to express our immense gratitude and love to them, we would not be able to put this together without their guidance and support.
We would also like to give a huge amount of love and thanks to our bridesmaids and groomsmen who have given their time, skills and expertise in helping put this wedding together! Thank you so much :)
The reason we've put this fundraising page together is that we would love to have a honeymoon to remember but we'll need your help to make it a reality. We'd love to start off our married life with an adventure together!
Thanks so much and all our love
Nick and Sami xx