Short Summary
Nightstands, brought to life by University of the Arts London students, is a compelling short film about Robyn's journey of self-discovery and challenging societal norms around body hair. As she leaves her small-town life for the vibrant chaos of London, Robyn seeks new experiences and connections, attempting to move past an old relationship and her mother's expectations. The film intimately captures Robyn's struggle between genuine self-expression and the pressures of social conformity. With every bold fashion choice and the embrace of her natural body, Robyn's story is an inspiring testament to personal evolution and the search for authenticity in the fast-paced city life. Support Nightstands for a glimpse into the life of someone who dares to live by her own rules.
What We Need
As this is a student film, we are aiming to raise £2000 which will all go towards the following:
- Production Design: Costumes/Props/Hair & Make up.
- Location costs
- Transport expenses
- Catering
- Film festival application costs
What You Get
Potential perks:
- A Thank you credit in the film.
- A T-shirt with the Nightstands logo.
- A signature Nightstand Poster.
- A Nightstands Tote Bag.
The Impact
In a culture where conformity and prescribed ideals often overshadow individuality, our film, Nightstands, emerges as a beacon of authenticity, illuminating the path toward self-discovery and genuine joy. This narrative doesn't just skirt the edges of convention; it delves into the heart of what society deems taboo—from body hair to sex toys—challenging and reshaping the discourse with grace and honesty. By supporting this project, you're championing a future where personal truth triumphs over societal expectation, and where every human can claim their space without the weight of tradition dictating their worth.
Other Ways You Can Help
Follow our instagram page @Nighstandsfilm
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