Lightning, Storm and Pre-Tornado Detection
Do something about DANGEROUS lightning and severe weather BEFORE it strikes!
weather affects and influences almost everything you do! With 40 to 50
lightning flashes per SECOND and 1.4 BILLION flashes per year across the globe*,
the weather detection hardware, regional data feeds and apps providing general information
you currently rely on aren’t good enough to make real-time, local decisions in
real-time situations! You can’t do anything about the weather unless you
have the best information available, and the
NIMBUS™ technology was created to do just that!
NIMBUS™4 Personal Lightning, Storm and Pre-Tornado Detector is about to change the weather industry
Do you know lightning can strike from the trailing edge of a
storm up to 8 MILES away AFTER the storm has PASSED and you have blue
skies overhead? That’s often after the umpire, referee, or golf course ranger
gave the ALL-CLEAR to resume play!
NIMBUS™ knows.
Do you know when to call the game based on lightning at a baseball, lacrosse or soccer game or
tournament? Did the ump or ref base his/her decision by simply hearing or seeing
it? Is the customary 30-minute wait correct—sometimes yes, but MOST times NO!
NIMBUS™ knows.
Out Boating on a
beautiful day? Do you know when you
have just enough time to come about and return to shore when lightning and storms are
NIMBUS™ knows.
Do you know how many more holes you can safely play before the
approaching storm and LIGHTNING threatens the course?
NIMBUS™ knows.
NIMBUSTM4 knows where the lightning and the storms are, how fast they are
approaching you, how much time you have before the storm is on top of you, when
it is safe to return and so much
you're playing sports, on a boat, biking, hiking or on a golf course, you want
accurate weather information. If you're responsible for children playing
outdoors or you're part of a crew, the weather has a direct impact on
you. Severe weather can form without warning and quite often people are
caught off guard. That's about to change with NIMBUS™4!
NIMBUS™4 will
provide you with Estimated Time of Arrival, the speed and direction (NIMBUS™4D)
as the storm is forming or moving toward you, time-to-clear, squall lines,
lightning strikes, cloud-to-cloud (truly unique to the NIMBUS™)
and cloud-to-ground lightning and even pre-tornado conditions.
NIMBUS™ knows and You will too.
This map is taken from Wikipedia here. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Lightning Facts
FACT: Lightning and severe storm detection is essential to protecting
FACT: Existing lightning detection technology
was developed decades ago, is outdated and provides inaccurate data, including
false positive alerts. For those of you who are not weather aficionados, false
positives are interference from energy all around us, such as lawn mowers,
cars, etc.
FACT: While organizations spend an estimated
$8B annually on detection hardware, data feeds, apps and subscription services,
we have no better knowledge of when and where locally a lightning might strike,
where a tornado might be forming or when to resume play.
We’ve all wondered why weather forecasts are inaccurate or
why severe weather warnings cover huge geographic areas but NOT our LOCAL towns.
we mentioned before, weather detection technology has not fundamentally changed
in decades even though distribution methods have. So, while
fancy and really cool graphics show up on your phone, this is just repackaged
low quality weather information being widely disseminated to the public at
That is about to change!
few people know that the majority of information you turn to and count on to
make weather decisions is often inaccurate, delayed or unreliable data."
F. Shaver, CTO
The passion behind the product...
technology driving
developed by Edward Shaver, our CTO. He is the physicist who pioneered the
commercial hand-held storm detection industry dedicating decades of research
and development to earlier generations of hand-held lightning detection
devices (the Skyscan®
and ThunderBolt®
products). He began this work in the
1990’s after learning of a fatal lightning strike of a young child standing on
second base during a baseball game. Knowing that you and your child are no safer today with all of the
weather apps on your phone or forecasts on the radio or TV, which use
technology that is decades old, Edward wanted to offer a scientific solution
where others have tried but failed. He has dedicated his life’s work and has
developed completely revolutionary proprietary hardware and software with
algorithms, 3 microprocessors and patent-pending
Quad-Matrix antenna array
with you in mind.
Be one of the first to own this breakthrough technology!
NIMBUS™4D combines the un-paralleled storm detection
capabilities of the NIMBUS™4 with Entropy’s patent-pending directional
system. Using the high-resolution storm data collected by the 4-channel
antenna array, the
NIMBUS™ 4D software provides the bearing to storm
activity in 20 degree segments. Just as with all storm information provided by the NIMBUS™
technology, the storm direction is based on real-time data processed
at the exact location of the NIMBUS™ unit.
The NIMBUS™4D display uses an on-board compass module to
display the bearing to storm activity relative to true North. The storm
bearing information is updated in real-time using the storm data being
collected by the unit.
NIMBUS™4 and NIMBUS™4D Personal
Lightning, Storm and Pre-Tornado Detectors
Patent-pending breakthrough technology...
Your participation will help us to change the world of severe weather detection and enhance public safety!
on our patent-pending Quad-Matrix array and proprietary software, NIMBUS™ core technology has been developed to create a rich data field of
real-time, highly accurate localized information that does not exist in any
other system or technology.
The NIMBUS™ data
can then be used to identify severe weather events and provide alerts to users
with both a speed and accuracy not previously available. In its final
form, the NIMBUS™ technology
will be deployed through fixed sensors that can be networked to provide very
large coverage areas, up to state or national levels. By purchasing your
hand-held detector today, you help move us closer to this target and much, much
more. Thank you.
POSITIVES - Why this is important
The NIMBUS™ Quad-Matrix antenna array was designed to maximize
sensitivity and accuracy of storm data and to reduce the chance of false
positive signals to zero. This is the result of the direct-to-digital
signal conversion, and the ability of the NIMBUS™ to
simultaneously analyze four channels of data. The NIMBUS™ is the ONLY personal storm detector that captures the
full incoming waveform, and this information allows the NIMBUS™ to easily see the difference between lightning signals, and
signals from any other source of electronic noise (such as lawn mowers, cars,
etc.). Older products only use one or two channels for detection, but even
these channels simply capture a pulse of energy and NOT the full waveform.
This is the reason these older products are prone to showing false positive
warnings, and also prone to missing actual lightning strokes completely.
How it works...
NIMBUS™ technology
utilizes the most advanced, computing power with our patent-pending proprietary
antenna array to monitor, analyze and share weather conditions happening around
you in REAL TIME. Continuous visual text and strobe alerts keep you informed of
local weather activity as it happens. Any storm detector is only as good as the
antenna system collecting the data, and the antenna design in the NIMBUS™
is so good that we are getting it patented. Four channels of direct-to-digital
data give the NIMBUS™
the power it needs to the job. Your unit is one smart storm detector and it's
super easy to use!
What is does...
NIMBUS™4 will
provide you with ETA, the speed and direction (NIMBUS™4D)
as the storm is forming or moving toward you, time-to-clear, squall lines,
lightning strikes, cloud-to-cloud (truly unique to the NIMBUS™)
and cloud-to-ground lightning and even pre-tornado conditions. The NIMBUS™
software architecture includes the ability to store up to a year’s worth of
data inside the unit. Two USB ports
allow for a wide range of Internet connectivity to support data networking,
remote diagnostics, and control of additional wireless accessories that can
make your NIMBUS™
the heart of a complete system. The NIMBUS™ provides
you with reliable, real-time severe weather activity within a 600 mile radius
from your current location and alerts you to impending danger! You'll have
a continual stream of storm data giving you the power to make decisions
including when it is safe to evacuate the playing field but also when to resume
outdoor activities.
Product Specifications & Features
· ARM-Based Microprocessor architecture (3) for high resolution with
Direct-to-Digital data collection and analysis
· 7.5 X 4 X 1.5 inches and weighs 2 lbs
· 10-12 hours of battery life - rechargeable
· Storm Detection range of 600 miles (965km)
· Early Storm Alerts out 20 miles
· Elimination of false positives
· Ability to detect all lightning strikes (cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-ground,
positive polarity) in complete form
· USB port for connectivity, updates, calibration and field diagnostics
· Software adjustments for latitude and terrain
· 3600 mAh rechargeable Lithium Ion battery (10-12 hr. life)
· 4 pre programmed languages (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese) plus
others available for download
· Warning system uses screens and colored display of LED lights
What We Need &
What You Get
campaign will fund the final completion and launch of our initial products, the
NIMBUS™4 and NIMBUS™4D personal lightning, storm and pre-tornado conditions detector
( Cash flow from these products will, in turn, fund the
completion of the Nimbus™6 Tornado Detector, Nimbus™ Net (, military applications, UAV (drone)
detection, earthquake detection and more.
Your participation will help us to CHANGE
THE WORLD of severe weather detection and enhance public safety!
Who we are...
Florida is the "lightning capital of America" with more thunderstorms and lightning strikes than any other state.
Experienced weather industry executives
founded Entropy Technology Design, Inc. in Florida.
Tami Fitzpatrick (CEO) established Entropy in the Tampa Bay area, as a woman-owned technology development company in 2014 to develop an
integrated software and hardware driven technology for the severe weather and tornado
detection/warning markets.
Shaver (CTO), physicist is a co-founder of Entropy Technology Design, Inc. where he and a team
of engineers are developing cutting edge technology that will let you make real
decisions about the weather in real-time. Entropy is also developing detection
of other events emitting low frequency signals, including tornados for
deployment in a variety of forms including hand-held devices, a network of
fixed sensors and mobile modules and more.
For more information, please
contact us or visit
Risks &
overcome many of the typical risks and challenges involved in the launching of
new products.
- Engineering
specifications and mechanical production packages are complete
- Component
vendors and manufacturing partner have been selected
- Provisional
Patent No. 62326079
Sources: *National Geographic., NOAA
products that serve as Perks are in the later part of development phase. We
could encounter technical, economical or other circumstances such as funding
issues that force us to delay delivery, production, design or even
non-production of Perk. While unlikely, this could result in no product being
delivered to the Contributor. Product design and features are also dependent on
the success of the funding phase and are subject to change. By making a
Contribution, the Contributor explicitly acknowledges the risks associated with
the occurrence of any of the above events.
We have made substantial progress developing the product and will make
every effort to achieve our development and production milestones. Your Contribution
could make the difference!