*English at the bottom of the page*
Kako je počela naša priča počela?
Sve je počelo 2015. godine, u jedan svibanjski ponedjeljak ujutro kada rutinski pregled Ivane Kalogjere Brkić otkriva da ima karcinom dojke. Sve osobe koje otkriju da boluju od maligne bolesti dožive velik udarac i šok, a Ivana je doživjela dvostruki-otkriven joj je karcinom i izgubila je posao. Nažalost, takvi scenariji nisu rijetkost.
Dok se suočavaju sa strahom, tugom, ljutnjom, potiskivanjem, usamljenošću, depresijom, bespomoćnošću, anksioznošću i strahom za egzistenciju, oboljeli istovremeno vode bitku i s nepoznatim zdravstvenim terminima i pokušavaju se snaći u vrtlogu zdravstvenog sustava.
Rak je drugi najznačajniji uzrok smrti u Hrvatskoj te umire svaki četvrti stanovnik. U 2014. godini zbog raka život je izgubila 13 939 osoba, 7 911 muškaraca i 6 028 žena. Unatoč tome, Hrvatska nema nacionalnu strategiju borbe protiv raka, a zdravstveni i društveni sustav marginalizira pacijenta.
No, situacija u zdravstvenom sustavu i životne nedaće nisu obeshrabrile Ivanu i kreće u svoju bitku. Prolazi kroz operacije, kemoterapiju, zračenja i tijekom liječenja susreće se s različitim ženama koje su oboljele od malignih bolesti. Slušala je njihove priče i iskustva, a i na svojoj koži osjetila je posljedice toga da se u našem se sustavu izgubio čovjek. Sve je manje ljudskosti, a pacijenti su postali broj koji državi donosi trošak.
Kotači podrške polako se okreću...
... a cilj je razviti novu socijalnu uslugu na području grada Zagreba i potaknuti pripadnike drugih gradova da pokrenu kotače promjene i slične inicijative pokrenu u svojim sredinama. Time bi se izvršio pritisak na sustav i uvela usluga prijevoza svih osoba oboljelih od malignih bolesti unutar zdravstvenog sustava koja postoji u svim razvijenijim gradovima EU.
No, kako se kaže „Rim nije izgrađen u jednom danu“, već dan po dan, korak po korak, a naš prvi je kampanja „Nisi sama-ideš s nama!“ kojom prikupljamo sredstva za prijevoz što većeg broja žena na kemoterapiju i s nje.
Želimo prikupiti 18000$ pomoću kojih ćemo osigurati 2000 vožnji (1000 povratnih) za žene oboljele od raka.
Kotače podrške možete pokrenuti donacijom, a zauzvrat dobijete majice, šalice, bedževe, potpisane knjige, posebne knjige, a kroz kampanju očekujte nova iznenađenja. ;) Uplate idu na poseban račun zaklade SOLIDARNA i svaka kuna pokreće kotač promjene.
Ako ne možeš uplatiti preko indiegogo platforme isto možeš i direktnom uplatom na poseban namjenski račun pri HPB-u: HR3323900011500130855
ili skeniranjem ovog barkoda u m-bankingu
Što ako ne možete donirati?
Pokrenuti kotače podrške možete i bez novaca:
a) recite svojim bližnjima, prijateljima i prijateljicama, poznanicama i poznanicima za našu kampanju
b) imate nešto doma što želite pokloniti osobi koja ima novac? #OsmisliSvojPerk
c) javi na se za volontiranje na petra.madjercic@solidarna.hr
Zahvaljujemo u ime svih žena koje se liječe i koje čekaju svoje kotače podrške! :)
Zajedno pokrenimo kotače podrške!
You are Not Alone – Come Along with Us!
We want to make life and the fight against cancer easier for women battling this disease. How?
By providing a safe and free means of transportation via taxi, accompanied by volunteers, to and from chemotherapy sessions.
In Croatia, in 2014, 13 939 people died from cancer, including 6029 women. These were women from 21 to 70 years of age, over two thirds of whom were fighting breast cancer and over 75% of whom had received chemotherapy. According to our needs assessment, every fourth woman treated in hospitals in Zagreb does not have private means of transportation to and from chemotherapy treatments. This campaign is our first step in getting the wheels of support rolling for women battling against cancer. Our goal is to collect an initial fund of 18 000 USD which will cover the costs of the first round of 1000 return taxi drives for women who do not have other means of transport through their family and friends.
How did our story start?
Everything started one morning in May, 2015 when Ivana Kalodjera Brkić's routine health check showed that she had breast cancer. When people discover that they have cancer, they usually experience a great shock. For Ivana, the shock was doubled by the loss of her job at the same time. Unfortunately, such situations are not rare.
As they face fear, sorrow, anger, denial, loneliness, depression, helplessness, anxiety and fear for their existence, people suffering from cancer also struggle within the uncertainties and complexities of the health care bureaucracy.
In Croatia, cancer is the second most frequent cause of death, killing every fourth citizen. In 2014, 13 939 died of cancer, including7 911 men and 6 028 women. Despite this, Croatia does not yet have a national strategy against cancer, while the health system and social environment tend to marginalize patients.
Nevertheless, these difficulties did not discourage Ivana to start her fight. As she went through surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, Ivana met diverse women suffering from cancer. She listened to their stories and experiences and learnt firsthand how our health care system has lost sight of the human being in the patient. As humanity disappears, patients turn into unit costs for the State.
Why women?
Although all people suffering from cancer face similar difficulties; even today, women are burdened with a number of responsibilities – as care-giving daughters, friends, wives, house-takers, mothers and workers. These multiple duties do not cease when women fall ill to a life-threatening disease; in turn impacting their treatment. In order to provide adequate support to women suffering from cancer, Ivana's newly founded association “We Are Not Alone” conducted a needs assessment, in collaboration with three Zagreb-based hospitals and women cancer survivors.
The needs assessment included 157 women cancer survivors of different ages (21-70), among whom 71% are married, and 83% have children. Among them, 67% suffer from breast cancer and 76% have been treated with chemotherapy.
The research has shown that transport to and from chemotherapy treatments is a priority need, highlighted by 45% of surveyed women. Every fourth woman receiving chemotherapy does not have access to private means of transportation. Another widespread need, highlighted by 65% of surveyed women, is housework support and access to timely and relevant information on the illness and the treatment process. In addition, around 6% of women also need additional psychological support.
This needs assessment provided evidence that the new project “You Are Not Alone – Come Along With Us!” is fully in line with the needs of women fighting cancer. The association “We Are Not Alone” partnered with community-based SOLIDARNA – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity and gathered a group of volunteers, including a number of women survivors, students, physicians, human rights activists, graphic designers and public relations experts. Collaboration was established with Radio Taxi service Zagreb and initial support for the campaign was secured from the City of Zagreb and the Adris Foundation, while DM, a retail store and Cetina, a water company donated supplies for gift packages for women undergoing chemotherapy (water, energy bars, tissues, hand cream, etc.).
Let's get the wheels of support rolling!
The campaign started on March 23rd and will go until April 20th, 2018. The immediate objective is to collect enough funds to cover the initial 1000 round trips by taxi for the women who are getting chemotherapy treatment in hospitals in Zagreb. This will enable us to develop a new community-based service in the City of Zagreb and encourage other cities and towns in Croatia to get the wheels of support rolling in their own communities. In the long run, we hope the example of this initiative and citizen solidarity will result in systemic change, namely: a new, publicly-funded transport service for all those suffering from cancer, financed through the public health insurance scheme and local budgets, as is the case in more developed European cities like Amsterdam.
We know that “Rome was not built in a day” but day by day and step by step. Our first step is this crowd-funding campaign: “You are Not Alone - Come Along with Us!”
We indent to collect 18 000 USD for the first the initial 1000 round trips by taxi for women who are receiving chemotherapy on a weekly basis in Zagreb hospitals. Help us get the wheels of support rolling!
You can get the wheel of support rolling by making a donation – in return you will receive a variety of gifts: T-shirts, badges, tea cups, author-signed books and other surprises that will be announce throughout the campaign!
All donations are made to the campaign-specific bank account of SOLIDARNA - Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity where every single dollar will be used to move the wheels of support.
If you cannot make a payment through the Indigogo online donation platform, you can support the campaign by netbanking payment at the following account of SOLIDARNA at the Croatian Postal Bank: HR3323900011500130855
You can also scan the following barcode and make an m-banking payment:
Your support is valuable without and beyond a donation
You can get the wheels of support rolling even without, and beyond your donation:
- Promote our campaign among your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances #nisisama #idessnama #kotacpodrske #youarenotalone #comealongwithus #wheelsofsupport
- Provide a gift for another person who has made a donation to the campaign
- Get involved by volunteering for the campaign by contacting our volunteer manager Petra at petra.madjercic@solidarna.hr
We thank you in the name of all women who are fighting cancer and are waiting for their wheels of support!
Let’s get the wheels of support rolling together!