NIX! is a short film written and directed by Luke Marchant. It is being produced by Will Bruce. It will be shot during November 2020 on location across various areas of London.
Our generation lives in two, distinct realms.
The first has existed since the dawn of man. It is 'the real world'. The second has grown alongside technology and consumer culture becoming, much like these phenomenon, an ever-present and seductive distraction. This is the realm of escape.
We carry phones in our pockets designed with the express intent of holding our attention in the second realm. Screens in our homes act as portals to foreign worlds, encouraging us to 'binge' watch the experience of others. These new, digital forms of distraction have cultivated an appettite for this 'second realm', a shorter attention span and brains wired to search for their next hit of dopamine. As a result, our generation is more inclined to indulge in traditional methods of escapism - namely drugs and alcohol.
NIX! follows the story of Earnie (Matt Jones) as he tries to escape feelings of regret and heartache after breaking up with his girlfriend (Poppy Gilbert). Over the 24 hours that follow their separation he satiates his melancholia with the aforementioned means of escape. Rather than confront the 'real world' he transports himself to a 'second realm' of his own creation, numbing himself with drugs, alcohol, podcasts, music and screen time. He doesn't have a spare moment to consider his feelings.
What We Need & What You Get
- We need to raise a minimum of £3000 to get this film made. We need to hire equipment, pay for cast and crew expenses, insurance, editing, sound mixing, mastering and colour grading.
- We will also use part of your donations to cover the cost of entering the film into the festival circuit.
- Your donations will directly contribute to the finishing of our film and aid us in realizing its full potential.
- Both the producer and director of NIX! believe it's a story that captures the zeitgeist of the last ten years. We also believe that not many films have managed to do this so far. We are very excited to express through our art such a confusing and, at times, unnerving decade.
- Donate £10 you will be given a private link through which to watch NIX! after its world premiere.
- Donate £25 and you will be directly involved in NIX! with an acknoweldgement in the credits and a private link through which to watch the film after its world premiere.
- Donate £50 and you will receive the full NIX! digital package. This includes a private link through which to watch NIX! after its world premiere, an acknowledgement in the film's credits and you will be sent the original soundtrack, BTS photos and our digital poster.
- Donate £150 and you will receive a signed, one of a kind painting by our director, Luke Marchant, plus all previous gifts.
- Donate £250 and we will make a film for you. Whether that be to promote a business, your instagram page (aware of the irony) or an event. You will also receive all previous gifts.
- Donate £500 and you will receive an IMDb credit plus all previous gifts.
- Donate £1000 and you will be listed as the film's Associate Producer in both the end credits and on our IMDb page. You will also receive all previous gifts.
- Donate £2000 and you will be listed as the film's Executive Producer in both the end credits and on our IMDb page. You will also receive all previous gifts.
Give what you can! A couple of quid from lots of people goes a very long way.