On opposite sides of a wide socioeconomic gap, two young men find themselves bound together in a moment that reveals how tragically unequal their lives are. One man, a desperate immigrant caught in a dark underworld as a paid assassin, is seeking to survive with a dream of returning to his homeland. The other, an ambitious intern working for a venture capitalist, is interested in success defined by suits, calculated growth, and strong handshakes. NO RETURNS is a dual narrative that moves between these two lives, and intersects in the most dire of conclusions. How will each grapple with his own identity?
Jonah Moshammer (Director) (left) and Jeremy Ligouri (Cinematographer) (right) both wrote No Returns to tackle a new genre for them, the action thriller. This duo has worked together since age 14 and their latest project, 27 Gallons, was recognized in the largest international short film competition! They are eager to continue improving their craft with No Returns. For previous work take a look at http://jonahmoshammer.com and http://jeremyliguori.com.
These crew members are essential in bringing No Returns to life. Julian Sabolboro (left), is the Producer of No Returns, who see's this project as a huge step towards becoming a Production Coordinator for Pixar. Drew Annis (center), is an Associate Producer and Supporting Actor who has been central to crafting the story of No Returns. Bishal Dutta (right), is the Narrative Consultant on this team, working as an advisor to help create mood and tension in various scenes. All these members are incredibly talented and dedicated storytellers. For Bishal's work see https://vimeo.com/user28046008
Baela Tinsley and Gisela Feied are both excited to represent the world of venture capital. Baela, the lead, will play the business-bound intern at a venture capital firm and Gisela, will play an IT assistant. Together they will realize how corrupt the company they're working for truly is.
Jason James Delodovici and Jade Dahlstrom will depict the world of the trained assassins. Jade, the lead, will play the emotionally broken assassin, while Jason will play his abusive handler, who seeks to make a business out of the operation.
While we have been fortunate to save significant funds by getting numerous locations, our production camera, and sound gear all for free, we need your support in order to make this film possible!
We will be spending funds on the following items:
- Light is what brings film frames to life. Even with a student discount, we will be spending a significant amount on renting lights.
- Food will keep us happy on set. We have a very busy production schedule planned, and nutrition will be key in making this film.
- Transportation is essential. We have various locations around the Bay Area and though we are not paying our cast and crew, we do want to cover their travels as they pour their hearts into this project.
- The rest are critical odds and ends. The production will entail supplemental camera gear, a wireless follow focus, props, costumes, set-design, and funds to submit our film to at least four film festivals!
Below is our total budget of $2,917:
We have estimated that our savings amount to $7000, in other words...
We are making a $10,000 film for $2,917!
We are already so close, we just need YOUR help to make this happen!
From our producers to our actors, every individual working on No Returns is talented, hardworking, and at the start of their career. Your contribution will not only allow us to make the film the polished piece of art we are capable of producing, it will serve as a catalyst for our future as filmmakers. Our team is dialed in, the dates have been set, the storyboards are drawn.
If you've made it to the bottom of the page, congrats! Thank you for reading! Now lets go make a movie!!!
The Cast & Crew