I am Laurent, a French entrepreneur dreaming about a world where glasses truly express all sides of your creativity, each pair corresponding to your inner fashion impulse of the moment. And without breaking the bank! That’s why I created Nogs, a fully modular glasses that you can rebuild in seconds, and differently every day.
Today, I need your support to bring Nogs to the next level and help it become your fashion accessory, too!
You don't feel like one of those guys? Don't worry, Nogs is for you too, as long as you like having fun with fashion accessories ;-).
2, 3 or 4 frames and lenses of your choice, NOGS case and microfiber towel.
During the campaign, you only choose the number of frames you want in your NOGS box. After the campaign, we will send you an email with access to a dedicated web page where you will be able to compose you own box!
This web page will look like that :
Nogs are fully modular glasses where the frame dismantles into 4 pieces you can mix and match to create your own style.
Taking apart and putting together Nogs is only a matter of seconds. No need to be an expert. and it’s as fun as Legos! And your get to play with a small tool to help you undo them.
Why choose between pretty and long-lasting sunglasses ? Throw them in a bag without a case, drop them on the floor: the glasses are designed to get along with whatever you will put them through.
Why live life in black and white only? Find your true color with Nogs range, from blush pink to bright red or mat black
It's no use putting on sunglasses if they don't actually protect your eyes. Nogs glasses are pretty AND efficient, certified 100% protection against UVA and UVB.
Nogs frames are so light, you won't even feel like you are wearing glasses: less than 12g (0.4 oz) for the frame (not including the lenses) so you can wear it all day without any discomfort.
We are so convinced with the reliability of our frames that we guarantee them for two years. We replace all broken parts.
Nogs are designed to fit every face the right way. Frames exist in "small" or "large" format.
After hundreds of prototypes, the product is fully developed and we launched a first production. We have limited stock in warehouse right now so we will be able to ship the very early birds straight after the campaign (early July). So don't wait to order if you want it for summer!
Having launched the Nogs concept in a handful of optical boutiques in Europe, we witnessed how happy our glasses made our early adopters. We used that opportunity to carefully craft every detail of Nogs design, making it as enjoyable and fun an experience as possible. Now we need your support to bring this project to the next level. By spreading the word first, and then by giving us the means to develop further new ranges, styles, accessories...
Thank you so much for backing our project!
(version française ci-dessous)
What is Nogs’ material? Is it durable?
The frames are made of Nylon TR90, a material specifically designed for quality glasses to be light and flexible.
How can I be sure Nogs’ lenses are good enough to protect my eyes?
Nogs lenses provide optimal protection for your eyes. They are all scratch resistant and certified for 100% protection against UVA and UVB. They also include blue blocker technology.
Are your sunglasses available with prescription lenses?
Nogs wouldn't be truly modular if you couldn't put in your own lenses! However, we don't make prescription lenses ourselves. If you bring your Nogs to an optician, though, they can make you lenses that you'll be able to swap out like any other Nogs part.
How do I choose my colors?
During the campaign, you only choose the number of frames you want in your NOGS box. After the campaign, we will send you an email with access to a dedicated web page where you will be able to compose you own box!
Do you ship worldwide?
What’s next for Nogs?
Glasses for kids, or ones designed for sports, new frames, new color lenses, etc. Our heads are full of projects ready to be unleashed! But we'll always keep in mind our quality and our cheerful way of seeing the world, of course.
What is your returns policy?
Our frames are guarantee for two years. We replace all broken parts.
For anything we haven't covered in the FAQ section feel free to ask by emailing:
contact@nogs.fr — (and yes, it is a real person behind, you WILL get an answer).
(french version)
En quel matériau les montures sont-elles faites ? Est-il résistant?
Les montures sont en Nylon TR90, un matériau haut de gamme utilisé pour ses propriétés en matière de résistance, de légèreté et de flexibilité.
Comment puis-je être sûr que les verres Nogs vont correctement protéger mes yeux?
Les verres Nogs fournissent une protection optimale à vos yeux. Ils sont certifiés filtrant 100% des UVA et UVB. De plus ils bloquent une grande partie de la lumière bleu.
Vos lunettes de soleil sont elles disponibles avec des verres correcteurs?
Nogs ne propose pas de verres correcteurs à la vente. Cependant toutes nos montures sont compatibles avec votre correction. Pour cela il suffit de vous rendre chez votre opticien qui adaptera vos verres comme sur une monture classique.
Quand et comment dois-je choisir les couleurs?
Pendant la campagne, vous ne choisissez que le nombre de montures que vous voulez dans votre Box (2, 3 ou 4 montures). A la fin de la campagne, vous recevrez un mail avec un accès à une page web qui vous permettra de composer votre Box!
Expédiez-vous partout dans le monde?
Quelle est la suite pour Nogs?
Des lunettes pour enfants, une gamme pour le sport, de nouvelles formes, de nouvelles couleurs de verres, de nouveaux accessoires, etc. Nous avons beaucoup de nouvelles idées prêtes à être développées!
Quelle est votre politique en terme de garantie?
Nous garantissons nos montures pour une durée de 2 ans. Pendant toute cette durée, nous remplaçons tout élément cassé.
Pour tout autre question à laquelle nous n'aurions pas répondu dans cette FAQ, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail:
contact@nogs.fr — (et oui! il y a une vrai personne derrière qui se fera un plaisir de vous répondre).