Short Summary
Hannah Ii-Epstein, from Waialua, O’ahu, brings to Chicago the first play of a drug trilogy set in the North Shore of O’hau, Hawai’i. Not One Batu shows the darker, less idealized side of Hawai'i, where the meth crisis is rampant.
As a former meth addict, Ii-Epstein hopes to bring awareness of Hawai’i’s meth culture to the mainland, as addiction is a national problem which affects everyone.
Over 90% of the cast are Hawaiian, Filipino, Pacific Islander, and Asian American. Some of our actors have stated that this play has been the first time in their career where they are playing a character of their own race.
What We Need & What You Get
Ticket sales only cover about 50% of production so we’re asking for $5,000 to help with paying the artists and production costs!
Artist fees: $7,575
Production expenses: $7,108
Space: $1,200
Total Expense: $15,883
The best perk: Get a chance to see the show even if you can’t be in Chicago!
If we don’t reach our entire goal the funds will still go to the production.
The Impact
Your donation will help to secure the success of this production thus aiding in future Hawaiian Pidgin English plays in Chicago through the partnership between Nothing Without a Company and Aloha Center Chicago.
Other Ways You Can Help
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The Play
Meet Honey Girl: a former meth user, now an expert drug dealer. At Hale’iwa beach park one morning, Honey Girl meets with customers and friends, rival dealers, and her addict mother. Amusing, intimate and occasionally disturbing, Not One Batu* follows Honey Girl’s struggle to stay clean in a world turned upside down by meth.
The play begins with an immersive gathering to talk story* with Honey Girl and her crew and enjoy live entertainment by Aloha Center Chicago.
This play contains strong language, physical violence and drug use.
*“Batu” is Hawaiian Pidgin for methamphetamine.
*“Talk story” means to chit-chat or gossip.
The NOT ONE BATU Chicago Team!
Marie Tredway as Honey Girl
Lelea'e “Buffy” Kahalepuna-Wong as Ma
Scott Hanada as Uncle Makana
Jae K. Renfrow as Max
Ian Voltaire Deanes as Braddah
Gloria Alvarez as Sherrie
Tony Rossi as Toully
Bobby Wilhelmson as Jason
Heather Jencks* as Ma (Understudy)
Kroydell Galima as Max (Understudy)
PRODUCTION TEAM: Written by Hannah Ii-Epstein, Directed by Rachel Slavick, Producer: Anna Rose Ii-Epstein, Cultural Specialist: Lanialoha Lee, Production Manager: Ray Goldberg, Stage Manager: Christopher Sylvie, Set & Lighting Designer: Mark J. Bracken Jr., Costume Designer: Whitney Masters, Fight Choreographer: Jaq Seifert, Assistant Fight Choreographer: Almanya Narula, Dramaturg & Box Office: Val Gerard Garcia Jr.
The Awards
World Premeire at Kumu Kahua Theatre, Directed by Harry Wong III
2016 Winner of 6 Po’okela Awards
Overall Play: Not One Batu
Guest Artist (Non-Hawai'i Resident): Hannah Ii-Epstein
Leading Female in a Play: Danielle Zalopany
Featured Female in a Play: Lelea’e “Buffy” Kahalepuna Wong
Set Design: Reb Beau Allen
Light Design: BullDog