Short Summary
In today's crazy world we're on a mission to put this country back to work - one job at a time. Everyone has something they need done, connects the 'do'ers' with those who don't have the time! Need a pro? Post your project at and let them come to you.
My name is Marco and I work in the world of advertising and marketing. I conceived the idea of and have recently been of the means to bring my idea to life. My goal is to put people to work, to make money exchange hands and revitalize our economy the old fashioned way - by connecting people. My partner Joe and I bring a wealth of knowledge, tenacity, ambition and creativity to the table. is our mission and we thank you for joining us!
What We Need & What You Get
We need start up capital! Like any budding new biz, we need cash to finish up some loose ends, create some new one's and get the word out! It's a monumental task to build our brand and we are after the means to get our name out there. Our concept is simple, we just need to let people know about it!
We need a lot more than 20k, but we thought we would see where this goes. We are offering some sweet swag along with virtual high fives, and a great nights sleep knowing you did your part to put this country back on track!
Funds are going to be used to finish an updated site, and towards advertising in a few key start up markets particularly in the northwest. But don't worry, as we grow, so will the # of markets we are in!
The Impact
Well to start, putting your neighbors and community members to work would make a huge difference in your community and our country! We need to help our communities, we need to put money in the pockets of hard working Americans and we need to circulate those dollars in our economy. can help do just that! Eventually will help communities around the globe!
We're a small group of hardworking joe's (literally... We only have one Joe!) just like yourself looking to make an impact on our community and in our world while we can. Everyone has something they need to get done and we are here to help them do it. As a small business owner it can be difficult to advertise effectively and it would be great if there was a resource where work was waiting! is that resource.
Other Ways You Can Help
Hey we get it! Times can be tough and if you can't help monetarily we really appreciate anything you can do to help us get the word out about our site! That's why we are here in the first place so save your $ and share our story with your friends and family.