Our Story
in the importance of providing music for all, the mission of the Notre
Temps String Ensemble, Inc. is to provide access to string music making
to the members of the community regardless of musical experience or age.
structured rehearsals and concerts the ensemble members will gain basic
knowledge in music making in a non-competitive setting.
The Impact
"What an
opportunity! As I made plans for retirement, I knew music would be a
part of those plans. It had been 50 years since my last piano and
clarinet lessons. However, I purchased a cello, signed up for lessons at
the SDSU
Community Music School
and announced that I would like to be able to bring music into nursing
homes and elementary classrooms as part of a small ensemble some day.
This would be my way of learning something new, getting out of myself
and possibly bringing some joy to others.
Notre Temps String
Ensemble has provided me with all of the opportunities I had hoped for
and more. The musicians, all far better players than me, have welcomed
and encouraged me during rehearsals and performances." - Suzi
"I studied viola rather seriously as a child up through high school. I
had a beautiful instrument and loved to play. In addition to taking
weekly lessons, I participated in numerous symphony and chamber
orchestras and even a jazz ensemble! But as soon as I went to college,
my viola began to collect dust. Fast forward to 20 years later, and I
decided that my beautiful viola shouldn't just sit in storage, and that
someone else should have the pleasure of playing it. So I headed over to
a local music store to try and sell it. Well, I suddenly decided I
couldn't part with it and, moreover, decided that I would instead start
taking lessons! A 20-year break from practicing definitely took its
toll, but I was astonished to realize how much I remembered, both
physically and mentally. Over the past year, I have been gradually
restoring my skills, and this is due in no small part to joining the
Notre Temps String Ensemble. Rediscovering the viola after a 20-year
hiatus was a little scary to me, but being a part of an orchestra that
is low in stress and high in comradery has made it quite fun. I’m very
much enjoying the friendships that I have developed as a result of
joining the orchestra, and I look forward to growing with the orchestra
over the years. Playing the viola again has filled a void in my life; I
didn’t know how much I missed it until I started playing again. I feel
so lucky to have the opportunity to play music with others in my
community" - Jessica
What We Need & What You Get
We at Notre Temps are looking for donations to help pay for sheet music, copies, a rehearsal space, and advertising to recruit more people into our orchestra. But those are only the short term goals. The orchestra would like to eventually sponsor an aspiring musician with an instrument and lessons so that they may also have an outlet for music. We would also love to pay our Creative Director, Michael, who has graciously worked pro bono for the past 2 years.
If you donate to Notre Temps, you will be helping musicians to have an outlet for their love of music.
"Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, and lifts it into a realm which it would not reach if it were left to itself."
~Henry Ward Beecher