Nurses on a mission are a group of nursing faculty and students located in southern Indiana. We are joining the Foundation for Peace to provide nursing service and health promotion to the community of Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic. Our motto is "learn in order to serve." We feel strongly as health care professionals that it is important to give back to those with limited access to health care. It is our goal to serve approximately 600 persons per day in the medical clinics.
Where is Dominican Republic?
Poverty, poor living conditions, and high inequality of income distribution is a commonplace among the people of Dominican Republic. Unemployment is high as 14 percent and more than 40 percent live below the poverty line.
We are going to be working for a weeklong in a clinic to provide much needed medical care to many families. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from many. In order for our mission trip to be a success we need to raise money for medical, medications and hygiene supplies that we will be taking with us to help provide for these families
What We Need
The total for the trip will cost approximately $40,000. Money donated will be spent on supplies, medications, and transportation.
Medical supplies include
- Bandages
- Gloves
- Alcohol / Betadine swabs
- Dressings
Medications include
- Vitamins
- Antibiotics
- Anti-parasitics
- Pain medications
- Topical creams
Hygiene supplies include
- Soap
- Shampoo / conditioner
- Tooth brushes / tooth paste
Your contributions will help to alleviate health conditions and encourage personal growth in the community of Santa Domingo. If you would be able to support us, we would be so grateful. We are so thankful for this opportunity and hope you see the value in what we will be accomplishing.