A story by: Edward Guinn
Script written by: Sean Carvell
Our Story
We are a group of film students who are working on a final project. We have decided to shoot a trailer for a script we plan on turning into a feature when we are finished school in a few months.
We are raising some money to pay for one of our locations that has the look we need and will add so much value to our shoot.
We are also enlisting the help of some 3D animation students to help with the world building.
We go to picture in two short weeks, so anything you can do will be so appreciated!
The Idea
We plan to
create a teaser trailer of approximately 1 ½ minutes in length that will be
used to fundraise for a related feature film. This futuristic science fiction
drama is about extremes; and what can occur with misuse of advanced but
untested science. Our project is to create a fresh and realistic visual story that
will attract the viewer into the lives of the characters. Our vision is to send a
strong ideological message about these excesses upon the fundamental basis of
society, the family. Our story will visually introduce imaginable scientific
information. We will toy with the post-humanistic subject without saturating
its message. We will introduce conflict within and between the characters; and
between man and machine. We think this story will reach in and grab the emotions
of its viewers while simultaneously challenging their intellect and creative
imaginations. This film will entice audiences of varying ages. Specifically, three
generations and three different worlds of the Maddox family have been effected
by experimental science. Our teaser trailer immediately introduces two of these
worlds in a setting that foreshadows the central elements of the film. A father
and son are purposely separated to illustrate their unique worlds and their differing
points of view; but their strong emotional connection is evident. The father’s
perspective will take the audience emotionally and intellectually into his own
journey of the dark and shadowy elements of his son’s world. It is immediately
obvious that the father’s basic principles and beliefs are being radically
challenged; but it’s what transpires next that will drastically open the eyes
and undo the minds of its audience.
The Impact
This project is happening, we have our crew and we have high hopes for it! Basically if we don't raise all the money we are asking for it limits the time we can spend in the location we need, or we would have to find another location. None of these things will discourage us from making it happen.
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to fundraise $600. This money will go toward production costs such as:
Equipment costs
Set Dressing
Location fees and Expenses
Craft Services
Van / Truck Rentals
We guarantee that all donations will be used to help support and further the education in film production for all of our crew.
Other Ways You Can Help
You can help by spreading the word! Student films need your support!