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ODIO, Share and Listen

Have a concert at home with this 3½” cube. Everybody in the room is listening high quality sound: The first social speaker! Works well with Ubuntu, iPhone,...

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ODIO, Share and Listen

ODIO, Share and Listen

ODIO, Share and Listen

ODIO, Share and Listen

ODIO, Share and Listen

Have a concert at home with this 3½” cube. Everybody in the room is listening high quality sound: The first social speaker! Works well with Ubuntu, iPhone,...

Have a concert at home with this 3½” cube. Everybody in the room is listening high quality sound: The first social speaker! Works well with Ubuntu, iPhone,...

Have a concert at home with this 3½” cube. Everybody in the room is listening high quality sound: The first social speaker! Works well with Ubuntu, iPhone,...

Have a concert at home with this 3½” cube. Everybody in the room is listening high quality sound: The first social speaker! Works well with Ubuntu, iPhone,...

Jean-Marc Coulon
Jean-Marc Coulon
Jean-Marc Coulon
Jean-Marc Coulon
1 Campaign |
Nivelles, Belgium
$5,178 USD 36 backers
2% of $200,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

ODIO, Social Speakers


Odio, partage de la musique

Until now, all the audio devices have been created to make the audio for one person only. Now we offer you , through a patent pending solution, to listen with your friends to the same music.

So this is the first speaker where everybody listen the same music


Tous les systèmes de reproduction de la musique sont conçus pour une seule personne. Voici le premier hautparleur qui est réalisé pour que tous vos amis entendent la même chose que vous.

Odio Sound, better for everybody in the room

This has been invented by Jean-Marc to simplify listening to music. No hassle, good music.


In comparison, this is how our competitors are making the music for you, only one person can listen nicely to the music


Ce concept a été inventé par Jean-Marc pour simplifier l’écoute de la musique. Facile pour juste écouter la musique et oublier le reste. Tous ceux qui sont autour de l’ODIOCUBE entendent la même qualité de musique.

Le résultat des autres : une seule personne écoute, les autres bof…

Competition, only one person is happy

Remember: Bad sound kills good music. And ruin your evening too....


Une petite photo prise en Suède: traduction libre: un mauvais son tue la bonne musique, et rends votre soirée aussi pénible.. !

 Bad sound kills good music

The idea is mature and all people who listen to the prototype love it, are impressed and ready to buy. Why cannot we make it?

  Toutes les personnes qui ont écouté notre prototype fonctionnel sont enthousiastes et voudrait l’acheter… Pourquoi n’est-il pas disponible?

Next step is to produce it


Nous devons le produire

What is common between this Odio speaker and Dyson vacuum cleaner?

We have ask the same company to make and produce the plastic and electronics: VS-Industry, Now to realize it, we need to create molds.

Your contributions is needed for that, to be able to manufacture and send to you speakers which are simple, innovative and share your music with your friends.

You are part of the ODIO revolution, making simple sharing of good music.


Nous avons sélectionné V-S Industry qui produit entre autre l’aspirateur Dyson. Nous sommes prêts avec eux mais votre contribution est nécessaire pour financer les moules de fabrication. Alors nous pourrons vous envoyer les odio-cubes qui sont simples, innovants et vous permettront d’écouter la musique avec vos amis, comme jamais vous ne l’avez fait… !

Alors vous serez au cœur de la révolution Odio, faire de la musique un plaisir simple à partager.

Non Docking Speaker

As we want to make it simple, and also long lasting, we do not provide a dock but the universal 3mm stereo plug. So you can use the device with your phone (any OS) , with your PC or with your MP3 player.

This project is a revolution in using the music, in the simplicity and your contribution will help to do this project live. You can help the creator to finalize this product which is the first one that he is doing alone. He has but several project on the market for big brands like Philips (USB sound card, USB speakers, LivingColors).

The team is ready to make it happen, we are just missing you.


L’équipe est prête , nous n’attendons plus que vous.

Votre contribution permettra le lancement du produit. C'est un financement fixe, ce qui veut dire que si nous n'arrivons pas à l'objectif vous serez automatiquement remboursé.

Help us

If you are not able to make those perks for us, could you tweet or become fan of our facebook page? In this social speaker, the smallest contribution is wonderful for us.

  Si vous n'avez pas la possibilité d'acheter un cube, faites passer autour de vous, la moindre contribution à beaucoup d'importance pour nous



The odio-cube has 6 drivers and the total real power is 6 x 10W. So a total of 60W, it means that you can do a small party in your room...!


80Hz to 20kHz  : Clever arrangement of 6 speakers give you a total bandwidth. The bottom speaker is a Sub-woofer with a bass reflex tuned to give you enough bass


We like to provide you with clear and precise sound. So you can listen any music and ear all details.


The product measure less then 4 inches and it is cubic. It is always nice to see the impression of people who hear it, the quality and impression is so good for a so small cube.



Ce que vous recevrez c’est un cube odio de 60W : 6x 10W de puissance réelle. Assez pour faire une soirée chez vous.

Qualité audio

Au niveau qualité audio notre produit va de 80hz a 20Khz, grâce à la disposition des haut-parleurs, et de notre algorithme de distribution spatial, vous aurez une réponse audio stéréo dans toute la pièce. Le caisson de grave intégré (en dessous) avec son Bass reflex vous donnera des basses comme jamais vous ne l’aurez dans un petit cube de 10 cm.


Le cube fait 9 centimètre de coté, l'adaptateur se range entre les pieds, et donc il est facilement transportable. La musique partout et pour tous avec vous

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Choose your Perk

Fan T-Shirt

$39 USD
You will be part of the fan club, you will post link on your facebook pages. You will receive a T-shirt with the ODIO logo and face (s-m-l) please specify.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 500 of claimed

Early adopters odio device

$129 USD
This is a reduce price to start, You are the trend setters and you will be our ambassadors. We thank you for your fast and early involvment. Your name will be on the website of Odio-cube as early adopters.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 129 of claimed

One ODIO device

$199 USD
This cool new device will be yours, You can start sharing and listening together with your friends good music. Add shipping: 15$ for EU, 30$ for the rest of the world.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 3000 of claimed

Cube with bluetooth

$239 USD
Cube with smartphone bluetooth connection, we prefer direct wire but some people wants to use wireless and reduce audio quality. Add shipping: 15$ for EU, 30$ for the rest of the world.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 500 of claimed

A limited edition

$599 USD
This is collectable item, we will produce only 100 pieces. The interior will be lighting up and the color will be a black and white pattern...
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

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