New milestones!
12K - Base module released instantly as AGPLv3.
17K - Backend module released instantly as AGPLv3.
25K - Website + Backend + Base modules released instantly as AGPLv3.
27.5K - Technical and functional documentation.
Compatibility rules - Prevent configuration errors with custom rules.
Custom values - Numerical, Text, Attachment, Color etc.
Backend & Frontend - Configure products in both interfaces.
Generate BOM's - Automatically generated Bill of Materials
Visual - Images are shifted as configuration progresses
Configuration Steps - Break all your options into as many steps as you want
Compute prices - On the fly as you configure, the prices of the parts are added
Extensible - Designed from the ground up for you to extend any feature
Production ready - Ready for production and in production
Read more info about licensing and perks in FAQ
What do you get?
Base module on which you can build your own configurator. It serves as a dependency for both frontend and backend configurator.
It's the foundation that ties everything together making sure all operations are done in only one place. This prevents redundancy and error for any configurator interface based on it.
Backend Product Configurator
Generate products straight from your backend document. On your sales order, manufacturing order or any document for that matter.
Using an Odoo native dynamic wizard you are guided through the configuration process. And the entire structure is generated on the fly based on the properties you set on the product template (Attributes, Images, Configuration Rules, Steps etc).
Website / E-commerce Product Configurator
The website configurator is fully integrated with the e-commerce module. Your customers can configure and visualize your product.
Best of all they will see it develop before their eyes and have the price displayed for each change they make. And at the end, you get a error-free product that is generated for you with all related data.
No time lost or frustration to you users. All you have to do is confirm the order.
*Check out our videos displayed above for more details.*
Anything else?
How about time and money?
- Every second you spend checking a customer configuration you lose time and money.
- Every second you spend creating a product, bill of materials or adding prices you loose time and money.
- Every mistake made by you or your customer during configuration or generation of products your lose time and money.
- A long and complex ordering process can drive your customers away and can increase the number of your returns.
What about a solution that solves all of this for you at the speed of a click. How much is that worth to you?
MRP Enhancements
- Support more complex bom structures for advanced manufacturing.
Support Wizard
- Assistance wizard to help the user configure and navigate faster.
Themes & Building Blocks
- It's already easy to change the layout but with building blocks and themes it will be effortless.
WebGL Configurator
- The best possible user experience in product customization can be achieved only through a strong visual approach such as this one. And we would love to bring it to Odoo.
Why us and why Odoo?
Odoo is the leader in opensource ERP systems. And our main focus is to find solutions where the standard is not enough.
For example in Austria only 3 companies have been granted the license to handle waste in the entire Austrian territory in 2015.
One of them is our customer. And they are using Odoo.
Developed in collaboration with the Austrian partner WT-IO-IT our Waste Management System is producing and handling more than 13.000 incoming invoices for controlling and more than 3.500 outgoing invoices each year. The results speak for themselves.
Our partnership with OCA on this project is crucial for the opensource objective. OCA is by far the largest organization in the Odoo ecosystem with over 540 contributors. Dedicated to promoting widespread usage of Odoo and development.
If the campaign reaches the target the repositories will be hosted and maintained by OCA.
OCA Board:
`We most definitely support this great initiative! And we are convinced of the quality of this work. We are 100% committed to it and would be glad to see it under the OCA umbrella! Let's make it happen !`
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will it be released?
A1: If any perk is achieved the respective module will be released instantly. Including the full package perk.
A2: If the campaign does not reach the budget or milestone and you got the Base perk or higher you will get the module from the perk instantly after signing the license agreement.
Q: What if I got a perk lower than the 'Base' and the campaign does not reach the budget or a milestone?
A: If not even the first milestone is reached you will get double the amount you donated in discount from the retail price after the campaign ends or a full refund before the campaign ends.
If any milestone is reached your contribution is considered as a important part for reaching the milestone and you will get the respective module as AGPLv3.
Q: What license will it have?
A1: Any milestone will release the respective modules as AGPLv3.
A2: If the campaign does not reach the first milestone the license will be closed source for backers with 'Base' Perk and above.
Q: What Odoo version does it support?
A: V8, V9 and soon V10.
Q: Does it work with Odoo Enterprise?
A: Yes
Any other questions?
Reach us at or by visiting our website
Spread the word!
Do us all a favor and share this news on your social media channels. You can use the button on the top of the campaign.
Thank you for your support!