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Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

A revolutionary hands-free mobility device that brings freedom back into the lives of its users.

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Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

Ogo - Grab Life By The Wheels!

A revolutionary hands-free mobility device that brings freedom back into the lives of its users.

A revolutionary hands-free mobility device that brings freedom back into the lives of its users.

A revolutionary hands-free mobility device that brings freedom back into the lives of its users.

A revolutionary hands-free mobility device that brings freedom back into the lives of its users.

Kevin Halsall
Kevin Halsall
Kevin Halsall
Kevin Halsall
1 Campaign |
Otaki, New Zealand
$99,802 USD 505 backers
41% of $240,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Open up a whole new world of freedom and mobility for millions of people with disabilities.

The Ogo is the only completely hands-free two-wheeled self-balancing transportation device in the world. 

It opens up a whole new world of freedom and mobility for millions of people with disabilities. 

During our testing program, we have been getting overwhelmingly positive responses. 

Paraplegics, quadriplegics, quad amputees and people with many other disabilities have been able to use the Ogo effectively. 

It’s clear the Ogo is going to dramatically change a lot of people’s lives for the better.      

The Ogo has a unique active-seat control, and works by the operator leaning in the direction they want to travel. 

If you lean forward, the Ogo will move forward; if you lean back, the Ogo will move back; if you lean to one side the Ogo will turn in that direction. 


This allows you to move intuitively, with your body becoming part of the machine. It also helps improve core and upper-body strength, and mobility.

At times when you don’t want the seat steering, there is a small thumb controlled joystick option that can be mounted on the left or right side. 

Simply flick a switch to lock the side-to-side seat movement and engage the joystick giving you very precise left or right control.

The joystick and push-button controls can be placed on the left or right hand side of the Ogo.

We've spent a lot of time and money developing the Ogo and proving it's life-changing capabilities. 

Our team is determined the Ogo is not going to be an exclusive high end product. 


We're committed to do every thing we can to keep the price as affordable as possible. Your help at this critical stage will make a significant difference to what the final price of the Ogo will be.

And it doesn't end there, the more we learn about people with disabilities, the more we see how difficult and poorly supported their world is. 

So with increased financial resources we plan to keep on developing new and exciting cutting-edge products designed to give people more independence and freedom in their lives.  

Until now, the Ogo has been developed for lower-level spinal injuries. 

However during the last 5 months of testing, we’ve realised with a few design adjustments, it can cater to varying levels of disabilities. 

The new prototypes will have push button controls for ease of starting up and powering down, as well as automatic shut down if the rider gets off the seat. 

We will also be improving the seat design. 

The five testing prototypes will be tested in the main centres of New Zealand. There, they will be available for people to try out and test, giving us valuable feedback. 

All contributors – will be updated along the way. We’re already keeping our crowd updated on YouTube and via email. We’re gonna take you along with us as we build the prototypes. We want you to see us go from one Ogo, to thousands!

Place In The Line

Although production is not covered by this campaign, every contributor gets a ‘place in the line’. When and if we go into production, you will be given the opportunity to purchase an Ogo before they go on sale to the general public. 

Your place is determined by the level at which you contribute, and when you jumped on board.

  • Prototype contributors will be given an automatic upgrade to the first 5 production models off the line. These will come with an individually numbered plate (#1-#5 in order of contribution); 8 years maintenance and service; and free delivery.
  • The First 95 contributors will be given the opportunity to purchase the next 95 production models off the line. These will come with an individually numbered plate (#6-#100 in order of contribution); and free delivery.
  • Premium Contributors ("Tier 1") will receive the opportunity to buy their production models next, followed by Foundation ("Tier 2") and other contributors ("Tier 3"). 

Merchandise Perks

We’ve tried to manage our perks to ensure the time and money given to this campaign goes to making Ogos, rather than stuffing packages with mugs and t-shirts.

We do want to make this exciting though, and we plan to run a t-shirt design competition during the campaign. All contributors at $100 or higher will get a t-shirt designed and voted on by the Ogo contributors.

Postcard momento – up to you if you want it, but Indiegogo would like us to offer you something “tangible or intangible which has an objectively assessable value”.  So we’ll send you a postcard. If you want it.

Wristband – this snazzy contributors-only wristband is available at the $50 level.

T-Shirt – we’d love for you to help us design our campaign t-shirt. We’ll be running a t-shirt design contest in Weeks 2 and 3, with a winner announced before we close. Contributors of $100 or more will receive at least one t-shirt.

Digital Perks

Thank-you page – we love you, so we’re going to put you on our website forever and always. Founding Contributors will get their name listed, while Premium Contributors will get a photo or logo too. If you’re one of the First 95 Contributors, we’ll publish your number alongside your photo as well.

Google Hangout – Founding Contributors and above will be invited to hangout with Kev and Marcus in Kev's Shed virtually. They’ll answer your questions and show you what the Ogo can do! This will be a group hangout and does not give you one-on-one time with Kevin or Marcus.

Skype call – get a one-on-one Skype chat with Kevin and/or Marcus. Or get them to talk to your class or group. They'll answer your questions and tell you the story of the Ogo. Times must be mutually agreed between the contributor and the Ogo team.

Each Ogo prototype is individually hand crafted. This means time to build, and parts that are created and sourced individually.

Prototypes are significantly more expensive than the production models that we are aiming to bring to market. 

These prototypes are for those early adopters who want to have it now. But this campaign gets us closer to production - and more affordable models for the masses.

If you buy a prototype, you will also receive an off-road conversion kit. You are also entitled to a free upgrade to the first production machines. These will come with free service and maintenance for the first 8 years.  

Please read the Terms and Conditions before committing to buying a prototype.

A big part of the cost involved here is in buying the materials. Once we go into production and buy in bigger orders, these will cost less per-unit.

We also need to cover off a few legal and patent requirements in order to make the Ogo available worldwide.

The $240,000 we are raising in this campaign will be spent as shown below:

To give you an idea of how long it will take us to get from where we are now to  getting our prototypes tested, and starting production, here's a timeline.

This is how we envision it now - before we launch this crowdfunding campaign. Things might change - in which case we'll keep you up to date.

Perk delivery - we have outsourced perk delivery for the merchandise perks. This third-party company will deliver your perks to you within the specified timeline. That said, things go wrong and we're required to let you know that perks aren't guaranteed. If things do go wrong, we’ll let you know everything we know as we go along.

Buying prototypes – we will build the prototype if you buy one, but you’ll need to come pick it up from New Zealand. We’ll be in close contact with you about your prototype after the campaign closes. Please ensure you read the T&Cs before committing to purchasing a prototype.

Project goal – please note that the goal of this project is to build prototype Ogos – not to bring it to market. Our supply chains for prototype manufacturing are set, and we’ve done it before, so we envision making this goal.

Production Ogos - are not part of this campaign. However, any additional funds over our initial goal will be put towards production costs such as tooling. Getting above our goal gets us closer to getting Ogo out to the masses.

Place in the line - production Ogos are not part of this campaign, but we are planning to go into production. Opportunities will be granted to contributors of this campaign to purchase a production Ogo before it goes on general sale, if and when we go into manufacturing. Production Ogos will be offered at a price considerably more affordable than the prototype models in this campaign. The sooner you jump onboard as a contributor, the sooner you can get your hands on an Ogo.

The best way to help us get production models to market is to help us refine our prototypes. You can do this by giving to our campaign and getting us one step closer.

If you don't have the cash to contribute, then send the link to this campaign page to the people you know would be interested in it. We can only succeed if we get in front of as many people as possible.

If you want to stay in touch, the links to our social media accounts are below - we'd love to have you on the journey with us!

And if you'd like to stay in-the-know about the Ogo, sign up to our mailing list!

For media wishing to cover the Ogo and our campaign, please email us at

We have a media pack available for download including high-res photos and stock video. Please feel free to use these resources while covering the Ogo.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


The First 95

$1,000 USD
Want to prove you got one of the first Ogos in the world? Reserve your spot in the queue and have the opportunity to purchase an individually numbered Ogo when and if we go into production. We'll throw in free shipping too. You'll also get your name and photo on the 'thank you' page of our website (along with your number in line), 4 t-shirts, an invite to the hangout, and contributor updates.
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
44 out of 95 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thank You

$10 USD
Join the team as we build 10 more Ogo prototypes and test them on a wide range of disabilities. Follow us through to production and show your support for Ogo! You'll get Tier 3 access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. You'll also get an exclusive contributors-only postcard momento to prove you helped bring the Ogo to life.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
81 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Founding Contributor

$25 USD
Your name will be listed on a dedicated 'thank-you' page on our website as a “Founding Contributor”. Join us in an exclusive contributor-only online hangout. Ask your questions, and see what the Ogo can do. You'll also get Tier 2 access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. Plus get ongoing updates on the project as well as an exclusive postcard momento.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
169 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Founding Contributor Wristband

$50 USD
As well as being listed on our dedicated 'thank-you' page as a "Founding Contributor", we’ll send you a snazzy contributors-only wristband! You'll also get Tier 2 access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. Plus, join our live hangout, and receive our exclusive updates.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
69 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Founding Contributor T-Shirt

$100 USD
Get an awesome American Apparel, contributors-only t-shirt! We don’t know what they look like yet – we’re going to let you help us decide. Designs will be confirmed before the end of the campaign. You'll also get Tier 2 access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. And be listed on our dedicated 'thank-you' page as a "Founding Contributor", join our live hangout, and receive our exclusive updates.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
77 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Premium Contributor

$250 USD
Have your name or logo displayed as a "Premium Contributor" on the 'thank-you' page of the Ogo website. You'll also get Tier 1 priority access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. Plus get 4 t-shirts, join our live hangout, and receive our exclusive updates.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
32 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Premium Contributor Skype Call

$500 USD
Chat to Kev and/or Marcus via Skype, ask your questions and hear the story of the Ogo. They can also talk to groups or events via Skype. You'll also get Tier 1 priority access to purchase a production Ogo before the public, when and if they become available. Plus your name or logo displayed as a "Premium Contributor" on the 'thank-you' page of our website. We’ll also send you 4 t-shirts, an invite for the group hangout, and our exclusive updates.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Ogo Prototype

$40,000 USD
Get your hands on one of the first Ogos ever made! These are individually hand crafted machines and are no reflection of what the production Ogos will cost This perk does not include travel to New Zealand to pick up your Ogo. Prototype Ogos come with training, an off road conversion kit, plus an upgrade to one of the first 5 production models when they become available. Your production model will come with 8 years free servicing. Please read the T&Cs carefully before purchasing.
Estimated Shipping
November 2016
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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