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Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates ocean fishing. It's similar to Hard Truck but with boats instead of trucks.

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Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates ocean fishing. It's similar to Hard Truck but with boats instead of trucks.

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates ocean fishing. It's similar to Hard Truck but with boats instead of trucks.

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates ocean fishing. It's similar to Hard Truck but with boats instead of trucks.

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates ocean fishing. It's similar to Hard Truck but with boats instead of trucks.

Lunatic Engine
Lunatic Engine
Lunatic Engine
Lunatic Engine
1 Campaign |
Bucuresti, Romania
$2 USD 2 backers
0% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Main Goals

  1. Raising 3,000$ in order to buy a professional license of Unity 3D.

  2. Getting 100 likes on Facebook.

Help us to get to our goals and you won't regret it :) .


New idea

I also have a new idea for the game.

First of all I'm going to make this game into an RPG.
Secondly, in order to make it a little bit more fun, I'm thinking of introducing pirates into the game. I've got this idea when i was talking with my friends. Pirates would steal the fish and damage the boats. In order to stop this, it will be possible to hire some mercenaries to protect the boat.

So I will be waiting for your feedbacks about this ideas in the comment section and if it will be some positive ones I want to start implementing it as soon as I finish the 0.6 version. I am already working with a graphic artist for releasing the new game which is going to be far better.

Waiting for your opinions, let's make this work!


About "Oki Doki Boats" v.0.5

Oki Doki Boats is a game which simulates the ocean fishing.

It's similar to Hard Truck but with fishing companies. The main difference is that the gameplay involves boats instead of trucks.

Operating system : currently only works on Windows but wish to extend it on *different platforms.

This game is being developed using Unity 3D game engine.


What we wish to accomplish?

The game is in its beginning stage. In the end we want to have a better resemblance to Hard Truck relating the distributing of cargo. In Oki Doki Boats this system will involve catching different species of fish and selling them or offering a certain ammount of it in exchange of rewards when the player finishes a task.

The world of the game will offer a lot of islands with many docks from which the player can get tasks. In these docks one can find NPCs which offer jobs for different companies.

Also we intend to make the game multiplayer so you can compete with your friends.

The final goal is to make the game available for different platforms.


Gameplay description

Coming soon!


Main Tasks

  • Code optimization.

  • Restyling the 3D models.

  • Adding more islands.

  • Making quests from NPC available to players.

  • Rethinking the game economics.


In current version the player can do the following

  • Fish
  • Sell the capture for rewards
  • Upgrade the boat attributes.
  • Explore the world.
  • See the NPC actions.


Future changes will come in version 0.6

  • Better shader for water
  • Resolve some language bugs
  • A new Boat model
  • Rebuild the GUI for all Screen resolutions
  • Some code optimization
  • Others


This game is free, anyone can have it by downloading it from gallery


Here is the DOWNLOAD LINK for version 0.5 


About this campaign

This is a campaign for a free to play game, developed by 2 students and anyone who gives us a donation will be mentioned in the game credits. 

You can also contribute by giving a like on Facebook or Google+.


What will I do with the donations?

-  I will buy licenses for the following:

  • Autodesk 3D Max
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Unity 3D Pro license

-  I will buy new hardware for extending the game on *different platforms:

  • New PC
  • Graphic tablet
  • Others

-  I will hire 2D/3D artists to make more realistic assets for this game and  sound artist to make sound effects and original music. 


Coming soon with more informations!

Check our gallery, we have some screenshots there and Oki Doki Boats game client.


* Windows, Web, iOS and Android.



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Choose your Perk

Small donation

$1 USD
It's just a small donation to help us with this game, also you'll be mentioned in the classic credits list.
2 claimed

Medium donation

$3 USD
It's just a medium donation to help me with this game, also you'll be mentioned in the silver credits list.
0 claimed

Big donation

$5 USD
It's just a big donation to help me with this game, also you'll be mentioned in the gold credits list.
0 claimed

Your name donation

$20 USD
I'll name an NPC with the donor's realistic request, also you'll be mentioned in the gold credits list.
0 out of 20 of claimed

Your Story donation

$50 USD
I'll make you a story character in the game, with your realistic details, also you'll be mentioned in the gold credits list.
0 out of 5 of claimed

"Source Code" donation

$500 USD
I'll make custom missions, stories, jobs, rewards and other features by request, also you'll be mentioned in the gold credits list and the loading screen.
0 out of 10 of claimed

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