It’s About
When I started thinking about this film, I asked my mom to talk on camera
about what it’s like to be older. She replied “Older than what?” My mom’s pretty funny. She’s also
A LOT of
assumptions are made about people based on their age. And because of those
assumptions, a lot of older people start to feel invisible. But age is just a
Older people in the LGBTTIQ2S community (LGBTQ for short) face double or
triple stigmas. They become invisible not only in society but in their own
community. This film, Older Than What?
is about capturing the thoughts, experiences, struggles, knowledge, sex appeal and
charm of older LGBTQs and celebrating it all up there on the big screen.
My name is Steen Starr and I’m the
writer/director. I’m 54 years old. I don’t really like saying that but I also
don’t think it should matter. Older Than
What? is my second film. (See below for my 1st film).
Lulu Wei is my videographer/camera person.
She’s a lot younger. But she’s experienced and skilled in technical things,
which I’m not. To see some of Lulu’s work, click here.
The subjects in the film are interesting,
thoughtful people I’ve met here and there. They identify somewhere in the
continuum of “queer” and being above a certain age. And they have things to
Older Than
What? will be a short, quippy, honest, surprising, bold and
heartfelt film about being older and LGBTQ, in the voices of older LGBTQs
themselves. It has the power to make invisible people visible.
We Need & What You Get
Than What? has been approved for funding from two
arts councils in Ontario: the Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council.
But, even though my budget is small and
my production goals are modest, these grants don’t cover everything. And about 50%
of the approved funds will only be released if the rest of my budget is raised.
So your support is like a matching donation! If you help us reach our
crowdfunding goal, you will be helping us raise about 3 times as much!!
Here’s What You Get:
A high five Thank You
on our website and your name in the film credits.
All of the above and
a personal email from the director.
All of the above and a
custom-made Older Than What? button to pin to your lapel or your shawl or your
Miss Universe sash, and start conversations.
All of the above plus
an exclusive Visibility Feather. Wear it in your hair, in your hat, in your
buttonhole, in your cleavage. It significantly decreases invisibility.
All of the above plus
an invitation to the film’s premiere in your area.
All of the above plus
credit in the film as an Executive Producer and
access to great additional footage that doesn’t make it to the final cut (alas,
not everything can go in).
My first film, Putting the “I” in Trans, turned societal omission and
discrimination on its head. It also allowed a whole community to laugh at the
absurdity of being, well, railroaded over. By a typo. It circulated to over 20 film
festivals worldwide and won the audience award for Best GenderBender short in
Hamburg, Germany. Click here if you
want to watch it.
Than What? aims to give voice and visibility back
to those who regrettably remark that in their day to day lives, “Most people
don’t even notice I’m there.”
LGBTQ communities enjoy rights and
privileges today because our senior members fought for them. These are the
people who rallied for marriage, for parenting, for workplace equality and
protection from hate crimes, and who made governments and the healthcare system
pay attention to AIDS, in the midst of unthinkable loss. And they are blazing a
trail again, as the first group of openly LGBTQ people who will age into senior
They deserve a film. Even if it’s a
short one.
Ways To Help
Some people can't contribute, and
that’s okay, but other ways you can help include:
- Spreading the word and let others know about our
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
- Dance, talk, flirt, get real with someone who’s older!!
Make the invisible visible!!