Why this Film?
The film shines the light on solutions at a time where there is a real crisis with Opioids. The film explores many treatment options such as Stem Cell Therapy, Laser Therapy, Trigger Point Injections, Spinal Decompression, Homeopathy, Cannabis and Plants, Mind/Body/Spirit - Bio/Psycho/Social, Nutrition, NUCCA, Epigenetics, Hypnotherapy, Floating, Sound and Light Therapy. The film is almost finished now and going for post production work.
The reason why the film is important today is because to my knowledge, there has never been a film done on chronic pain as a significant subject. Yet in North America, every 1 out of 5 people is caught in the grip of chronic pain. You or someone you know might be suffering right now. It is the new silent epidemic. People can get trapped between opioid dependency and unresolvable pain for the rest of their lives. Opioids are amazing in the cases of acute crisis and trauma and in some cases of terminal illness.
However, Governments are putting pressure on doctors to reduce or stop prescribing opioids in cases of chronic pain without offering any alternative. This only alienates people who are suffering, and leaves them scrambling to find solutions. With this film, I want to give them hope. We are living in extraordinary times when cannabis is being rediscovered for its medicinal properties all over the world, mind body medicine is getting more and more validated, new therapies are emerging like Floating, sound and light, virtual reality... We are moving away from a Newtonian concept of medicine to Quantum Physics and Epigenetics and we are discovering the power of our emotions and our minds to positively affect our lives.
Why do doctors need to watch it?
The information we have in our film is extremely important for people suffering from chronic pain, the general public, but also healthcare practitioners. When faced with patients with acute pain and traumas, modern Western Medicine is amazing at helping people resolve or reduce their symptoms. However, drugs and surgery often are not a solution for people living in chronic pain. By being exposed to the solutions explored in the film, doctors will be empowered to explore an integrative approach to health and healing, where various health care providers come together to provide a holistic resolution for their patients.
What are some of the stories?
The film is full of inspiring stories of men and women of diverse ages, who were in deep states of depression and on the verge of suicide because their lives were plunged into unstoppable and unbearable pain.
As an example, two women in the film, after having a very healthy and athletic lifestyle, were bedridden for years at a time. A good day for them was to be able to move around while confined to a wheelchair. Having gone to dozens of specialists and having tried all the drugs prescribed to them, they found themselves still locked into a constant state of pain, unable to function and having lost their quality of life or reason for living.
After undertaking the journey of an alternative holistic approach and discovering the power that lies within each of us, they were able to regain their quality of life. One of these inspiring women started doing martial arts again and the other began marathon-running. These were just two of the many awe inspiring stories that I had the fortune of discovering in my journey of making this film.
What are the modalities and techniques the film talks about?
In the film I only talk about the things that I have discovered. I do not cover everything that is out there, that would be impossible. I just wanted to shed the light on the therapies that have made the most impact on me. Some examples are Homeopathy, which I have used all my life, NUCCA, a specific kind of chiropractic which deals with the upper cervical area, Float Therapy, light and sound healing, plants and cannabis ...
In the process of making this film for 2 years, we found that chronic pain often resolves completely just by changing the way people eat and adopting a plant based lifestyle. We also discover that emotions and attitudes toward pain, can have a profound impact on how we resolve the pain.
Why We Need The Funds
The filming is done. The costs now will be allocated to postproduction, including editing, sound mixing, coloring, legal costs, graphic design, purchasing of stock, translations and subtitles (French, Spanish, Portuguese, English), DVD authoring, entering the film in film festivals. This is where most of the money is going to go.
Some of our Cast:
Dr. Michael Klaper
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. Daniel Amen
Dr. Donny Epstein
Dr. Neal Barnard
Dr. Beth Darnell
Dr. Ethan Russo
+ many more cast members including patient stories of healing.
Who are we?
My partner Jennifer and I have been producing corporate videos for the last 9 years and have produced about 2000 videos for marketing purposes for businesses. I directed my first feature length documentary “Your Second Fifty: Rising above the fears of aging” back in 2015. 3 years later the film is still being screened to sold out audiences across North America. Immediately I dove into my second feature length documentary, “To Life Death and Beyond: The Music of Magma”. We won the award for Best Feature-length Documentary at the Jukebox International Film Festival in Nevada and we were nominated for Best Documentary for numerous film festivals for The Music of Magma.
On A Scale of 1 to 10: The Silent Epidemic is now our third feature-length documentary.
I went to a film school in France in my early twenties and I have always been passionate about filmmaking. I wrote my first screenplay at the age of 20.
When I was ten years old my grandfather would take me to movies on my days off from school. From then up till now, watching a film has been and still is a spiritual experience for me. With each film I make, I bring to it that same passion that I had watching it as a child with my grandfather.