Who We Are.
A crew of UNT students who simply love creating films. Our crew is only FILM MAJORS who want to see a great idea expertly executed. Our crew doesn't care how tired they get or how red their eyes get starring at an editing screen. We are getting this done.
Our Crew is:
➊Felipe Lerner ➋David Baldwin ➌Cody Graham ➍Devin Crase
➎Jordan Schuster ➏Cooper Carr ➐Juan Flores ➑Kendall James
The Story.
The film is about a homeless man, Bajo. Taken in by boxing trainer wanting to bring out Bajo's talent. Bajo tries to make it through the haze of finding what he wants. This is his last attempt, his last round; to endevor the trial life has beset.
What Our Story Needs.
We are in need of some help in order to create this film. There are many things that need to be paid for in order for this film to work. We are trying to pay for...
Transportation, our camera alone needs its' own van along with our lighting equpiment. Renting multiple vans needless to say is not cheap.
Catering, turns out actors and extras eat food. And burly Grips have appitites that eats right through our pockets.
Location fees, the boxing arena we are renting costs $500 alone. We have two more locations where every dollar counts.
Costumes & Set Dressing, to create a beliveable world we have to build multple layers into our sets and dress our actors in such a way they meld with the sets.
Make-up, a boxing film means bruises, cuts, and broken lips. Now we can't beat up on our actors so we have to use pricey make up techniques.
Aid our story. Simply donate. It will be our glad duty to make every dollar count.