On The Wild Side
Hunting is the act of trapping and killing animals.
On The Wild Side is a feature-length documentary aiming to investigate issues related to various types of hunting around the world. This film is the first of its kind.
On The Wild Side will bring viewers on a global journey to meet people carrying on work against hunting. The film will show different approaches the anti-hunting movement uses to defend animals. It will bring to the screen testimonies from politicians and law enforcement agents as well as organizations and activists working on the frontline of the anti-hunting movement to give the viewers a complete picture of what can be done to stop hunting.
On the Wild Side will attempt to analyze what drives people to kill for entertainment and will investigate and expose the effects that hunting has on local ecosystems, wildlife populations, and endangered species, whether those animals are creatures from land, sea, or air.
The international team working on the project is composed of professionals in the film / documentary industries, led by director Giacomo Giorgi. The team share a common bond of compassion for life and a will to end injustice. The film will be narrated in English by professional speaker, humanitarian, and activist Greg Bennick.
The goal of the documentary is to educate people about the realities of hunting and to act as a catalyst towards its eventual end. This film will inspire people to take a position against hunting and help viewers to have the knowledge of what they can do to stand themselves On The Wild Side.
We have already started production on the film, recording interviews across Europe, Australia and North America, and every time we speak to someone new, we realise how much inspiring material and new ideas people are sharing with us. As well as in the main film itself, we will find ways to use all of additional interview content - which otherwise would have been relegated during editing to the cutting room floor - for other smaller features with specific goals for each piece. These smaller pieces will help develop the On The Wild Side Initiative, and this initiative - comprised of specific issues oriented to different aspects of hunting - will expand our global reach.
What We Need & What You Get
On The Wild Side will be a professionally made full length documentary and we need your help to cover the substantial costs behind this production, which, despite the investment of all our personal savings, remain beyond our financial capabilities.
Our goal is to cover travel expenses for three people to five continents. The total needed includes: airfare for the team, car rentals, gas, tolls etc. All crew working on the documentary have to take time off from their daily lives in order to work on the project. As much as we are driven by passion, we need help to cover some of these basic costs.
The budget for On The Wild Side is higher than the 60,000 euros we are asking you to help us raise, but if we manage to pass this initial amount, we will invest that money in things to make the documentary even better, such as post-production work including subtitles in different languages and also dubbing in different languages. Both of these would expand the global reach of the project.
We worked out quite a few perks to give you something for your generosity and to thank your your support. All perks will be unique and limited to the crowdfunding campaign. We are very excited about this, and we hope you are going to be too.
The Impact
If you witness injustice, it is your duty to do something about it. We all share our lives on the same planet and wildlife is no one's property. So given this situation the question is: what can we do to stop some individuals from killing for the sake of killing, while destroying everyone's habitat?
Giving voice to those who fight against illegal, trophy, and recreational hunting is a first step to expose the pointless cruelty that surrounds these activities.
On The Wild Side is going to be a tool to help people stop hunting and, as a result of the associated social and direct action campaigns which accompany the film, will be more than 'just' a documentary!
Your investment will become much more than simply supporting a documentary film. Instead you can be assured that your generosity will help create transformation by way of developing a solid platform to condemn hunting worldwide. As has been true of many other successful and ongoing movements in the past: the goal to abolish slavery, the drive for women' s equality, or the fight for civil rights, this is a movement which will help us arrive at a better society, freed from the psychological and physical burden of useless violence.
Risks & Challenges
So far we have invested all of our savings but the results we are getting already have surpassed our expectations. We are determined, and our goal is to have the project seen worldwide by as many people as possible.
We'd like to have the documentary ready for the first quarter of 2018. That implies that we will have to work as much as we can on the project during the rest of the year.
Other Ways You Can Help:
Help us spread the word. The further our reach, the more effective On The Wild Side will be.
Organise a fund raising event! We have dozens of ideas for different types of fundraisers. Please contact us for a list of options. One that many have found effective is to gather a group of friends for a dinner event. After watching the trailer and hearing a pitch about the film, each attended could donate and together they will make a substantial difference. We would be happy to try and coordinate one of our team members to Skype in for a direct pitch to your group about the intent and content of the film.
If you know someone who could help us in this project, please make sure they are aware of our existence. Share the website and social media links for the film and tell them from a personal standpoint about why this project is important to you.
With your help we can make a change!