A Hannah Montana Story
Did you grow up watching Hannah Montana? Did your life change dramatically in 2011 when the show was cancelled? Well look no further! Life’s What You Make It, and we made a Hannah Montana Mockumentary with ours. "One In a Million: A Hannah Montana Story" is a mockumentary style short film that follows the key creators of Hannah Montana through a series of auditions to find their next pop sensation.
Their search starts nationally but after a series of bad auditions, the creators decide to go international. Auditions include: Morgan Oregon, Winona Arizona, Ryan Rhode Island, Olivia Bolivia, Dan Vietnam and more. Could they be the one?
This Is the Life... The Film Life, and It Costs Money
We are currently in the post production phase of the short. We are raising $1,900 for film festival entry fees and gear rentals used to create the film.
Film festivals are a great opportunity for upcoming filmmakers to get exposure and meet new people. Whether you’re an amateur filmmaker or an experienced professional, submitting to film festivals is critical in your success as a filmmaker. Film festivals are one of the main ways creators can display their films to large audiences. But they can be very expensive. Entry fees range from $25-$100 and our goal is to submit to around 50 festivals.
We would also like to raise enough money to pay the crew for rentals used to make the short. In order to raise the overall production value of the film, we had rent gear. The crew put not only their time into this film, but their money too. We would like to be able to reimburse them for gear rentals which include: lighting, camera, and grip equipment.
We believe this film has a great chance of getting selected by a variety of comedic film festivals. This would be an amazing opportunity as a filmmaker. With your help, we can make this dream come true.
Make Some Noise
If you can't donate, spreading the word about our campaign is one of the best ways to provide additional support. Share our IndieGoGo page, email your friends, post about us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Get the word out there! Also follow along on instagram @hannahlillypictures starting August 4th for campaign updates and behind the scenes looks at the upcoming short film! Updates about the release will be coming soon!